Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 311: The most infatuated person in the world

I said: "You can't take the initiative to approach him, otherwise you may anger him, and you will only make him notice you. Maybe if he sees any of you, he will want to chat with you and express his feelings."

The red-haired girl said helplessly: "What do you want us to do? If you want me to strip naked and seduce him, I have to pay you."

I was so excited at the words of the red-haired girl that I quickly said, "You guys go to the window to play, sing, play small games, etc. Be lively and make some noise."

Yin Xinyue smiled helplessly: "Oh, it's really hard to serve this ghost. Sisters, just follow your orders."

With that said, Yin Xinyue walked out first. Although the girls complained a lot, they had no choice but to follow.

A few girls played the game of eagle catching chicken, and sang when they got tired. However, Boss Qi remained indifferent and became a little irritable.

Finally, Boss Qi was irritated and rushed to the window to reprimand several girls: "The beautiful voice brings disaster to the country and the people!"

Damn it, I wonder if the ghost in Boss Qi is a homosexual. The girls have seduced me, but the ghost is still indifferent and even a little angry.

I was worried that if they continued, they would really anger Boss Qi, so I had no choice but to make a few girls stop.

The red-haired girl came up angrily and said, Brother Zhang, what on earth is going on with that guy? Is he gay? It almost disgusts me, can I quit?

With that said, the red-haired girl went to change clothes.

Several other girls were also exhausted and kept saying that they were bored, what the hell is this, it's not fun at all.

Not fun at all…

I really have no other choice. Since my heart is too soft, I can only do it hard.

Li Mazi suddenly said: "How about you let me try?"

I looked at Li Mazi inexplicably and asked him if he had any good ideas.

Li Mazi said: "Don't he like men? Let me try, maybe I can win him down."

I burst out laughing, and my stomach hurt so much that Mazi Li could think of it.

I said, "Forget it, he must not be a gay man. Didn't you see that he has been painting a certain woman? He must be too infatuated. He only likes the woman in the painting and has no interest in other women at all."

Sure enough, as soon as I finished speaking, I saw Boss Qi picking up the picture of a beautiful woman taking a bath that he had just completed. He seemed to be very satisfied with the picture. He looked at the picture with a smile and said with a faint smile: "It used to be difficult to make water in the sea. Wushan is not a cloud."

Several girls were immediately stunned and asked me inexplicably what did this mean?

Yin Xinyue said: "What else can it mean? This is to say that we are not as good as the woman in the painting. After he saw the woman in the painting, he will not look down on us."

"Bah, you're crazy." The red-haired girl said angrily.

Yin Xinyue also lost her temper: "I don't believe in evil anymore. I think he is just a bitch. Today I will let him see how powerful I am."

After saying that, he walked towards Boss Qi.

I was frightened and quickly stretched out my hand to stop Yin Xinyue, but the girl had already run away.

This scared me out of my wits, and I subconsciously wanted to rush forward to protect Yin Xinyue. If that didn't work, I would just fight.

But Li Mazi stopped me and said, "You don't know Yin Xinyue yet? What will she do if you're not sure? Wait a moment, I want to see what she wants to do."

But I'm worried, how can I just watch Yin Xinyue die? But Li Mazi kept dragging me so that I couldn't break free. I had no choice but to look at Yin Xinyue anxiously.

"Sir, can you show me that painting?" When Yin Xinyue faced the undead, she didn't even have the slightest fear. She spoke openly and openly, as if chatting with an old friend.

Boss Qi glanced at Yin Xinyue with disdain: "I'm just an actor, how can I know how to calligraphy and painting."

"That's not necessarily the case." Yin Xinyue was very angry when she despised her for not knowing how to play music, chess, calligraphy and painting. She snatched the ancient painting and admired it carefully.

"Hmph!" Boss Qi was really angry and started to slap the case: "Let go, don't dirty my painting."

With that said, he grabbed the painting.

I broke out in a cold sweat. What was Yin Xinyue doing? She was dying.

I slapped Li Mazi's arm off and rushed forward.

"Although the painting is good, the lines are smooth and lifelike, it only lacks a trace of charm between the eyebrows. It's a pity." Yin Xinyue sighed.

Boss Qi was stunned for a moment and looked at Yin Xinyue inexplicably: "Do you really know how to draw?"

"Know a thing or two." Yin Xinyue smiled, picked up the wolf hair casually, spread a piece of paper on the table, and began to write.

Yin Xinyue seems to be really proficient in Chinese painting. The movement of the pen tip is like a dragon and a snake, leaving traces on the rice paper. They seem chaotic, but when connected, they are lifelike.

Soon, a classical beauty appeared on the page.

She finally focused on retouching the woman's eyes. The originally charmless beauty seemed to be alive, with infinite melancholy and loneliness mixed in her eyes...

I was dumbfounded. I really didn't expect Yin Xinyue to have such ability. I had underestimated her before.

But Boss Qi was already stunned, staring at the beautiful woman in the painting, carefully holding it in his hand and admiring it carefully.

After looking at it for a moment, Boss Qi couldn't help but praise her: "I never thought there would be such a smart and resourceful woman in the world. It's rare, it's really rare."

Yin Xinyue smiled lightly and was noncommittal.

After that, Boss Qi was immersed in the painting, his fingers gently brushing over the face of the beautiful woman in the painting, looking very sentimental.

Unexpectedly, Boss Qi actually hugged the painting and burst into tears at the end: "Oh! This man has passed away. I only blame God for being unfair. The man was in love with the concubine, but they couldn't get together."

I breathed a sigh of relief. Boss Qi was finally willing to talk openly.

I immediately winked at Yin Xinyue, and Yin Xinyue proudly made an OK gesture at me, then turned to look at Boss Qi: "Sir, can you talk to the little girl and express the sadness in your heart?"

Boss Qi looked at Yin Xinyue: "Of course, it's rare to see a smart and spiritual woman like you."

With that said, Yin Xinyue closed the study door casually.

Damn it! I was dumbfounded. It was just a joke. I would be jealous, okay?

I couldn't stand it and wanted to go over to have a 'group chat', but Li Mazi stopped me and said, "You can't even see that?" He is a serious gentleman and won't do anything to Yin Xinyue, so just don't worry.

But even though I said that, I still felt sour in my heart, always feeling like I was being a cuckold.

But I knew that rushing forward would definitely not be a wise choice, so I had no choice but to stop.

In this way, I waited hard at the door all night, but I didn't see Yin Xinyue come out. If Yin Xinyue hadn't occasionally sent me a text message to prove that she was safe, I would have kicked open the door impulsively.

How could Li Mazi and others endure this boring situation? I have already found a place to rest.

Waiting until dawn, I heard a thud in the room, as if someone had fallen to the ground. My already sensitive heart suddenly became more nervous, and I stood up in a hurry.

Before I could rush to the door, the door was pushed open from the inside. Yin Xinyue, who had a pair of panda eyes, still looked very excited and smiled at me: "I suddenly realized that you are a bit vulgar, superficial and meaningless... "

I laughed dumbly and looked inside the room: "Where's Boss Qi?"

"Go to sleep." Yin Xinyue said, "Lying under the table."

I breathed a sigh of relief, grabbed Yin Xinyue's hand, and looked up and down: "Xinyue, that guy didn't do anything to you, right?"

"Don't worry." Yin Xinyue said, "I am a gentleman, so I won't do this."

I breathed a sigh of relief and asked Yin Xinyue if she had found out about the undead.

Yin Xinyue turned pale: "Hey, you've been tricked, you are really the most infatuated person in the world! You have waited for thousands of years for your sweetheart..."

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