Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 316 Confidentiality Contract

After hearing this, I jumped up in anger. If it wasn't for the sake of money, I would have killed the big gold tooth with a knife.

Is this a fucking thank you gift? I was obviously asked to clear the mines, and everyone was happy if I cleared the mines. If I couldn't clear them, I was immediately killed by the explosion!

I gritted my teeth and glared at Big Jinya, who also felt guilty when I saw him: "Don't be angry, just listen to me. Our Zhang family will protect you secretly this time, and we will never let you make any mistakes. . And more importantly, we feel that if we send you there, your grandfather will not be able to just sit back and do nothing. When the time comes, he will take action and solve the problem easily..."

This glib guy was really good at talking, and I couldn't get angry anymore. I stared at the big gold tooth in confusion.

Da Jinya looked at me nervously: "Young Master, don't worry about my promise. If I say you won't have any problems this time, there will definitely be no problems. How about it? Without further ado, let's set off as soon as possible. , if you are late for a second, an innocent life may be lost."

"No." Li Mazi refused without hesitation: "We will not race against time to die."

Da Jinya's expression almost made him cry: "Don't bother me, brother, if you don't go, I really won't be able to communicate with the head of the family."

I looked at Da Jinya with a serious expression: "Da Jinya, let me ask you, if I go, may I meet my grandfather?"

Da Jinya nodded immediately: "I can't guarantee you 100%, but I am still 80% sure. And although the old man has passed away, he is Yincai. How powerful Yincai is, I I think you should know better than me?"

I grabbed Da Jinya by the collar and glared at him fiercely: "I'm warning you, if you let me know that you are lying to me, I will use more than a dozen vaginal objects to slowly torture you to death. I can not kidding."

Da Jinya nodded immediately, letting me rest assured.

Only then did I agree, saying that I would go on this mission.

Li Mazi sighed helplessly: "Brother Zhang, why should the living care about the dead? It's not worth taking such a big risk just to see him once."

I patted Li Mazi on the shoulder and said nothing.

He doesn't understand what I'm thinking. I really miss my grandpa so much. I have too many questions and I want to ask them in front of him. Who killed grandpa? If this revenge is not avenged, I will have a pain in my throat for the rest of my life.

So Da Jinya immediately told me the information about the financial owner.

This funder is the largest shareholder of a certain family company, with assets in his hands of no less than one billion. More importantly, he is also a personal representative. This is why the Jiangbei Zhang family is unwilling to offend.

Because of his high position and authority, every move he makes attracts much attention. We must resolve this matter as soon as possible, and we must act secretly to prevent the news from leaking out.

Even before we talked to the other party, Da Jinya couldn't disclose the specific situation to us. Big Jinya will cry when pushed hard, so let's not push him. He also works for others.

There is no way, although the conditions are quite harsh, and I don't want to deal with officials. But in this hateful world, I can’t just do whatever I want, so in the end I had no choice but to bite the bullet and agree...

Without further ado, we immediately drove there. Golden Tooth didn’t even tell us the address. It just acted as a living map and gave us directions on the way.

I was absent-minded along the way, thinking about grandpa all the time. I didn't know how grandpa was doing now.

After driving for about two days and two nights, we finally arrived at our destination: Wujiang, Anhui.

I know this place Wujiang. It was this place where Xiang Yu, the overlord of Western Chu, drew his sword and killed himself in the battle of Gaixia.

It's just that the Wujiang River has long since changed. What was once a big river has now dried up a lot. It is seriously polluted and has no trace of its historical flavor. What is left is just the stinking smell, which is really disgusting.

Da Jinya had already contacted the benefactor’s family, and the benefactor’s family asked us to wait in a cafe called ‘Yipinju’.

This makes me a little disappointed. The ancients said: Guests coming from afar are very happy. But this family made us wait obediently, which was obviously looking down upon us.

Da Jinya smiled awkwardly and said, Rich people are like this, don't be like them.

After experiencing so many things and coming into contact with all kinds of people, I was too lazy to stick to details, so I didn’t say anything more and just let it be! Anyway, the main purpose of my visit this time is to meet my grandfather.

Alas, I don’t know if his old man will show up.

We drove to the ‘Yipinju’ cafe, and even the private rooms were opened by us. This made Li Mazi even more angry. He smashed the cup and wanted to go home.

Da Jinya was frightened and quickly comforted Li Mazi not to cause trouble. They have too much power, let’s just suffer some losses! And we won’t suffer in vain, we will give him a huge amount of money when we pay the bill.

Li Mazi had no choice but to turn his anger to the money. He gritted his teeth and cursed that the grandson had better not be caught by him, otherwise he would definitely be killed.

After waiting for about ten minutes, the financial owner's family finally arrived belatedly. He was a middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes, wearing a pair of glasses, a designer suit, and carrying a briefcase. He looked like he was a successful businessman. people.

The other party glanced at us and immediately frowned. I guess he thought we were too young and was a little worried about us doing things, right?

But after all, he has seen the world, so he was still very polite and smiled at us elegantly: "Sorry to keep you waiting for so long. I am really busy with official work and had three meetings early in the morning."

Da Jinya immediately went up to flatter him and said, "It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. Boss Qin has a lot of things to do every day, and time is very valuable. It's not like we are just idle people. We can wait for more than ten minutes, let alone more than ten days."

Li Mazi was so angry that his mouth twisted. He probably didn't expect Da Jinya to be so spineless, right?

Boss Qin nodded slightly and sat down.

Da Jinya immediately said enthusiastically: "Let me introduce to Boss Qin. This little brother is the leader of the younger generation of our Zhang family. He has extraordinary abilities and is better than many seniors! Because whenever he handles the underworld, Everything, the success rate is 100%.”

Boss Qin immediately smiled and said it was really disrespectful.

Of course, this is only superficial. I can see that Boss Qin is still skeptical of me.

Da Jinya pointed at Li Mazi again: "Mr. Li, he is Mr. Zhang's assistant."

Boss Qin nodded and smiled lightly at Mazi Li.

Li Mazi was so angry that he secretly kicked Da Jinya. He was not satisfied with Da Jinya's introduction. Why did I just use a lot of adjectives, while he was just an 'assistant'.

Boss Qin saw all this, but he just put a smile on his lips and ignored it.

He took a sip of coffee and said: "Brother Jinya must have told you two about our situation, right? My eldest brother has a special status, so everything must be kept low-key. If word gets out, right? My eldest brother’s influence is not good and may even affect our family’s business.”

Da Jinya immediately complimented: "I've said it, boss Qin, don't worry, they are both of high quality and they will definitely be tight-lipped about this matter."

"That's good." Boss Qin smiled and took out ten piles of money from his briefcase and placed them on the table. Then he took out three more documents and patted them in front of me, Li Mazi and Da Jinya: " I’ll give you these 100,000 yuan as pocket money, just think of it as hush money! Please three of you sign this confidential document.”

Da Jinya nodded immediately: "No problem."

After saying that, he took out his pen and signed his name.

When Li Mazi saw the pile of money, he was also moved. After thinking about it for a moment, he was ready to sign.

But before Li Mazi started writing, I snatched the pen away.

Suddenly the three of them looked at me with strange eyes, and the corners of my mouth twitched when I saw the big gold tooth.

"Oh, Mr. Zhang, what do you mean?" Boss Qin looked at me pretending to be confused.

I smiled: "What if I don't sign?"

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