Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 317 Demon Sword

Boss Qin said helplessly: "If you don't sign, I'm afraid we won't be able to leave this cafe until the matter is resolved."

I smiled calmly. This grandson was trying to intimidate us. If we signed a confidentiality agreement, it would be equivalent to compromising with him. This is a very delicate relationship. We compromised this time, and we must compromise on everything in the future. Otherwise, the confidentiality agreement will always be used as an excuse. Are we going to become his slaves?

So I must be arrogant this time and not fall into his trap.

But when I came here, I was scared to death. Da Jinya looked at me tremblingly, then at Boss Qin, and said quickly: "Boss Qin, don't be as knowledgeable as this little brother." , I am young and energetic, and it is inevitable that I have a childish temper. I advise him, and I will definitely be able to figure it out."

After saying that, Big Gold Tooth began to plead.

I was also angry at Da Jinya's flattery. I gave Da Jinya a hard look and told him not to talk nonsense.

Da Jinya's face was darker than a pig's liver, and he looked frightened.

But Boss Qin suddenly burst out laughing: "I like people with Mr. Zhang's personality who make decisive decisions and stick to his words. If you don't want to sign, then don't sign!"

As he said that, Boss Qin took the contract over and tore it up casually: "I also know a little about fortune telling. I saw that Mr. Zhang is the kind of person who keeps his word. I don't worry about this kind of red tape." ”

I breathed a sigh of relief and finally let go of my worries. Just now I was really worried that Boss Qin was a reckless guy who liked to act recklessly. If he was really angry and wanted to imprison us here, we would have no chance to fight back. Powerful.

Even if he wants to silence him, he can.

As the saying goes, you should never hit someone with a smiling face. Since everyone took the initiative to admit their mistake, there was no need for me to keep a straight face, so I asked, "So, can you tell me the specific situation now?"

Boss Qin nodded immediately and glanced at the big golden tooth.

Da Jinya immediately nodded with a smile and hurried to the door to guard it.

It seems that this matter has been kept so secret that even Da Jinya cannot know about it.

No wonder Da Jinya didn't tell us before, and he didn't know about it either.

Boss Qin said: "Alas! This matter has exhausted our whole family. If we can't solve it, I'm afraid my eldest brother won't be able to hold on for long."

The whole thing started ten days ago.

Boss Qin's brother, who is also the head of their family, is called Qin Minghao. Qin Minghao was originally a kind-hearted boss. He was responsible and caring. He also controlled a charity organization. He was a well-known philanthropist in the city. He believed in Buddhism, was good to everyone around him, and had many friends.

But ten days ago, Qin Minghao became strange.

The first symptom was a sudden change in temperament.

When a nanny was serving Qin Minghao, she accidentally knocked over a teacup, and the water in the teacup flowed onto Qin Minghao's pants. If this happened before, Qin Minghao would definitely not be angry. At most, he would tell the nanny to be careful in the future.

But this time Qin Minghao became furious, banged the table and bench, and scolded the nanny in a very rude and vicious manner. At that time, everyone in the family was shocked. They didn't believe that Qin Minghao, who was kind to others, could say such ugly words!

Qin Minghao firmly believed that the nanny wanted to burn him to death, and even called the police to arrest the nanny. The little nanny was so frightened that she burst into tears after being scolded. If Boss Qin hadn't stepped forward to save the little nanny, I'm afraid the little nanny would have been in jail by now... Qin Minghao really has this ability.

At first, the family thought that Qin Minghao was just under great pressure at work and vented his emotions at work on the nanny, without taking it seriously.

Who knew that Qin Minghao's temper was getting worse and worse. He made things difficult for his servants everywhere in his life. If the servants at home did something wrong, Qin Minghao would think that the servant was trying to harm him and would scold him. Sometimes a beating is unavoidable.

For example, one time a security guard was lazy and smoking in the toilet, and was discovered by Qin Minghao. Qin Minghao actually suspected that the security guard was going to burn down his villa. Not only did he fire the security guard on the spot, he even demanded a large amount of compensation from the security guard.

The security guard can’t afford compensation for all the money he earns in his lifetime!

So when he learned the amount of compensation, the security guard was so desperate that he wanted to commit suicide. In the end, if Boss Qin hadn't taken action in time and secretly made up the money, the security guard would have committed suicide long ago.

The leader of the family was so eccentric that the elders of the board of directors finally couldn't sit still. After careful consideration, they finally decided to let Qin Minghao rest for a while and found some psychiatrists for him to enlighten him.

However, the psychiatrist he called not only failed to help, but actually made Qin Minghao's condition worse and worse. He punched and kicked the psychiatrists and bluntly said that those psychiatrists wanted to kill him. Now even the psychiatrists did not dare to see Qin Minghao. He also suspected that Qin Minghao was suffering from severe persecution delusions and suggested that he seek treatment from foreign experts. look.

There was no other way, Boss Qin had no choice but to find professional foreign experts.

During this period, Qin Minghao was still awake occasionally. Some important occasions can only be won by Qin Minghao himself, so as long as Qin Minghao is a little more awake, the family will arrange a meeting as soon as possible.

But one time, Qin Minghao suddenly fell ill while meeting an important client. Originally ready to sign the contract, Qin Minghao suddenly changed his temperament and began to point fingers at his partners. He said that these cooperations made him very unhappy because the other parties had cheated him countless times and took up a lot of money in his company for no reason. It's cheap. A certain loophole in the contract terms this time may directly cause the company to lose all its money. The other party is scolding the other party for ruining his family and leaving his wife and children.

This was a big deal. That customer was one of the company's top three important customers. Qin Minghao insulted him so much that it was natural that he would not be able to keep this customer, causing Qin's Group to suffer heavy losses. Because of this, the elders of the Qin Group were angry, and even thought about changing the chairman. If Boss Qin hadn't begged for mercy, I am afraid that the Qin Group would have fallen into the hands of outsiders!

After experiencing this incident, Qin Minghao became even more depressed. He locked himself in his room all day long, never leaving the door or taking a step forward. He ate, drank, and slept in the bedroom, which made the whole bedroom smell bad. sky. Even so, others are not allowed to go in and clean up, because Qin Minghao suspects that everyone will harm him.

After being locked up in the room for two days, Qin Minghao suddenly walked out and put on clean clothes. Although his face was still haggard, he looked much more energetic.

This surprised everyone. Could it be that Qin Minghao's illness healed on his own? He behaved like a normal person, except that he remained silent and held a long knife in his hand.

The knife was very strange. There was a thick layer of patina on the surface, and it looked like it was old. Moreover, the blade of the knife is very blunt and heavy, but the weak Qin Minghao holding the long knife does not seem to have any difficulty at all.

Boss Qin recognized at a glance that the long knife did not belong to his family, and he had no idea where Qin Minghao got it.

Qin Minghao walked out the door without saying a word. Boss Qin was worried that Qin Minghao was in danger, so he immediately ran up and asked Qin Minghao where he was going.

Qin Minghao turned his head and glanced at Boss Qin. His red pupils and calm but terrifying eyes made Boss Qin a little scared.

After a while, Qin Minghao calmly said to go for a walk.

Boss Qin was naturally worried and wanted to follow him, but Qin Minghao went crazy and tried to kill Boss Qin with a long knife. While waving the long knife, he cursed and said, "Are you trying to kill me?" I see that you clearly want to kill me. Don't follow me. If you do, I'll be rude to you.

Boss Qin was really helpless and had no choice but to watch Qin Minghao leave.

And how can he feel reassured? He immediately followed with two bodyguards.

They followed Qin Minghao to the edge of Wujiang River.

The Wujiang River has long been polluted, with all kinds of industrial waste floating on it. The water is red and smells bad. A gust of wind blew, and the smell became even worse. Boss Qin, a rich man, couldn't bear it and almost vomited it several times.

But Qin Minghao didn't notice the smell at all. He just stood by the Wujiang River with his head held high, letting the wind mess up his hair, facing Wujiang without saying a word, and his back looked extremely desolate.

"God, you don't have eyesight!" Qin Minghao suddenly roared into the sky: "Even you are jealous of my invincibility and want to destroy me? Haha, haha, even if I am a ghost, I still want to find someone for the ghost hero. You demand justice.”

After saying that, Qin Minghao raised the long knife without hesitation and cut his own neck.

This scene frightened everyone, and Qin Minghao actually wanted to commit suicide. Boss Qin was immediately dumbfounded and rushed forward with his bodyguards without hesitation.

However, the distance was too far and Qin Minghao's speed was too fast. Boss Qin clearly saw the knife swipe across Qin Minghao's neck and blood spurted out.

One of the bodyguards was a special forces soldier and was extremely fast. He rushed up first and subdued Qin Minghao before Qin Minghao could make a second blow.

Only then did Boss Qin discover that there was a deep scar on his neck, but it didn't seem to have damaged the artery, so there wasn't much blood.

But it takes a lot of force to cut such a deep incision with a dull knife! Boss Qin felt scared just thinking about it.

They immediately sent Qin Minghao to a nearby hospital, but Qin Minghao did not cooperate. He just sneered all the way, cursing words such as "God is going to kill me," and struggled not to cooperate with the doctor's treatment.

Even though the doctor finally injected Qin Minghao with a sedative, Qin Minghao still muttered in his sleep: "God is going to kill me." This scene frightened everyone.

The danger to life is gone, but what can we do in the future?

A good person turned into this in the blink of an eye. Could it be that Qin Minghao will spend the rest of his life in a mental hospital? For Qin Minghao, this is really more uncomfortable than death.

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