Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 323: Murderous Maniac

Qin Sisi stayed with us that night. I asked Qin Sisi to report to his second uncle, saying that since Qin Minghao became ill around three o'clock in the morning, we must recharge our batteries and have a good rest before three o'clock in the morning. So don’t send anyone to disturb us during this time.

This is to give Boss Qin reassurance and make him feel more confident in his actions.

Just like that, we were lying on the bed, quietly waiting for the night to fall!

Soon, it was almost eleven o'clock. I listened to the noise outside, but there was no one there.

So I woke up Li Mazi and asked Li Mazi to open the door opposite under the cover of Qin Sisi.

Li Mazi nodded immediately and went secretly. Less than five minutes later, Li Mazi opened the lock, and we followed him in the dark.

Before leaving, I closed the doors and windows of the room and opened the bottle of liquid ether.

Liquid ether will also evaporate at room temperature, so there is no need to worry about the killer not being able to catch him. After doing all this and confirming that nothing was wrong, we hid in the opposite room while holding our breath.

In order to avoid being discovered, we didn't even turn on the lights. The room was dark and it felt like the whole world was extremely quiet.

I held my breath and listened carefully to what was going on outside.

Quiet, deathly quiet.

For some reason, this silence gave me an ominous premonition, and I always felt like something was wrong.

It's already early in the morning, when people are most asleep. If Boss Qin wants to send someone to kill us, the killer should have already arrived.

Could it be that Boss Qin has noticed that we are on guard, so he put away this plan?

I couldn't help but feel panic in my heart.

Even Qin Sisi noticed the abnormality and asked me in a low voice if there was something wrong?

I asked Qin Sisi not to talk more and wait a little longer.

After waiting for about ten minutes, there began to be heard in the corridor, like the sound of a person walking. Moreover, the man's footsteps were very long, as if he was walking very slowly.

"The killer is coming." Li Mazi suddenly became nervous.

But I frowned, Lao Gao, things don't look that simple. Boss Qin knows that we are thorns and will definitely send professional killers. It is impossible for a professional killer to make such loud footsteps.

Could it be that this killer is a seasoned killer, deliberately making some noise, so that we would mistake him for a servant?

That must be what happened, I thought.

The footsteps did not stop at the door of our original room, but continued to circle around.

Who else would be running around in the middle of the night? There are only two possibilities now. The first possibility is that the other party is not a killer, but just a servant in the mansion.

The second possibility is that the killer is deliberately trying to make us relax.

In this way, the footsteps walked back and forth in the corridor twice before finally stopping at the door. I clearly heard the sound of the door being carefully opened.

Damn, he is indeed a cunning killer!

We immediately pricked up our ears and listened carefully.

The strange thing is that after the door was opened, there was no movement at all. I was overjoyed. It seemed that the other party had been tricked. The volatile liquid ether had already anesthetized the other party?

After waiting quietly for more than ten minutes, I was basically sure that the other party was really fascinated, so I opened the door without hesitation and looked at the room opposite.

The door to the room opposite was open, and the lights were not turned on. It was pitch black. I could just vaguely see a dark figure squatting on the bed, motionless.

It seemed that the other party was already fascinated by the ether before he could turn on the light. I was so happy that I quickly ran to turn on the light.

But who would have thought that as soon as I ran in, the black shadow that had been motionless suddenly jumped up: "Finally I found you, I want to avenge my eight thousand Jiangdong brothers!"

After saying that, I clearly felt a cool wind blowing directly into my neck.

Damn it!

I was immediately frightened and jumped up without hesitation: "What is going on?"

I subconsciously shrank my head, and I clearly felt a strong smell of blood brushing against my scalp, cutting off a few hairs, and even cutting my scalp.

"Run!" Qin Sisi screamed, grabbed my arm and ran outside.

I didn't think much about it, knowing that the plan failed and the man must have taken protective measures and was not stunned at all, so I ran outside without saying a word without hesitation.

As soon as I ran to the door, the killer caught up with me. The long knife in his hand was dancing like a tiger, and I clearly heard the sound of the friction between the blade and the air.

I turned around and looked around as I ran outside.

Looking at it like this, I was suddenly horrified. Where is the killer? It was clearly Qin Minghao.

Qin Minghao is in a state of being controlled by the undead. The undead is his brain, so the ether will naturally have no effect.

Damn it, I cursed in my mind.

Qin Minghao was approaching with a thunder knife in his hand, his eyes were scarlet, his long hair was windless, and the murderous aura on his body was terrifying.

"Who locked the corridor door?" Qin Sisi shouted in surprise.

I immediately looked at the corridor door, and sure enough it was locked, which meant that we could only move in the corridor on the second floor.

At this time, I suddenly realized that Li Mazi and Da Jinya were not following us at all. My heart sank immediately. Could it be that something unexpected had happened to the two of them?

This thought made my scalp tingle, and I shouted without hesitation: "Li Mazi, Da Jinya, where are you?"

At this time, the door opposite opened, and Da Jinya and Li Mazi peered out. I was speechless for a moment, damn, these two grandsons were so excited.

When Li Mazi saw me, he shouted anxiously: "Why did you two run so far?"

I looked at Qin Minghao, who was approaching step by step, and cursed: "What if I don't run away? Find a way quickly."

Li Mazi said: "Come in quickly! It's still the safest room."

After saying that, Li Mazi went back in again.

Qin Sisi was frightened, grabbed my arm, and asked me quickly what should I do?

There is no time to think too much now, all we can do is fight head-on. All my magical instruments are placed in the opposite room.

I had always thought that what we were dealing with were humans, and I didn’t think much about it. God knows what we were dealing with this time were undead.

I had no choice but to pick up a mop from the side and prepare to have a stalemate with Qin Minghao for a while. As long as we bypass Qin Minghao and rush into the room, we may be saved.

Qin Minghao made a cold, mechanical voice in his throat: "Forcing Yu Ji to death, harming my brother, haha, I want revenge, I want to avenge them!"

After saying that, Qin Minghao raised his thunder knife high and struck it hard on the top of my head.

I was shocked. The thunder knife was actually sharpened at this moment. The blade was sharp and emitted bursts of blood. The mop couldn't stop it at all. It would definitely be cut off.

Damn, what should I do?

Qin Sisi was also frightened and begged Qin Minghao to let us go.

At this time, my eyes accidentally fell on the door of the corridor. It was a sliding door with exquisite hollow patterns. I hoped it could block the thunder knife.

After thinking of this, I immediately dragged Qin Sisi back to the door.

Qin Minghao swung the thunder knife in his hand fiercely, and struck the sliding door. Suddenly, the sliding door made a sharp sound of metal friction, delaying the time for the thunder knife to cut down.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, I hurriedly pulled Qin Sisi and hid from under Qin Minghao.

As soon as I left, I heard the sound of the thunder knife hitting the ground. The sound was deafening and made my scalp numb. I immediately looked back and saw that the solid marble floor had a crack cut out like tofu, which was shocking.

I took a deep breath. How much force did it take to cut such a deep crack? If it cuts on a person, it will definitely cut the person into two pieces.

Fortunately, we finally escaped from the encirclement. I didn't dare to fight. In fact, I didn't even have time to think. I dragged Qin Sisi, who was already frightened, and ran towards the room where Li Mazi was hiding.

While running, he shouted to Li Mazi to open the door quickly.

The door was quickly opened, and Li Mazi stuck his head out again, holding two kettles in his hands, as if he was going to rescue us.

Li Mazi was overjoyed to find that we had actually escaped from the encirclement, and quickly urged us to speed up.

But just as Li Mazi finished shouting, he suddenly screamed at the top of his lungs: "No!"

Then the door slammed shut.

Your uncle, what happened? My heart suddenly started beating wildly, something must have happened again.

Sure enough, almost as soon as the door was closed, a bottle flew out from the next room and hit the door firmly. It shattered with a bang, and clouds of white mist were released from the bottle.

I looked down and felt desperate.

It was actually the ether we prepared.

The ether had not completely evaporated, and perhaps only half of the bottle had evaporated. The remaining half of the bottle of liquid ether fell to the ground and immediately began to vaporize, turning into white mist that began to spread everywhere.

I took a deep breath, my head hurt, and I almost collapsed to the ground several times. Alas, this is a big deal. Once we inhale the volatile ether, we will definitely be dizzy on the spot. Will we not be at the mercy of Qin Minghao?

I was so anxious that I stopped in a daze, not daring to go forward any further.

Turning his head and looking behind him, Qin Minghao had already caught up with him, holding a thunder knife in his hand with a fierce look.

I roared angrily and threw the mop at Qin Minghao: "I don't care anymore, rush into the room quickly."

And when we got closer, the smell of ether became stronger, and it pushed into my nostrils desperately. I felt suffocated, and my mind immediately became a little addicted.

This is our only chance. I slammed the door hard: "Li Mazi, open the door quickly. Hurry."

I clearly heard the sound of Li Mazi and Da Jinya arguing and fighting. It seemed that the two had a disagreement on whether to open the door or not.

I cursed "Damn it" and slammed the door harder. Seeing that Qin Minghao had already rushed over, there was no time to waste.

But the door didn't open for a long time, and the thunder knife was already raised high!

My body leaned against the door, weakening uncontrollably. My vision and consciousness gradually became blurred, until I finally lost consciousness completely.

Before I fell into coma, my only thought was... would I be torn into pieces?

In my daze, I heard Li Mazi's voice: "Brother Zhang, wake up quickly. We really don't have time."

I opened my eyes drowsily and felt a pain like my head was splitting. I endured the pain and sat up from the ground: "Where is Qin Sisi? Is everything okay?"

Li Mazi said: "It's okay, you are all fine. If it had been a few seconds later, your leg would have been useless."

Only then did I realize that there was a tearing pain in my leg, and I immediately looked over. Looking at it like this, I suddenly took a breath of fright.

There is a deep scar on my leg, which is bloody. It has been simply bandaged, but the pain has not been relieved at all.

"How long have I been unconscious?" I asked.

"I just lay down." Li Mazi said, "It didn't take more than three minutes."

"We are still in danger." I said, "Qin Minghao definitely wants to chop down the door!"

As soon as I finished speaking, there was a muffled bang on the luxurious wooden door. Needless to say, it must have been Qin Minghao cutting down the door.

Li Mazi rolled his eyes at me angrily: "You have such a crow's mouth."

After saying that, he ignored me and hurriedly pushed the sofa to block the door.

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