Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 308: The Beauty Group

Yin Xinyue smiled and said: "This is not easy, I will fulfill his wish."

I said helplessly: "That's what you say, but how can it be so easy for you to ask the other person about their unfulfilled wishes? Maybe if you don't pay attention, you will make the other person angry!"

Yin Xinyue said: "Of course, if we ask blatantly, he will definitely be angry. But if we use a little more tricks, I guess he won't be angry, right?"

I looked at Yin Xinyue's confident look in confusion, and I didn't know where her confidence came from.

Yin Xinyue said with a smile: "Since he is an ancient poet, then I can dress up as an ancient beauty. It is difficult for a hero to be a beauty. And judging from your description of the undead, I think he should be missing a confidante. As long as I become his confidante, won't I be able to come up with something?"

I burst into laughter. This was a big joke. This thing is easy to say but very difficult to do. First, we are all modern people. How can it be so easy to be close friends of the ancients?

Second, I really can't bear for Yin Xinyue to take this risk, so I categorically disagree.

Yin Xinyue looked at me helplessly: "Don't worry, there won't be any problems. Have you forgotten what I do? I have some research on the psychological activities of ancient people. You can just take a look at it when the time comes."

I'm very confused and don't understand what Yin Xinyue means. Yin Xinyue said with a smile: "I am a movie maker. I have also made several costume dramas before. During that period, I devoted myself wholeheartedly to the role and almost became one with the character."

When Yin Xinyue said this, I became interested in her performance, so I asked her which movie it was in? Also let me observe and learn.

Yin Xinyue shyly showed me the video clip of her performance. She was a small character in "The Heart of the Palace". She didn't have many roles, but Yin Xinyue's costumes were breathtakingly beautiful.

I suddenly looked forward to seeing Yin Xinyue in ancient costume.

Yin Xinyue said that the costumes were all at the company and she had to go back to borrow them.

I felt that after being together with Xinyue for so long, it was a little unreasonable not to go to her company once, so I asked if I could go with her?

Yin Xinyue smiled and nodded in agreement, and immediately took me to the film and television company branch.

This place specializes in providing agent services for artists, so there are many big and small celebrity models in the company. Walking in really feels like walking into a country of daughters. Each one of them is so beautiful that they definitely stand out among the crowd.

It's the company's off-season now, so these actors and models can just come to the company every day and wait for announcements. Not many actors and models accept films, and they all hang out in the company chatting and surfing the Internet.

Looking at those big white legs, my heart almost jumped out of my chest. This is definitely not a place for men to stay. Even I am a little confused by the big white legs in front of me.

Many beauties greeted Yin Xinyue enthusiastically and asked Yin Xinyue to introduce me. They didn't know my identity, so I should be full of mystery to them.

Before coming here, Yin Xinyue specially told me to stay aloof in front of everyone, so as not to affect my image as a master.

I couldn't help but laugh. What a fool. A year ago, I was still a pure hanging silk.

However, in order not to embarrass Yin Xinyue, I still pretended to be aloof and just nodded lightly with a smile when I saw people.

Many models chased me and asked all kinds of strange questions. Most of them were about the recent troubles at home. Did the things I bought block my luck? Why don't you become popular even though you work so hard? A few girls even secretly gave me their business cards and asked me to call them at night.

I suddenly had the urge to run away. This place was simply a paradise for scumbags and a hell for serious men.

Moreover, that stinky girl Xinyue seemed to really like the way I looked red-faced, and she didn't help me at all, which made me very angry.

Finally, I arrived at Yin Xinyue's lounge. I thought I could finally get relief. Who would have thought that this lounge was shared by Yin Xinyue and four other girls. At this moment, four stunning beauties were half-lying on the sofa in the lounge. , all wearing short skirts and shirts, and there was even a girl who probably didn't like the heat, so she simply wore a bikini and walked around in the lounge.

After seeing me, the four bored girls suddenly became interested and surrounded me like a tide, asking me to show them my 'special power'.

I glanced at Yin Xinyue helplessly. I really don't know if I was described as a god in Yin Xinyue's mouth, and she even asked me to show my 'special powers'?

This feeling of being surrounded by beautiful women was really uncomfortable. My mind was in a whirlwind and I couldn't resist these passionate girls. I had a headache, so I looked at Yin Xinyue for help.

And Yin Xinyue just laughed at me and had no intention of coming to rescue me. She just said that she would go to the boss's office to ask for leave and left. I was locked up with four girls in this fragrant boudoir.

I couldn't bear the discomfort I was holding back. They all looked at me like gods, making me incoherent, blushing, and making a huge fool of myself... Maybe it's because I'm not very good at dealing with strange animals like women, right?

Among the four girls, the one who impressed me the most was a girl with short hair. The girl with short hair had beautiful features, fair skin, and a pair of big, watery eyes. She spoke the least and just kept using weird words. Eyes fixed on me.

The most coquettish and open-minded red-haired girl next to her smiled and joked: "Dandan admires you so much. Look at the way she looks at you with admiration. You can't let down our Dandan."

Dandan suddenly turned red and started to fight with the red-haired girl.

The other two girls are not particularly outstanding in appearance, but their figures are nothing to say. Their breasts and buttocks are very good, and their two big white legs exude an alluring color. They are all in an "S" shape, which makes me... How can a man who has only been in love once maintain control?

In the end, I couldn't hold it in any longer, so I had to excuse myself to go to the toilet and leave.

But after I entered the restroom in the lounge, I suddenly remembered that this was a women's restroom, and there was only a women's restroom. In other words, the restroom I went to was actually a women's restroom?

My face suddenly turned redder, and I didn't know whether to walk out.

Just when I was in a dilemma, the door to the lounge was opened. Yin Xinyue smiled and said, what are you doing around the bathroom?

I almost choked on my saliva, but they were all surrounding the women's room? This made me feel so embarrassed, and I was so embarrassed.

The red-haired girl said: "Xinyue, you really teach your husband well. You are evil-minded but not courageous. You don't dare to attack us blatantly and go to the toilet to masturbate..."

I couldn't stand it anymore, so I immediately opened the toilet door and walked out, stammering: "Don't talk nonsense, I didn't think about it that much at all."

Yin Xinyue smiled and said: "Okay, I see you have been tortured enough, come with me."

"Don't go." The red-haired girl immediately stopped Yin Xinyue: "Xinyue, you sisters are not doing it right. Are you two planning to go on a honeymoon? Take us with you. We are really suffocating here. .”

Yin Xinyue immediately became mysterious: "Tsk, I'm not going to go sightseeing, I'm going to catch ghosts."

"Catch ghosts!" The girls' eyes immediately widened, and their expressions were so excited that they couldn't help themselves. They looked like they had won a million-dollar lottery.

"Come on, tell me, come on." Several girls immediately began to shout: "Tell us what ghost you are going to catch this time? If you never see a ghost once in your life, you will be really depressed. .”

I couldn't help but laugh. What kind of bullshit logic is this? If a person has never seen a ghost in his life, does he feel aggrieved?

I don't want to get into trouble. Looking at the appearance of these girls, I wish I could form a group to catch ghosts. If they know that we are really going to catch ghosts, then they will definitely have to pester us to go together.

I pulled Yin Xinyue and wanted to leave, but I didn't expect that the red-haired girl hugged my arm and rubbed her breasts hard on my arm: "Brother, you have pity on us, just follow us Let’s talk about it.”

I couldn't laugh or cry immediately. Do I have any reason to refuse? He could only look at Yin Xinyue pitifully.

Yin Xinyue said with a smile: "Well, it seems that you are so pitiful that you have never seen a ghost, so I will talk to you."

So Yin Xinyue told what happened to me last night in an exaggerated way, and even changed the protagonist to herself. In her description, she was experienced and mature, fearless in the face of danger, and finally managed to appease the dead.

Tonight she planned to go directly to subdue the undead.

The thrilling ghost story attracted several girls and made them dumbfounded. The horror also made them scream in horror, which made me dumbfounded for a while.

Unexpectedly, Yin Xinyue, who is usually gentle and sweet, also likes to brag in front of good friends.

But now that her awesomeness has been blown out, how can I tear her down? He could only cooperate with Yin Xinyue, nodding his head in agreement, saying that this apprentice was better than his master and could leave the mountain.

The girls immediately admired Yin Xinyue.

But a new problem arises: they also want to see ghosts.

When they made this request, I suddenly felt a headache. I couldn't guarantee the safety of a single Yin Xinyue, let alone a few more burdens?

So I refused without saying a word.

My refusal made the four girls very angry. They tried to bully me, coerced and lured me, and refused to let me go at all.

Yin Xinyue also had a headache expression on her face.

I looked at Yin Xinyue angrily. Look, this is what you get for bragging.

In the end, I was really worn out by them. I knew it was impossible to refuse, so I had to bite the bullet and said: "Okay, you can go, but you must obey my command when you get there, otherwise I won't be able to protect you." .”

As soon as I let go, several girls suddenly became happy, nodded in agreement, and asked me if there was anything I wanted them to prepare.

I asked them to pick out some costumes for tonight. Several girls readily agreed and hurried to borrow clothes from the company.

Yin Xinyue looked at me a little embarrassed: "I'm sorry, I didn't expect them to be so bold that they actually wanted to go with us."

I shook my head for a while. Is there any regret medicine in this world? Now that they have agreed, there is nothing they can do but let them follow.

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