Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 310 Eating Yin Rice

After observing for about an hour and confirming that there was nothing wrong with Boss Qi, I breathed a sigh of relief.

It was almost lunch time, and Sister-in-law Qi ordered takeout for everyone.

As I was eating, the red-haired girl suddenly asked me, doesn’t Boss Qi even need to eat?

After the red-haired girl reminded me, I realized that I had indeed ignored Boss Qi's eating problem, so I looked at Sister-in-law Qi and asked Boss Qi if he had eaten?

Sister-in-law Qi shook her head: "No, he has been unconscious since I came back. He didn't even drink saliva, let alone eating."

I laughed dumbly: "Then why didn't you tell me earlier? It's okay if a person doesn't eat for a whole day. If he doesn't drink water for a whole day, aren't you worried that his body will become dehydrated?"

Sister-in-law Qi slapped her head in self-blame: "Hey, it's all my fault. Why didn't I think of it? I'm going to feed him food and water now."

"It's useless." I said: "He is in a coma now. Even if you wake him up, he probably won't be in the mood to eat."

Sister-in-law Qi was very scared and asked me quickly what should I do?

I said: "In this case, if the undead refuses to give Boss Qi food and water, then we will also cut off his incense. You go and prepare a bowl of rice porridge, smoke it with three sticks of incense, and leave the rest to me. manage."

Sister-in-law Qi nodded immediately and ran to prepare.

I hurriedly took two bites of rice, and then buried the inkstone with sea salt.

The activities of the undead also require energy, and the way they obtain energy is completely different from that of humans. Humans obtain energy through food, while undead obtain energy through yin energy.

Undead souls attached to yin objects like this cannot obtain yin energy on their own, and they often obtain yin energy through yin objects.

I used sea salt to bury the Yin objects, which is actually equivalent to cutting off the Yin Qi source of the Yin objects. The undead cannot eat Yin Qi, so they will naturally become 'hungry'.

At that time, I will use another food containing Yin energy to seduce the undead. If the undead wants to obtain Yin energy, they naturally need to eat the food. It can also replenish Boss Qi’s physical strength.

Soon, I was ready and buried the inkstone with sea salt.

As soon as they finished, they heard the screams of the girls: "Oh my god, wake up, wake up, Brother Zhang, look at it."

I quickly looked into the room.

Sure enough, Boss Qi half-sited up from the bed, his eyes rolled up, his eye circles were red, his tongue was half hanging out, his face was ferocious, covered in cold sweat, and he looked at me with gritted teeth. The appearance was similar to that of a person who hanged himself.

I took a breath and suddenly remembered something. Yin Qi is not only their source of energy, but also something necessary to maintain their survival, just like people cannot live without oxygen.

I cut off his source of yin energy, which is equivalent to cutting off his oxygen supply. It's strange that he doesn't get angry.

My heart suddenly skipped a beat. Seeing Boss Qi shaking his head three times and stretching out his hands to strangle me, I was shocked. I ran and yelled: "Get out of here, Sister Qi, is the rice ready?" ?”

"Okay, okay." Sister-in-law Qi said immediately.

"Damn it, bring it in now." I cursed angrily.

Soon, Mrs. Qi came in with a bowl. The bowl was full of porridge, with a layer of incense ash floating on it. I knew it had been smoked by cigarettes.

At this moment, Boss Qi had strangled my neck. Sister-in-law Qi was frightened and looked at me dumbfounded.

I gave her a stern look: "Put the bowl down quickly and get out."

Sister-in-law Qi put down the dishes and hurried out.

When Boss Qi saw the bowl of porridge, he noticed the yin energy in it. He immediately ran up to it, picked up the rice porridge and drank it all in one gulp.

I breathed a sigh of relief, it was finally okay.

After Boss Qi finished eating the porridge, he turned to look at me angrily.

Without saying anything, I ran up and took out the inkstone from the sea salt.

After the inkstone was exposed, the opponent naturally resumed normal absorption of Yin energy and stopped chasing me. After all, it was not convenient for him to move in broad daylight.

I breathed a sigh of relief and called a few girls in to help me lift Boss Qi to the bed again.

After experiencing the brief frightening scene just now, several girls were very excited. They gathered around me and asked me if the ghost was angry and wanted to attack people?

Isn't this nonsense? Boss Qi’s symptoms of ghost upper body are so obvious!

When they heard that it was really a ghost, several girls became even more excited, saying it was much more exciting than going to a haunted house.

I was speechless for a while.

After dinner, I asked them to start preparing.

Several girls put on the ancient costumes they had prepared in advance.

They were all wearing very thin silk gauze clothes, with the murder weapon ready to come out, and their snow-white skin could be seen through the silk gauze. It was so wonderful.

These girls were beautiful to begin with, their figures were not to mention, and they looked even more wonderful in these ancient costumes. Li Mazi and I were dumbfounded, and even Sister-in-law Qi praised them.

Watching beauties in costumes on TV is completely different from watching beauties in real life...

Unexpectedly, several girls actually prepared a set of clothes for me, which looked like a robe worn by a scholar.

Of course I didn't wear it, because I knew what it meant when I put it on, and I would inevitably join in their drama tonight and be teased by them. I really can't stand the feeling of being tempted but having to hold it back.

The girls were full of energy and youth. Li Mazi and I brought a pot of wine and sat at the window to watch quietly.

Even such a charming woman as Mrs. Qi showed extremely low self-esteem in front of them and kept sighing.

I asked her why she was sighing?

Sister-in-law Qi shook her head and smiled bitterly: "If I hadn't married Boss Qi, I should be enjoying these good years like them! Alas, if God could give me another chance, I would definitely not choose Lao Qi."

I smiled and reassured Sister-in-law Qi: "You are wrong to think so. Do you think their life will be easy? They are running around for a living every day, often without filming, and have to resist various unspoken rules. If you don't pay attention, you may fall into it. , they also have their own difficulties."

Sister-in-law Qi sighed again, not sure if she listened to my advice.

Several girls were playing in the courtyard, and the cool moonlight shone down. The hazy feeling made the night more sexy. The beautiful laughter and light steps, this scene is so beautiful that no one can bear to disturb it.

This suddenly reminded me of an ancient poem: "The cold autumn light of silver candles paints the screen, and the small light fan flutters at the flowing fireflies. The sky is as cold as water at night, and I lie down to watch the Cowherd and the Vega."

How similar is this situation to the context of that ancient poem?

Just as we were quietly enjoying this wonderful scene, there was a sudden movement in Boss Qi's room. I immediately turned around and saw that Boss Qi had gotten up from the bed.

Boss Qi's eyes were deeper and his hair was messy. He walked out of the bedroom on tiptoe and went straight to the bathroom.

Several playful girls immediately noticed Boss Qi, and they all fell silent without saying a word, staring at the weird Boss Qi carefully.

Boss Qi turned a blind eye to us, walked straight into the bathroom, and started taking a shower with his clothes on just like yesterday.

My eyes accidentally fell on the ancient costume that a few girls prepared for me. With an idea, I immediately picked up the ancient costume and threw it into the bathroom.

Then the undead should still like ancient costumes, right?

Sure enough, when Boss Qi saw the ancient costume, he became excited. He hurriedly grabbed the ancient costume in his hand and stroked it carefully.

Then, he put on the ancient clothes, looked at it carefully in front of the mirror, nodded with satisfaction and smiled.

I smiled dumbly, thinking that this guy is quite narcissistic.

I asked a few girls to stand beside me, hoping that one girl would make the dead soul's heart flutter, and then we would have a good chat over wine and tell his story.

These girls have fair skin and beautiful looks. In ancient times, they should be more charming than royal princesses, right?

However, Boss Qi just glanced at it casually, not bothering to look more, and continued to run back to the room to write and draw.

Just like yesterday, Boss Qi beat his chest and spat out a drop of blood from his heart. Today's apical blood was a bit eclipsed, probably because Boss Qi was too weak.

Then there was grinding, poetry, and painting, and then I quietly admired it. I became increasingly dissatisfied with the woman in the painting, so I tore it up and painted it again.

The interest of the girls gradually weakened, and they couldn't help but complain: "Brother Zhang, this is not scary at all."

"Yes, Brother Zhang, hurry up and start a fight with that ghost. Let us also gain knowledge."

"What kind of ghost is this? It's just embarrassing to the ghost."

I was dumbfounded by a few girls who said, Damn, do you think you can get rid of the undead by throwing the Fu Liang Sword at the beginning of the altar, just like on TV?

I couldn't help but lament that these girls were too young and their ideas were too wild.

Seeing that I didn't take any action, several girls immediately asked me what was wrong? Don't say there's no way to deal with that ghost.

I had no choice but to calm down and patiently tell them my plan, letting them figure out what was going on.

The red-haired girl smiled and said: "You told me earlier, wasn't it just hooking up with a ghost? It's simple."

I looked at her puzzled: "Aren't you afraid?"

"What's there to be afraid of? Is this ghost a man? As long as he is a man, no matter whether he is a human or not, he will not be able to escape my aunt's magic."

After saying that, the red-haired girl was ready to approach Boss Qi.

This really scared me. Damn it, a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers. Although Boss Qi is harmless to humans and animals at the moment, if the red-haired girl takes the initiative to flirt with him, he will definitely be angered. To put it bluntly, it is sexual harassment, and the red-haired girl will definitely not end well when the time comes.

I had no choice but to stop the red-haired girl and warn her not to approach him rashly.

The red-haired girl was a little unhappy. She said she didn't want to get close to him, so how could she tease him?

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