Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 309: Rootless Water, Human Bone Powder

Soon, several girls returned to the lounge to meet us with a bag in their hands. After everything was ready, I drove them away.

After a simple meal outside, I went straight to Li Mazi's house.

Li Mazi was shocked when he saw me driving such a group of beauties. He quickly asked if he was going to open a nightclub. How could he find so many KTV girls?

I rolled my eyes at Li Mazi and said, you're just kidding, these are actors and models, and we're going to put on a play for Boss Qi tonight.

Li Mazi smiled and nodded, saying that this mission was worth it even if there was no pay. The girls he provoked started joking with Li Mazi about being an old driver.

The car was full of people and there was no way to squeeze in any more, so I asked Li Mazi to drive his car.

But Li Mazi waved his hands and firmly disagreed, saying: "Why waste gas by driving anymore? Let's save energy and protect the environment. It's totally fine for me to squeeze in the car."

As he said this, Li Mazi was about to squeeze forward. I was so angry that I kicked Li Mazi down, and said in a dumbfounded voice: "You kid, can you please have a little face? Don't take advantage so blatantly."

After saying this, Li Mazi blushed, smiled awkwardly at me, said nothing more, drove his car, and followed closely behind.

After arriving at Boss Qi's house, Sister-in-law Qi was cleaning the room. When she saw such a large group of beautiful women getting out of the car, she was stunned and looked at me inexplicably.

I had no choice but to introduce it to Sister-in-law Qi, saying that we needed the cooperation of all the beauties tonight to rescue Boss Qi.

Sister-in-law Qi's face was full of doubts, but she nodded happily.

During this period, Sister-in-law Qi sent me several text messages and asked me why I was such a person. I wasn't interested in her last night and thought I was really a gentleman, but it turns out I don't like her. Just tell her if you don't like her, why bother making her so embarrassed?

Sister-in-law Qi also felt that I brought so many beauties today to deliberately intimidate her.

I can't laugh or cry, how else can I explain? I could only reply with a headache and briefly explain the situation. But looking at Sister-in-law Qi's expression, she was full of dissatisfaction, and I knew she didn't believe it.

Well, now I can’t clean myself even if I jump into the Yellow River. Since I can’t explain clearly, why waste my time? At this moment, the more he explains, the more he conceals it.

I asked Sister-in-law Qi: "Where is Boss Qi?"

Sister-in-law Qi looked into the room angrily and pointed: "I'm lying in the bedroom. I haven't woken up all day."

So I immediately ran to the room and looked at Boss Qi. Boss Qi was sleeping like a dead pig. He was slumped on the bed motionless, his breathing was a little rapid, his eyes were frighteningly heavy, and he was obviously suffering from kidney deficiency and physical weakness.

It seems that this undead, Boss Qi, has almost lost his dignity after tormenting him.

I checked it out and was about to close the door and leave. But when I turned around, my eyes accidentally fell on Boss Qi's neck.

There was a circle of small dark gray bumps on Boss Qi's neck. The moment I saw those densely packed little bumps, a frightening word suddenly came to my mind. And when I got closer and finally saw the thing clearly, I was immediately frightened.

This proves that my judgment is correct, those densely packed little bumps are indeed corpse spots!

I was so frightened that I was covered in body spots. It seemed that my death was not far away. If we don't take action, we may not be able to survive until tomorrow, and Boss Qi will die.

It's true that Sister-in-law Qi doesn't care about the life or death of her men.

I quickly shouted to Li Mazi, asking him to come in and take a look.

Unexpectedly, Li Mazi hadn't come in yet, but those girls broke in first, and quickly asked me if I noticed anything abnormal?

I couldn't laugh or cry and said, "It's nothing, it's just corpse spots."

"What? A living person can still develop corpse spots."

"I only knew about corpse spots by reading novels before, but I never had the chance to see them. Today I finally have the opportunity to see them. This opportunity is so rare! Come on, let me see what's going on."

As he said that, the girls rushed in and surrounded Boss Qi. They didn't care about the sour smell all over Boss Qi's body and just pointed at him.

I was squeezed out, and Li Mazi and I stared at each other with helpless expressions.

I had no choice but to cough, clear my throat and say, "You'd better get out of the way. Corpse spots are easily contagious, so be careful of them spreading to you."

After I said this, the girls finally realized the danger and backed away in horror.

Sister-in-law Qi also noticed the corpse spots on Boss Qi's body, and was immediately frightened. She quickly asked me what was going on?

I took a deep breath and said, "This is a symptom of excess yin and deficiency of yang. If it is not dealt with in time, the consequences may be very serious."

Sister-in-law Qi was frightened and immediately begged me for help. If Boss Qi died, she would be a widow for the rest of her life.

Li Mazi chuckled lightly, and Sister-in-law Qi asked Li Mazi what he was laughing at. Li Mazi said coldly: "Boss Qi hasn't made a will, right? You and he haven't obtained a marriage certificate, right?"

This sentence couldn't be more obvious. The reason why Sister Qi didn't want Boss Qi to die was probably because Boss Qi didn't make a will. And the two were not really married, so she would not get a cent of the inheritance.

Sister-in-law Qi was immediately furious and started arguing with Li Mazi. Li Mazi just laughed but didn't say anything. He despised the kind of woman who would betray herself for money the most.

I asked the two of them to stop arguing. If the delay continued, Boss Qi would really burp his ass completely.

Sister-in-law Qi quickly begged me to save Boss Qi.

After I pondered for a moment, I thought of a method that Senior Shu taught me. Soak human bone meal in rootless water, make a paste, and paste it on the patient's neck. It can have the effect of fighting poison with poison and make the corpse spots fade away little by little. .

But where are we going to get human bone meal now?

Bone powder is different from ashes. The ashes are made by burning the remains of the deceased into powder at a high temperature of thousands of degrees. There is no evil at all, that is, it is not poisonous, and naturally it cannot have the effect of fighting poison with poison.

Human bone powder is a powder made from corpses that have died in the wild and naturally decayed into bones. Most of these dead people have a lot of resentment. After grinding their bones into powder, the resentment will be filled in the bone powder. This is the poison I want!

Time was urgent, and I couldn't get any bone meal for a while, so I asked Sister Qi if she had any connections and could get this evil thing.

Sister-in-law Qi was shaking her head like a rattle, saying who had nothing to do to tinker with that thing! At the same time, she said that as long as the bone meal could save all the bosses, she didn't care how much it cost.

I shook my head and said that it was not a matter of money at all. After thinking about it, I finally said to my sister-in-law, "Let's go find some sea salt, ashes, and a bottle of white wine. After mixing, it will also have a certain effect."

Sister-in-law Qi was still a little worried and asked if this would work or not, so don't deal with her.

I explained to her: "The ashes are not completely free of resentment, but they are too small and insignificant to be easily noticed. Using a mixture of salt and white wine can fully force out the resentment in the ashes, which is also effective. "

Only then did Sister-in-law Qi believe it, and hurriedly ran to prepare. Not long after, Sister-in-law Qi returned, holding an urn in her hand.

I don't know whether to laugh or cry. Where did Sister-in-law Qi get the urn?

Sister-in-law Qi told me that she bought this urn from a friend. That guy used to be a tomb robber, but now the tomb robbing business is in a slump. The state is strict about it, and there are fewer and fewer old tombs. I have no choice but to steal the urn. Such an urn can be sold as a new urn, and one or two thousand can be earned from one transaction.

I secretly cursed that guy for having no conscience, and took out a handful of ashes, put them in a stainless steel sprayer, mixed them with white wine and sea salt, and carefully applied them on Boss Qi's neck.

Unexpectedly, Boss Qi didn't notice at all. It seemed that his nerves were really paralyzed. During this period, Boss Qi also woke up once. He just rolled his eyes at me, ignored me, and continued to sleep.

I was surprised. Could it be that the ghost had been possessing Boss Qi's body and never left? But in broad daylight...

I took a deep breath and quickly observed the scene in the bedroom.

The light in the bedroom was dim, the curtains were drawn, and the only place that let in light was the door, but at this moment, the door was already surrounded by girls.

It is actually not difficult for that thing to possess Boss Qi.

I immediately rolled my eyes at the girls and asked them to leave the door frame quickly. At the same time, I ordered Sister-in-law Qi to open the curtains and use the sunlight to drive away the undead soul first! Otherwise, Boss Qi's health will only get worse and worse.

Everyone immediately dispersed, and when the sunlight came in, Boss Qi's body suddenly started to tremble slightly, and at the same time he exhaled a breath, and his face gradually returned to normal.

I was relieved to see it working. This surprised the girls and quickly asked me how I did it?

I said: "The room is completely sealed. No Yang energy can enter at all, and the Yin energy generated by the undead cannot escape. The Yin in the room is strong and the Yang is declining, and it is actually almost like a coffin."

"You put the possessed man in a coffin, aren't you clearly letting him die?"

Everyone suddenly realized, but Sister-in-law Qi turned pale with fright, and quickly said that it was lucky that I was here, otherwise Boss Qi might really be dead.

The girls admired me even more, their eyes were filled with admiration and a little bit of admiration.

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