Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 319 The Qin Family Sisters

"We must go." I said in a commanding tone: "Although this deal has nothing to do with the Jiangbei Zhang family, it still has something to do with you."

"Ah!" Da Jinya looked at me in panic: "Then can I not go?"

I shook my head: "No."

Looking at Da Jinya's expression, he was really about to cry: "Young Master, please stop teasing me, okay? I really don't have time, I have an elder and a younger one..."

Li Mazi couldn't help but grabbed Da Jinya and walked forward: "Be good and be obedient. If you don't, I'll give you fried pork with bamboo shoots."

Big Jinya was very angry, but he had no choice but to keep turning his head and ignoring us in the car.

Li Mazi asked me very puzzled, why do I have to wear big gold teeth? I smiled and said that I had my own plan. Maybe the big gold tooth could save our lives by then.

Li Mazi was even more puzzled. He looked up and down at the big gold tooth and said, "This guy is timid, cowardly and incompetent. How could he possibly save our lives?" Make him a scapegoat?

When Da Jinya heard this, his expression suddenly became tense and he stared at me.

I shook my head and said, "Of course not. Please be smarter when the time comes. Boss Qin may have a problem."

Both of them were very surprised and quickly asked me what the problem was with Boss Qin? But I just smiled mysteriously and told the two of them not to say anything, and they would naturally know when the time comes.

Both of them nodded thoughtfully.

Soon, we arrived at Qin's house. This is a European-style manor with a large area. A Western-style building stands among the exquisite manor. There are even various living facilities such as gardens, swimming pools, and gyms in the yard. You can imagine how luxurious this family's life is!

Da Jinya relapsed into his old habit of flattery, and began to admire the luxury and taste of this manor. I am afraid that only people with Boss Qin's temperament are worthy of this luxurious manor.

Although Boss Qin ignored Da Jinya at all, it still didn't stop Da Jinya from flattering him, and looking at his appearance, the photo was so enjoyable that it made me feel embarrassed.

After entering the manor, an old man in a tuxedo walked up immediately. Boss Qin called him: butler.

The first thing the butler did was to report Qin Minghao's situation. Qin Minghao only woke up once from morning to now, ate something briefly and then fell asleep.

Boss Qin just asked the housekeeper calmly, Qin Minghao didn't do any more self-harm, right? The housekeeper immediately said it was okay and that it had been tied very firmly.

Boss Qin nodded and said that would be fine.

The housekeeper looked at me and Li Mazi in surprise and asked who we were.

Da Jinya immediately came closer and said, "Uncle Lin, let me introduce you to them. These two are very powerful yinwu merchants. Even if they are placed in our Zhang family in Jiangbei, they are top-notch existences."

The housekeeper smiled awkwardly, obviously not believing it, and didn't even say hello to us.

This old guy looks down on us!

At the same time, I despised Da Jinya even more. This time Da Jinya did not say that we were from the Jiangbei Zhang family, but just made a metaphor, which suddenly distanced us from the Jiangbei Zhang family.

This big gold tooth is really a human spirit. It seems that you must be careful when dealing with the big gold tooth in the future.

Butler Lin ignored Da Jinya and just continued to report to Boss Qin: "The eldest and second young ladies are on duty today. The second young lady is very filial and has been crying. I can't stop her no matter how hard I try."

"Well, I understand." Boss Qin said, "I will persuade her."

After entering the mansion, the gorgeous decoration in the lobby once again blinded my eyes. Although I have seen real mansions on TV before, when we actually see this kind of mansion, we can feel it more intuitively. The awe that comes to us when we arrive at this mansion.

Inside the mansion, two girls in gorgeous clothes added a lot of beauty to the mansion. The two girls look to be in their early twenties, both have shoulder-length hair, are as beautiful as flowers, have noble temperaments, and are typical rich ladies.

One of the girls, who was a bit petite and cute, left a deep impression on me. She wore a pair of black-rimmed glasses, a round face, and big eyes. When we came in, we found that she had been crying. She looked very cute. She should be Second lady, right?

The other girl was in sharp contrast to her. She looked more mature, had a somewhat unkind face, and had big breasts. She was always playing with her phone with her head down. After we came in, she didn't even look at us.

Boss Qin coughed, and the eldest lady finally reacted, looked up at us, and then came to us with the second lady.

To be precise, when we came to Boss Qin, he turned a blind eye to us.

"Second uncle, you're finally here. You've been here all day and you've annoyed me to death."

Boss Qin frowned. It was obvious that her identity made Boss Qin very embarrassed when she said this. After all, they were guarding their biological father.

However, Boss Qin didn't say much. He just nodded silently, then looked at me and said, "Let me introduce you two. These two are my brother's daughters. This is the eldest daughter, Qin Tiantian. This is the second daughter, Qin Sisi."

Qin Tiantian glanced at us and said hello in a pretentious way, which was considered a greeting.

Qin Sisi looked at us expectantly: "Are these two merchants of evil things? You two brothers, you must save my dad. My dad's situation is very bad now."

Qin Tiantian said sarcastically: "You two are not much older than me. Have you really dealt with vaginal objects before?"

Li Mazi was so angry that he could only gasp. I guess if it weren't for the bodyguards watching in the room, Li Mazi would have slapped this girl long ago.

She was mocking us for being too young and having little experience in handling vaginal objects. I was so angry that I just ignored her.

I admit that this is the most frustrating time in my vaginal life!

The second young lady, Qin Sisi, left a good impression on me, so I was as enthusiastic as the eldest lady, Qin Tiantian, so I smiled at Qin Sisi: "Don't worry, I will do my best on this matter."

Qin Sisi nodded immediately.

Li Mazi also immediately understood what I meant, and quickly spoke eloquently: "I have long heard that the second young lady of the Qin family is not only beautiful and graceful, but also kind-hearted. She is the number one lady in Anhui. When I saw her today, she really lived up to her reputation... …”

Li Mazi praised Qin Sisi to the sky, saying that Qin Sisi was embarrassed. Her charming appearance made people addicted.

The eldest daughter, Qin Tiantian, was so angry that her face turned red. We praised Qin Sisi to the sky. The eldest daughter, Qin Tiantian, was naturally jealous, and she was very jealous. She gritted her teeth angrily, and finally stopped Li Mazi fiercely. He yelled angrily: "Are you here to do business or to pick up girls? Let me tell you, it's best not to take advantage of my sister. We are a wealthy family. If we didn't use you, you would never have the chance to step in in this life. Such a luxurious villa, do you know? The most important thing for people is to be self-aware."

Li Mazi immediately chuckled and said, "I'm really sorry. When I saw the second lady's beauty, I couldn't help but feel my heart beat. I couldn't help but want to admire her."

So Qin Tiantian jumped up and down in anger again.

This smokeless war ended with our complete victory.

I thought to myself that you are just a little brat who just started cultivating, but Li Mazi has become a goblin in the fire. Just because you still want to fight with Li Mazi, isn't this just asking for trouble?

Boss Qin probably smelled the strong smell of gunpowder and said, okay, just stop saying a few words! Mr. Zhang, I will take you to meet my elder brother now.

Qin Sisi immediately said: "Yes, yes, it's more important to go check on my dad first."

After saying that, Qin Sisi immediately led us from the front to a room next to us.

Qin Tiantian gave us a fierce look, then ignored us and ran to the side to play with her mobile phone.

I ignored Qin Tiantian and followed them straight into one of the rooms.

There were several bodyguards standing at the door of the room, wearing sunglasses and headphones. One of the bodyguards opened the door to us and said that Qin Minghao was asleep now, and then briefly introduced Qin Minghao's situation to Boss Qin.

Boss Qin nodded and took us inside.

The room was neat and clean, but there was a big pit in the center with a lot of dirt scattered around it, which was incompatible with the luxurious decoration in the room. On a leather chair next to the pit, a bearded and unkempt man was lying on it, with several hemp ropes tied to his body.

I frowned: "Qin Minghao is not in danger now, why do we need to tie him up?"

Boss Qin explained: "My eldest brother's illness is irregular. He may suddenly go crazy at any time. If he is tied up when he is crazy, someone will definitely be hurt."

Qin Sisi immediately agreed: "Yes, master, my dad will be very strong when he is sick. Even four or five strong men can't hold him down."

I nodded thoughtfully: "Well, Boss Qin, is this the big hole where the long knife was dug?"

Boss Qin nodded.

I immediately jumped into the pit and observed it carefully. The edges of the pit were jagged, and there were even blood stains on the cement floor.

I walked up to Qin Minghao again, grabbed his arm and took a closer look. Finally, I couldn't help but gasped: "Did he dig out this big hole with his hands?"

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