Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 321: Intimidating the Golden Tooth

My eyes flashed: "Tonight, we really have to fool the devil!"

The two of them trembled involuntarily and looked at me with strange eyes. I didn't talk to the two of them anymore, but stretched my waist, leaned on the sofa and said, "Get a good rest, there is a lot of work tonight."

"Young Master, I really surrender to you." Da Jinya sighed helplessly and leaned next to me: "Forget it, just die."

I fell into a deep sleep without knowing it, and when I was woken up by Big Golden Tooth, it was already dark outside.

I rubbed my sleepy eyes, walked to the window and looked at the dark moonlight outside, and sneered: "The moon is high and the wind is high, it's a murderous night."

Da Jinya quickly asked me what I meant? Are you going to kill someone?

I turned to look at Da Jinya: "Please ask Qin Sisi to make us something to eat first. I'm hungry."

Da Jinya said that it would be enough to just greet the servant directly. I shook my head and told her that Qin Sisi must deliver it in person. I have something I need Qin Sisi to cooperate with.

Da Jinya had no choice but to go to Qin Sisi shamelessly. It only took a moment for Da Jinya to come back, but he didn't bring Qin Sisi with him.

I quickly asked the big gold tooth where is Qin Sisi? Da Jinya said helplessly that Qin Sisi went to a nearby five-star hotel to dine every night. Do you still want others to cook for you? I don’t think we can even eat hot shit.

I was stunned for a moment, yes, for a wealthy family like this, basically every meal is catered by the hotel chef.

I have no choice but to wait for Qin Sisi to come back before calling her in and giving her instructions...

Not long after, Qin Sisi came back. The bodyguard behind Qin Sisi was holding a thermos bucket.

This should be the meal she brought for us. I think Qin Sisi is becoming more and more pleasing to the eye. Although she is a wealthy daughter, she does not look down on us like us at all.

Qin Sisi greeted us with a smile and asked the bodyguard to put the exquisite meals on the table.

At dinner, Qin Sisi was very attentive, not only providing staple food and side dishes, but also fruit desserts.

"Sorry for the poor reception." Qin Sisi said shyly.

"Ah, everything is thorough." Da Jinya said immediately: "Second Miss is really well-informed and sensible."

After saying that, the two of them started eating hungrily.

Qin Sisi smiled softly and said, "If you have anything to do, just ask the housekeeper. Don't talk to anyone else. Just treat this place as your own home." After saying that, Qin Sisi was about to leave.

But I stepped forward and stopped Qin Sisi: "Second Miss, don't leave yet. Can you do us a favor?"

Qin Sisi immediately looked at me with a strange look and asked me what help I wanted from her.

I waved my hand: "It's okay, as long as you are with us, it proves that we have always stayed in the room."

Now Qin Sisi was even more puzzled and looked at me in confusion: "Don't you live at my house?"

I smiled and said, "Of course I'm staying at your house, otherwise how would you catch ghosts? We just don't live in this room."

Qin Sisi nodded thoughtfully: "Okay then, I promise you."

I felt that with her intelligence, she would be able to guess my purpose for doing this, so I didn’t say much.

"Boss Qin should have asked you what I did in the room just now, right?" I asked.

Qin Sisi nodded: "Asked, I told you what you told me."

I smiled: "That's good."

"I'll go find the housekeeper to get the key." Qin Sisi said, "Have you decided which room to stay in?"

I immediately stopped Qin Sisi: "You can't go to the housekeeper."

Qin Sisi looked at me confused: "How can I open the door without asking the housekeeper to get the key?"

I said, "Don't worry about this, I have my own plan."

I now suspect that even the housekeepers have been bribed by Boss Qin, and they are probably secretly monitoring our every move. If we alarm them and make them wary, it will be very detrimental to us.

Da Jinya and Li Mazi listened in stunned silence, with question marks on their faces: "What on earth are you muttering about? I can't understand a word."

I whispered: "I suspect that Boss Qin is the culprit who harmed his elder brother! It is not difficult to see that at first he did not want us to intervene in this matter. After I intervened, Boss Qin was very nervous from beginning to end. It’s not like a good younger brother who cares about his elder brother.”

"It's impossible." Da Jinya was shocked: "If that's the case, we can't interfere in this matter..."

I looked at the big gold tooth strangely: "Why?"

"You are stupid." Da Jinya jumped up and down angrily: "If you really catch Boss Qin, even if Boss Qin is defeated, the skinny camel will still be bigger than the horse! If you find a few The killer takes revenge, so killing us is just like playing... Damn, you are poking a hornet's nest, the wasp will not only sting you, but we will also suffer."

Da Jinya simply packed up and prepared to leave.

How can I enlarge gold teeth? Dangzhi stepped forward and blocked the way of Big Gold Tooth. Da Jinya actually wanted to break out. I grabbed Da Jinya's shoulder and pressed Da Jinya against the wall: "If you leave, I will tell Boss Qin that you are doubting him. You need to go to the police station to report the crime.”

" so despicable." Da Jinya was about to cry but had no tears: "Young master, just think of me as a fart and let me go? Why do you want to drag me to death together? I really don't want to." Not living enough.”

I smiled slightly: "You are still of great use, so of course I can't let you leave."

Li Mazi also sighed, stepped forward and said: "Big Jinya, you are not honest. We are all grasshoppers tied to the same rope. If you jump around now, you will push us into the fire pit." .”

Da Jinya collapsed weakly on the ground: "Oh! I must have owed you money in my previous life and haven't paid it back."

I laughed and let go of Big Jinya. It seemed that Big Jinya was completely impressed by me this time: "Okay, Big Jinya, now you go out with us to buy something."

Big Jinya looked up at me: "What do you want to buy?"

"You will know when the time comes." I looked at Qin Sisi with a smile: "Miss Qin, you can come with us! You are supposed to be monitoring us. I suspect that Boss Qin will definitely ask you about us. "

Qin Sisi nodded: "Okay."

I took them all away from Qin's house and came to the bustling commercial street. I asked Qin Sisi to take us to drink coffee.

I just noticed that someone is really following us behind us! If my guess is correct, it must have been sent by Boss Qin. It seems that I was right to bring Qin Sisi out.

Because if we don’t take Qin Sisi with us, the other party will definitely pursue us, and it will be very difficult for me to make small moves later.

Qin Sisi took us to the coffee shop, which was the same ‘Yipinju’ where Boss Qin invited us last time. After ordering three cups of coffee, I said to Da Jinya: "Da Jinya, now help me go to the hospital to buy something."

"Oh, what are you buying?" Da Jinya immediately asked curiously.

"Liquid ether." I said: "Sneak out of the box and be sure not to be discovered by people outside..."

"People from outside?" Da Jinya looked at me suspiciously. It was obvious that he didn't understand what "people from outside" meant.

I shook my head speechlessly: "Fortunately, you are still from the Zhang family in Jiangbei. We were targeted by the Qin family's bodyguards, and you didn't even notice?"

Da Jinya was taken aback and looked at Qin Sisi in astonishment: "Why are your bodyguards staring at us?"

Qin Sisi took a helpless sip of coffee: "Do you need to say this? Of course my second uncle sent someone to keep an eye on you. He wants to see what you are doing so that he can prepare easily."

Da Jinya laughed dumbly: "Second Miss, do you also doubt your second uncle?"

Qin Sisi put down the cup and said: "In this matter, I treat everyone equally and am suspicious of everyone, including you, of course."

Qin Sisi's words surprised me. I didn't expect that Qin Sisi, who seemed gentle and quiet, could be so scheming.

This girl is not simple. It seems that next time I talk to her, I can't tell her everything. I have to keep an eye on her.

It seems that Qin Tiantian, who is petty and outspoken, doesn't have any scheming intentions.

Da Jinya said: "Okay, just wait for me here, I will get it now."

Da Jinya glanced at the box, and finally fixed his gaze on the vent. So the big gold tooth quickly climbed into the vent and got out.

I looked at Li Mazi: "Are your lock-picking skills rusty?"

Li Mazi smiled: "Don't worry, I hope that the antique business will no longer make money in the future and I will make a fortune from this craft."

"Do you want to prepare any tools?" I asked.

Li Mazi said: "It depends on what kind of door it is."

As he said that, both of our eyes were on Qin Sisi.

"It's not that simple to open the door lock of my house." Qin Sisi said: "It is an electronic induction lock, and you have to use your mobile phone to connect to the door lock and enter the password to open it. My mobile phone can solve the problem of entering the password. The key is to Find the sensor chip to sense the door lock."

Li Mazi said thoughtfully: "Okay, I have to go out and prepare something."

I nodded, and after saying that, Li Mazi also left along the vent.

Now Qin Sisi and I are the only ones left in the room, alone, and the atmosphere is a bit awkward. Maybe it's because I rarely interact with beautiful women, right? What's more, the other party is a wealthy daughter with such an illustrious life experience.

She and I had nothing in common, we just drank coffee in a dull manner. After a while, I drank all the coffee without tasting anything.

Looking at my empty cup, and then at Qin Sisi, who was stirring a small cup of coffee elegantly, I suddenly felt a little embarrassed, so I simply brought Li Mazi's coffee cup over and stirred in the same manner.

"Pfft." Qin Sisi immediately became happy and looked at me with a sweet smile.

I asked you inexplicably why are you laughing? Do you think I'm making a fool of myself by not drinking coffee?

Qin Sisi waved her hand: "No, no, I definitely don't mean that. To be honest, I actually envy you because you can live freely."

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