Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 322: The shady little daughter

I smiled hoarsely and said, "What can we have to envy? You must be comforting me on purpose."

Qin Sisi shook her head: "Do you think we live a life of fine clothes and fine food all day long, as happy as gods?"

I said, "Isn't it right? With the gold and silver that your fathers have brought down for you, you can live a good life even if you don't work."

"You are wrong." Qin Sisi said depressedly: "It's a big mistake."

"Oh, really?" I asked, "How could I be wrong? Can you tell me?"

"It's not as simple as you think." Qin Sisi said, "You only see our glamorous side, but you don't see the intrigue within our family."

"With more wealth, there are more people who covet it. In order to defeat the competitors, relatives use all means! Here, I can't feel any family affection and warmth. Brother Xiao Qiang, I don't recognize my relatives. This sentence is special in our family It applies. I have tasted more ups and downs during this period than I did in four years of school.”

"Really?" I smiled: "Do you want me to comfort you, or do you want me to tell the truth?"

Qin Sisi raised her head and looked at me: "Of course I'm telling the truth."

"I think you just have enough to eat." I said: "Go and look at the people at the bottom of society, working desperately to eat and sleep every day. They have abandoned their personality and dignity, and what they get in exchange is just food and clothing. . Do you think they have no pressure? Pressure from family, pressure from life, pressure from all aspects. And what about you? At most, it’s just more money and less money. If you look away, there won’t be so much. It’s stressful.”

"I didn't realize that you are quite philosophical. We are on the same road." Qin Sisi laughed.

At this time, she is mature and steady, and her every smile is generous, completely different from the silly and sweet girl before. It seems that her innocence before was all fake, which makes me even more unsure. This woman is really terrifying!

Also, to be able to survive in such a big family and live so well is definitely not a good role.

"In front of them, I try to lower my profile as much as possible and will never argue with them over matters of interest. So in their eyes, I am just a careless person, and they are too lazy to deal with me." Qin Sisi said with some emotion. : "I didn't think about fighting with them. I didn't like my father's assets being handed over to me, so I only worked hard on my own one-third of an acre of land. Do you think I am very worthless like this?" After all, I come from a girl’s family, no matter how hard I try, I’m afraid I won’t be able to accumulate the wealth of my father’s generation.”

I immediately shook my head: "No, you are right to do this. Sometimes you have to meet your fate, and you must not force yourself to have it. This is life."

She smiled and said: "Don't you understand what I mean? I am a girl and it is really not suitable for me to take care of the company, so I need a capable agent now. So..."

She raised her head and looked at me with her delicate eyes: "I'm interested in your ability."

I almost choked on my coffee. She wants me to be her agent? Of course I refuse. I don't like this kind of intrigue life. I would rather open my own antique shop without any future.

So I refused Qin Sisi's request without hesitation: "Second Miss, are you drunk from drinking coffee? I'm just a member of society. In your eyes, I'm just a small businessman with no future. What's the point? Ability, I’m sorry, I’m afraid I’m going to disappoint you.”

Qin Sisi was a little thirsty for talents and said quickly: "Actually, I think you should think about it more carefully. As my agent, your status will naturally be different. Maybe one day, I will fall in love with you! If you are interested in our Qin family's assets by then, if you and I join forces, we might be able to fight for even the slightest bit of it."

I was dumbfounded for a while, and my good impression of Qin Sisi suddenly dropped. I could see that she was not aloof from the world, but that she knew how to be patient and lurking. In fact, she was more ambitious than anyone else.

No wonder, living in such an environment, it would be strange if one could really maintain a clear mind.

I smiled sheepishly at Qin Sisi and said, "Sorry, I'm really not interested in this."

"Forget it." Qin Sisi also smiled bitterly: "The living environment is different, and our ideas are destined to be different. No one is right or wrong in this world, so I hope that what I just said will not affect the impression I gave you."

I immediately said: "No, no, I can completely understand the second lady."

"Look, I know you won't understand me. You always called me Sisi before, why are you calling me Second Miss now? Do you think I'm scary?"

I couldn't say a word because Qin Sisi was holding her back, and the atmosphere was extremely awkward. I suddenly realized that I was completely helpless in front of this little girl.

I feel like my entire life has been wasted.

While I was thinking about it, I heard a rustling sound coming from the vent. I was overjoyed immediately. These two people came at the right time to save me.

Big Gold Tooth fell down from the vent in disgrace, with an angry look on his face: "Damn it, which bastard designed this vent? I guess only puppies can get in."

I smiled slightly: "How's it going? Have you found the medicinal ether?"

Da Jinya took out a small glass bottle from his arms: "Is it enough? This is something that is prohibited for sale. I spent 20,000 yuan to get it through my connections. You have to reimburse me."

Qin Sisi waved her hand: "I'll reimburse you."

"Ah, thank you very much, Miss Second."

This bottle of ether costs at most 300 yuan, and the big gold-toothed lion costs 20,000 yuan, just for Qin Sisi.

I secretly thought to myself, is there anyone in this world who can deceive people more than the big gold tooth?

As expected, not long after, the master who was even more deceitful than Big Gold Tooth arrived. Li Mazi brought over a dilapidated machine, which looked very strange. It was probably from some locksmith company that had eliminated unnecessary junk.

But Li Mazi boasted about that thing, saying that it was exclusively used by the CIA and could only be reserved through the black market. He, Li Mazi, used a lot of personal connections to finally get it. An ordinary person would have been unable to get it, and it cost him a hundred thousand yuan.

I finally figured it out. Both Da Jinya and Li Mazi had tricked Qin Sisi into thinking she was a fool. I had to admire Qin Sisi's skill at pretending. She couldn't even identify the two old foxes.

I asked the two of them to clean up briefly, and after making sure no traces were left, I hurried back to Qin's house.

After returning to my residence, I lay on the bed, preparing to recharge my batteries and let Li Mazi take duty.

Qin Sisi went out and said she wanted to call her second uncle.

I suddenly felt a little abrupt in my heart. Qin Sisi is much more complicated than I thought. What if she is the spy sent by Boss Qin to our side?

But Qin Sisi saw what I was thinking and said with a smile: "Don't worry, I am absolutely loyal to my father in this matter. If I really want to inform my second uncle, I will not tell my real father." I showed you one side. You know what? You are the first man to see my true character."

I laughed out loud and said, "Okay!"

I felt a little uneasy because Qin Sisi's tone seemed to mean something to me.

After Qin Sisi left, I was still a little worried. I always felt that the three grown men like us were like fools and had become Qin Sisi's pawns.

About half an hour later, Qin Sisi came back and said to us: "My second uncle called me just now and asked what we talked about in the coffee shop. I said we just briefly discussed how to exorcise my father from evil spirits tonight. "

"Second Uncle asked me to keep an eye on you tonight, lest you take the opportunity to do anything to my father, because Second Uncle investigated your details, but not much came out."

I smiled and said that was just right. Your second uncle should be relieved, right?

Qin Sisi said: "It's best to be careful. If you can get to the level of my second uncle, you can imagine his shrewdness. What if he has already suspected me?"

Yes, it’s quite a headache to think about. I secretly made up my mind that in the future, I would not interfere with anything involving a big family like this, even to death. The reason for making an exception this time is entirely because of my grandfather.

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