Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 318: Overlord of Western Chu

After Qin Minghao recovered from his injury, he was taken back by the Qin family.

In order to prevent Qin Minghao from getting into trouble again, they had no choice but to put Qin Minghao in a straitjacket and send someone to look after him 24 hours a day to prevent Qin Minghao from leaving.

Qin Minghao was so annoyed that he even bit his tongue and committed suicide. In the end, his family had no choice but to stuff a medicinal sponge into his mouth.

Qin Minghao actually started a hunger strike again, refusing to eat or drink. Boss Qin refused to listen to his advice. In the end, the two of them reached a condition. As long as Boss Qin let go of him, he would naturally eat.

Boss Qin really had no choice but to follow Qin Minghao's instructions. Qin Minghao kept his promise and started eating, but he had to go to the Wujiang River every night, curse God for being unfair, and then try to commit suicide.

Every time I was stopped by bodyguards.

There was no way to go on like this. In the end, Boss Qin thought of the Zhang family in Jiangbei. Looking at Qin Minghao's symptoms, it seems that he is either suffering from evil or having a brain problem.

Now that the possibility of a brain problem has basically been ruled out, there is only one explanation, which is to encounter evil! So he immediately found the Zhang family in Jiangbei... Even though he didn't want this family scandal to be known to outsiders, he had no choice now.

The people of the Zhang family in Jiangbei took this very seriously. After all, they were the big customers of the Zhang family in Jiangbei, so they even sent several experts to help. Of course, they all signed confidentiality agreements.

After a brief inquiry, the four masters probably figured out the situation of the evil thing, and they started doing it that night, preparing to collect the undead in the long knife!

But the depth of the resentment of the undead in the long sword is far beyond everyone's imagination!

The final outcome was that the four masters were backlashed by the magic circle they had set up, and they raised their long knives and cut their throats to commit suicide.

Strangely enough, after absorbing human blood, the originally dull edge of the knife became much sharper and could easily chop down a small tree.

Later, the Jiangbei Zhang family also sent several big bosses to deal with it, but the results were still ineffective, and they almost died several times.

Now the Jiangbei Zhang family no longer dared to look down upon it. They even held an important meeting to find a solution.

Finally, after thinking about it, I thought of my grandfather. There was an old man who used to be my grandfather's follower. He suddenly recalled the cruel words his grandfather had said back then.

Could it be that the seal of that feminine thing was broken again?

Even a capable person like Grandpa can only seal but cannot surrender. One can imagine how powerful the undead is! Therefore, after a unanimous vote by the top management of the Zhang family, it was finally decided that the person who untied the bell must tie the bell.

When grandpa was able to seal that evil object, he must have used this lineage of untransmitted secret techniques. Maybe I can do it too, so he sent Da Jinya to ask me to come out.

After listening, I was thoughtful.

I have a lot of doubts now, but the biggest one is, where did that knife that drinks blood come from? Yin objects are also substances and cannot appear out of thin air.

So I asked Boss Qin about the origin of that knife.

Boss Qin said: "When that knife appeared for the first time, I felt it looked familiar, as if I had seen it a long time ago, but I couldn't remember it no matter how hard I thought about it..."

"Later, after sending my brother to the hospital, the servant at home called and said that they found a hole dug in my brother's room. There was a beautiful agarwood box in the hole, and it was empty."

"After some reminders from the servant, I finally remembered that fifteen years ago, a strange old man came to my house. He seemed to have dealt with a supernatural incident, and then he buried something in my brother's room. thing!"

"I was only a teenager back then, so I didn't have the authority to ask about such things, so I didn't know much. But I think that knife should have been buried in our house by the strange old man fifteen years ago."

There is no doubt that the strange old man that Boss Qin mentioned is my grandfather.

Boss Qin’s statement matches that of the Jiangbei Zhang family. I can basically conclude that it was this knife that my grandfather buried back then. Qin Minghao must have been confused by the undead in the long knife, so he dug out the knife.

Boss Qin saw that I was deep in thought and quickly asked me if I had any good ideas.

I said thoughtfully: "The Zhang family in Jiangbei has great hands and eyes. They should have investigated the origin of the knife, right?"

Qin Minghao was a little dumbfounded: "I'm really sorry, I'm quite busy on weekdays, so they won't report this kind of thing to me. Big Jinya, come here."

Da Jinya immediately ran up to him: "Boss Qin, what are your orders?"

"Do you know the details about that knife?"

Da Jinya nodded immediately: "I know."

"Okay, please tell Mr. Zhang in detail." Boss Qin said.

In fact, I already had a good idea in my mind, and I asked Da Jinya to tell it again purely for final verification and to see if there were any unexpected clues.

However, the description of the big golden tooth disappointed me. What they judged was basically similar to what I judged, and there were no special clues.

In fact, from Boss Qin's description, we can basically figure out the origin of the vaginal object.

Wujiang committed suicide, which is actually a famous allusion.

It is said that Xiang Yu, the overlord of Western Chu, was so powerful that he overthrew the tyranny of the Qin Dynasty.

However, they fell into the villain Liu Bang's trick and the army was besieged in Wujiang River. In the end, only twenty-eight riders were left.

His subordinates persuaded Xiang Yu to cross the Wujiang River and return to Jiangdong to gather troops to fight Liu Bang. But Xiang Yu sighed and said: "The situation is over! It's not that I, Xiang Yu, are incompetent, but because God wants to destroy me."

After saying that, Xiang Yu led his twenty-eight cavalry, turned around and charged into the enemy army. Rivers of blood flowed wherever he went, and countless enemy generals were killed by Xiang Yu.

All the cavalry looked at Xiang Yu with tears in their eyes, believing that it was God who wanted to kill Xiang Yu, and it was not a fault of battle.

Since God wants Xiang Yu to die, what can he do even if he, the overlord of Western Chu, is invincible?

So Xiang Yu drew out his thunder knife, roared into the sky, cursed God for being blind, and then committed suicide with his knife. Twenty-eight Cavalry also committed suicide with Xiang Yu.

The water of Wujiang River is rolling, the waves are surging, and the waves are surging, carrying the unparalleled achievements of the overlord of Western Chu, and flowing away with the long river of history.

Who would have thought that after a thousand years, the soul of Xiang Yu, the overlord of Western Chu, would wake up again.

This is exactly what Qin Minghao shouted when he was controlled by the undead: "Heaven wants to kill me! Even if I am a ghost, I still want to be a ghost hero and seek justice from you."

I sighed. The Overlord of Western Chu was invincible in the world during his lifetime. After his death, his rage soared into the sky, and even God didn't pay attention to him.

How could he be defeated only by the ability of the evil merchant?

After thinking about this, I couldn't help but admire Grandpa even more. Grandpa was able to seal Xiang Yu by himself, which shows his ability.

When Boss Qin saw that I was silent for a long time, he also said in frustration: "I didn't expect this thing to be so powerful. If you two leave now, I won't blame you. These 100,000 yuan should be regarded as your travel expenses!"

With that said, Boss Qin turned around and prepared to leave without asking for my opinion.

Da Jinya and Li Mazi immediately winked at me, implying that I would just give up. Looking at Boss Qin's appearance, he doesn't expect the Jiangbei Zhang family anymore, and he doesn't want to embarrass the Jiangbei Zhang family.

Where in my heart am I willing to give up? I feel that as long as I follow the clues of Thunder Blade, I will definitely be able to see my grandfather again.

So I finally stood up and said, "Boss Qin, I will take over this task!"

Da Jinya closed his eyes in despair and trembled all over.

Li Mazi was also startled for a moment, looking at me with an inexplicable expression.

Boss Qin was also stunned, and turned around and asked: "You mean...are you sure?"

"No." I said, "But how do you know if you haven't tried it?"

"Haha!" Boss Qin suddenly smiled strangely: "It's a good thing for young people to have a temper, but sometimes they are too reckless..."

"I have no temper." I interrupted Boss Qin directly.

Boss Qin shrugged helplessly at me: "Mr. Zhang, if you have any shortcomings, we will not be able to protect you at all."

"I'm not afraid of death." I said coldly.

I have a good temper and am easy to talk to, but when it comes to matters of principle, I am more stubborn than anyone else.

This matter involves grandpa, so I must be stubborn to the end. At least, I seem to have caught a very important clue now, that is... There is something wrong with this Boss Qin, and he doesn't seem to be letting this matter be resolved.

Big Jinya was so anxious that he was sweating profusely. He wiped the sweat with his hands while apologizing to Boss Qin: "Boss Qin, don't be angry. I'll try to persuade him, and I'll try again."

"No need to persuade me." I sneered and said, "I am here to take over this business as a femininity merchant and have nothing to do with the Jiangbei Zhang family."

Da Jinya helplessly sat back on the bench, and actually stopped trying to persuade him.

Boss Qin had no way out. He sat down again, his expression became gentle again, and the ferocious expression just now disappeared: "Then, let's sign this life and death certificate first! I know your circle, so I signed this Life or death, life or death, has nothing to do with us."

Li Mazi was also afraid, and kept gently tugging at the corners of my clothes, asking me not to sign. But I didn't care about anything else. I took the certificate of life and death without hesitation, signed my name on it, and handed it to Boss Qin.

Boss Qin was shocked again. He probably didn't expect me to be so happy! After all, I refused to sign a confidentiality agreement before, but now I signed a life and death certificate without hesitation, which is a bit unjustifiable.

However, Boss Qin didn't say much. He just checked it once and confirmed that there was no problem with the life and death form. Then he put the life and death form away, stood up and waved: "Okay, come with me."

Boss Qin walked in front, followed closely by Li Mazi. Big Jinya smiled helplessly at me and was not prepared to follow.

I turned to look at Da Jinya: "Da Jinya, why are you still standing there? Let's go now."

Da Jinya waved his hands repeatedly: "I won't share a share of the pie with the young master..."

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