Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 320 Catching the murderer

Boss Qin sighed: "I'm afraid that's the case. My eldest brother only used a pair of scissors to destroy the cement floor."

Qin Sisi immediately started crying: "My dad is so pitiful. His health is not good to begin with, and he is tortured like this..."

The more she cried, the sadder she became, and finally couldn't help but put Qin Minghao's hands on her cheeks.

Boss Qin immediately walked up and pulled Qin Sisi aside: "Don't get close to your father, he should be sick soon!"

"Where's the knife?" I asked, "I want to see the so-called thunder knife."

Boss Qin walked to the east wall and opened a closet. The thunder knife was lying quietly in the closet.

I walked up and observed it carefully.

The appearance of the thunder knife is ordinary, it is just an ordinary ancient long knife, but it is wider than an ordinary knife.

It was covered with mottled patina, but the blade was very sharp, and there was a faint glow of scarlet blood in some places, which was intimidating.

Although it is rusty, you can still see some patterns on the knife. Those patterns are very complicated and very blurry. But I could still make out some of the patterns, the shapes of thunder and lightning.

Thunder Sword, Thunder Sword, that’s how it got its name, right?

I gently touched the blade of the blade with my hand, and my hands were filled with the smell of blood, which could not be wiped off no matter how hard I wiped it.

I then asked Boss Qin, how many people’s blood has been stained by this knife since it was born?

Boss Qin said: "About seven people were injured by this knife."

I was shocked and quickly asked Boss Qin how come there were so many people's blood on the knife?

Boss Qin explained: "When the bodyguards rescued my eldest brother, they did not dare to resist at all. Several people were scratched by the blades. Counting the four people from the Zhang family in Jiangbei who committed suicide, the total is seven."

I nodded thoughtfully and said I understand. I want to stay alone with Qin Minghao for a while, but I don't know if it's convenient.

Boss Qin refused without hesitation: "No, counting the time, my brother will wake up soon. It's too dangerous for you to stay here alone."

I smiled and said: "I want to use a top-secret forbidden technique to simply bless Qin Minghao's soul to prevent his soul from being damaged."

"That's fine." Boss Qin finally breathed a sigh of relief: "But it's too dangerous for you to be here alone, Qinghu, you can help Mr. Zhang here, and everyone should get out."

"I said, I can do it alone." I declined Boss Qin's kindness without hesitation: "This spell is very special, and outsiders cannot be present, otherwise the power will be lost. I hope Boss Qin can understand."

"It's too dangerous." Boss Qin gritted his teeth and said, "I can't ignore your safety."

Damn, that shit is concerned about my safety and obviously wants to send someone to spy on me.

I had no choice but to say helplessly: "Miss Qin Er, if you stay, you might be able to help later."

Qin Sisi was a little surprised: "I...I don't know anything."

"It doesn't matter." I said with a smile: "You just need to help me with a little help later."

Boss Qin said with a gloomy face: "Sisi, then you can stay and help Mr. Zhang! If there is any danger, call us."

Qin Sisi nodded immediately and said, "As long as my dad can be cured, I will take any risk."

After everyone went out, I stood in front of Qin Minghao and looked him up and down.

Qin Minghao's whole body exudes a sour smell, and his clothes are full of rice grains and stains. If this appearance is exposed, the image of the Qin family will collapse.

Qin Sisi saw that I was standing still, so she walked up to me curiously and asked me if I saw anything?

I turned to look at Qin Sisi and said, "Miss Qin, can you do me a small favor?"

Qin Sisi nodded immediately: "As long as I can save my father, I can do anything."

I smiled slightly: "Okay, just tell me a little lie later, and I promise to help you find the real culprit behind the scenes."

Qin Sisi looked at me with wide eyes, her face full of disbelief: "Mr. Zhang, what do you mean?"

I said mysteriously: "Don't worry, just do as I say. Later your second uncle will definitely ask you, what did I do in the room? Then you will say that I painted on your father After performing a very strange trick, I saw your father open his eyes and whisper a few words to me. Just say you didn't hear what he said specifically."

Qin Sisi suddenly looked at me with a strange look in her eyes, which made me feel a little scared. I didn't know what her look meant.

After looking at each other like this for more than ten seconds, Qin Sisi suddenly said: "Are you doubting my second uncle?"

I was so shocked that my eyes almost popped out of my head. Although this girl is simple, she is not stupid. She can even be said to be extremely smart.

I just say a word, and she can understand the deeper meaning of this sentence.

I had no choice but to deny it and said: "Girl, you are thinking too much."

Qin Sisi was silent again, sighed and said, "You don't have to lie to me. I studied psychology in school, and I can see through your heart. Do you think I'm stupid?"

I choked on my saliva. Yes, this girl gave me the impression that she was silly and sweet at first, but I never expected that she would be so meaningful.

Now that things are out of control, I can only simply say: "Okay, I do have some ideas in this regard, what do you think, are you willing to cooperate with me?"

Qin Sisi nodded: "Yes, okay."

"That's good." I smiled, but it was a bitter smile. If I had known that this girl was so smart, I wouldn't have let her stay just now.

At this time, Boss Qin was a little impatient to wait outside. He knocked on the door and asked how we were doing.

I quickly said it would be fine soon. After saying that, I hugged Qin Sisi and smiled: "It's up to you whether you can catch the real culprit."

Qin Sisi nodded.

After I opened the door, Boss Qin looked inside anxiously. Seeing that Qin Minghao didn't wake up, he breathed a sigh of relief: "Fortunately, my eldest brother didn't wake up, otherwise you will definitely suffer..."

Next, Boss Qin asked me if I was sure about this matter? I replied confidently: "It should be no problem."

Boss Qin immediately patted my shoulder, but I could tell that he was still a little nervous.

"Boss Zhang, I have asked someone to arrange a room for you. You can rest here tonight! If you feel uncomfortable, I can arrange a hotel for you."

I can see that Boss Qin is testing us. If we had chosen to stay in a hotel, he would have suspected that I had guessed who was behind it.

So I just laughed and said, I have never seen such a luxurious manor in my life, I'd better live here!

Boss Qin said that's fine, if you need anything, just call the servants at home. After saying that, he left with the excuse of being busy at work.

Qin Sisi took us to the third floor and let us rest in the guest room. She also said with concern that if there was anything we needed help with, just call her.

I smiled and said no problem.

After Qin Sisi left, Li Mazi and Da Jinya couldn't wait to surround me and asked me what I had really seen and was I really sure?

I smiled dumbly and said I was pretty sure, I was lying to them.

Da Jinya and Li Mazi were immediately dumbfounded and broke into a cold sweat: "Brother Zhang, are you kidding? We are working with our heads tied to our belts now, so you don't have to worry about bragging." Are you going to give up your life?"

I rolled my eyes at the two of them and said, look at your potential, don't worry, I'm 100% sure to solve this matter.

The two looked at each other and smiled bitterly: "Just now you said you were not sure, and in the blink of an eye you said you were sure. Are you fooling me?"

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