Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 324 Seven Evil Soul Locking Array

I looked around the room and found that both Da Jinya and Qin Sisi were unconscious and lying on the floor.

I get angry when I think of Big Jinya. The Big Jinya next door to Mala almost killed both of us just now. If it weren't for the injury on my leg, I would have definitely run up and strangled Big Jinya to death.

"Help!" At this moment, Li Mazi let out a scream. I looked over immediately and was horrified to find that a crack had been cut out of the luxurious wooden door. The blade of the thunder knife went down along the crack and was close to Li Mazi's body. head. If it weren't for the sofa blocking it, Li Mazi's head would have been cut in half.

There was a foul smell coming from underneath Li Mazi, and this guy was really frightened to the point of peeing.

This can't stop it for long, as liquid ether has already floated in through the gap.

I quickly shouted to Li Mazi: "Be careful with the ether."

Li Mazi said in panic: "What should I do? This guy is about to break in. Ether... Damn it, I'm starting to feel dizzy."

"Urine can detoxify." I have read this theory on the Internet before, and I don't know if it is feasible. But now I have no choice but to become a doctor.

"Pee...pee...I've finished peeing. Lend me some." Li Mazi said anxiously.

Qin Minghao struck down with another thunder knife, creating a cross-shaped crack in the door. One of his arms had already reached in, and Li Mazi had no choice but to push up the dressing table next to him.

good. I didn't care too much, so I simply crumpled the sheets into a ball, peed on them, and threw them to Li Mazi.

Li Mazi didn't mind it being dirty and just stuffed it into his mouth, which made me feel sick.

There is no way to continue like this, we must find a way to escape. I glanced at the window and could only jump from the window.

I almost crawled up to Da Jinya and Qin Sisi, slapped them twice on the face, and they soon woke up.

Even if this big gold tooth almost killed me, I couldn't just watch him die... After all, I was the one who pulled him out of this muddy water.

After Da Jinya woke up, he looked around confusedly for a long time, and finally screamed: "What's going on? Who is cutting down the door?"

I was so angry that I kicked Da Jinya directly: "Stop fucking pretending, why didn't you open the door for me just now?"

"Open the door, open what door?" Da Jinya said inexplicably: "Young Master, you can't wrong a good person. When did I stop doing things according to your instructions?"

Li Mazi had the urine sheet stuffed in his mouth, but he still dared to speak: "Stop talking, the big gold tooth might have been possessed by a ghost just now, and he pounced on me with all his teeth and claws... Brother Zhang, have you been sexually active recently?" Fire? This urine smells too strong."

I didn't care too much. Seeing that Li Mazi could no longer hold on, I rushed over and held up the sofa with Li Mazi: "Listen to my order, you two jump out of the window and escape! Otherwise, wait until that guy comes in." , no one can leave.”

Da Jinya didn't care too much, so he grabbed Qin Sisi and ran to the window, trying to jump out.

But as soon as the two of them reached the window, they were all stunned, staring straight down, motionless.

Qin Minghao's thunder knife pierced in again, and this time the door was almost cut open. His gloomy head made people feel panicked. We had no time to hesitate.

I yelled loudly: "Big Jinya, what are you doing standing still? If you want to die, you can just carry it."

Unexpectedly, Da Jinya ran over in a hurry, picked up a bench, and put it against Qin Minghao's head: "Young Master,'s better for you to go and see for yourself."

I was stunned for a moment, knowing that Da Jinya must have a reason for saying this. So I walked carefully to the window to see what was going on.

When my eyes touched the scene outside the window, I was stunned for a moment.

Outside the window, there was a dense crowd of people, at least thirty. And the weird thing is that these people have no heads and empty necks. They are wearing armor and they are all wet, and the water drops are dripping down like rain. They were all hunched over, as if they were looking for something, and were running around. The scene was so terrifying.

There are obstacles in front of us and pursuers behind us. We are forced into a desperate situation.

what to do?

I cursed fiercely in my heart. I never expected that when facing Boss Qin, we were still too young. I never expected that Boss Qin would use this trick: killing someone with a borrowed knife.

Boss Qin is indeed not a good person.

I looked at Qin Sisi, wanting to see if she was frightened? However, Qin Sisi's appearance made me doubt my own world view.

Qin Sisi looked calm and composed, and there was no trace of panic on her expression. She just stared at the group of ghosts below with bright eyes, without saying a word, as if she was thinking about something.

I was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help but feel panicked. The extraordinary courage Qin Sisi showed at this moment was simply not what a normal person should compare to. Could it be that...she was also possessed by a ghost?

This thought made me involuntarily fearful, and I took the initiative to move a few centimeters away from Qin Sisi while observing her carefully.

Qin Sisi looked down intently. Except for her slightly dull expression, there was nothing unusual about her. There was no trace of ghost at all.

That's strange. What's going on with Qin Sisi?

Li Mazi and Da Jinya couldn't bear it any longer, and shouted loudly: "Why are I still standing there, please think of a way quickly."

As soon as I finished shouting, I heard a scream from Da Jinya. I looked over immediately, but was horrified to find that Da Jinya had been stabbed on his arm, and blood was flowing out.

Looking at Qin Minghao, his upper body was fully inserted and he was struggling to get in. If the two of them hadn't used a table to support each other, Qin Minghao would have rushed in and killed everyone.

I didn't care too much at the moment, whether Qin Sisi was possessed by a ghost, so I walked over without hesitation and shook Qin Sisi's shoulders vigorously: "Hey, hey, hey, wake up quickly, your ass is burning. Already..."

Unexpectedly, this trick actually worked. Qin Sisi lowered her head and looked at me, and asked me inexplicably what I was doing.

what? What the hell else could I do, save myself quickly, I didn’t see your father rushing in and chopping us into dumpling fillings.

Qin Sisi glanced at the door and suddenly realized: "I'm sorry, I fell asleep just now."

"Asleep?" I almost choked on my own saliva and coughed several times: "You can still sleep? Are you smart or heartless?"

Li Mazi was so angry that he laughed on the spot: "Oh my god, I finally met the eldest lady of a rich family."

Qin Sisi said: "Aren't you going to ask what I dreamed about just now?"

"I don't have time, sister." I really felt like crying. I also asked you what you were dreaming about just now. I guess I had to finish the fun after asking you: "Hurry up and climb out through the window!"

"No, I think you really need to listen to my dream." Qin Sisi looked at me seriously: "I dreamed about that weird old man."

"Weird old man." I couldn't help but tremble all over, and turned to look at Qin Sisi: "You mean... the weird old man who came to the Qin family fifteen years ago to help you deal with supernatural incidents?"

"Yes." Qin Sisi nodded and said, "The old man said that he is your grandfather."

My body was shaking with excitement: "What did he tell you? It was not a dream, my grandpa channeled you..."

Li Mazi and Da Jinya couldn't stand it any longer, and screamed repeatedly: "Brother, please, can we chat again later? We really can't defend this place."

I yelled, "Just hold on for a fucking second and it'll be over soon."

After yelling, I looked at Qin Sisi: "What did my grandfather say to you?"

"Your grandfather asked me to tell you that fifteen years ago he set up the Seven Evil Soul Locking Array in the Qin family. It is still powerful today, but it was destroyed by man. As long as you can find a way to operate the array, It can restrain Xiang Yu's undead soul." Qin Sisi said.

"Seven Evil Soul Locking Array, Seven Evil Soul Locking Array..." This familiar term kept lingering in my mind, and pictures of memories appeared in my mind involuntarily.

It was clearing up after the rain, and a rainbow hung in the sky. There was a large puddle of water in front of the door. A bored boy was sitting at the door, looking out with longing eyes.

He was waiting for the little surprise that his grandfather, who depended on each other for life, would bring him.

He and his grandfather depended on each other. Every day, his grandfather went to the mountains to collect herbs for a living, and he would bring some game when he came back. Eating game cooked by grandpa is the happiest thing for a young man every day.

Finally, a series of footsteps sounded at the door. The young man was so happy that he dropped his pencil and hurried forward.

The skinny old man smiled and handed the game to the young man, whether it was a pheasant or a hare. If he was lucky, he could even catch a roe deer. Therefore, the mountain village was very poor, but the young man's food was good.

While the old man was cooking game, he looked at the young man with relief. This grandson is the only pillar of his survival.

"Grandson, do you want to eat roe deer meat?"

"Of course I did," the young man said.

"Okay, I'll teach you to recite a few formulas. If you can recite them, grandpa will let you eat roe deer meat."

"Grandpa, why are you so stingy? I have to memorize the formula to eat roe deer meat. Why memorize it? The teacher doesn't take the test."

"What you took in the exam in school is to protect wealth, but mine is to protect life." The old man smiled and said: "Come, read with me... Taishang Taixing, constantly adapting to changes, exorcising evil spirits and binding evil spirits, protecting life and body."

Although the young man didn't know the meaning of these sentences that his grandfather asked him to recite, he still recited them honestly in order to eat the roe deer meat.

The young man had to recite such obscure formulas almost every day. He would not change to other formulas until he had a few sentences deeply imprinted in his mind, more deeply rooted in people's hearts than Li Bai's "Quiet Night Thoughts". Over the years, the young man has recited no fewer than a thousand verses of the formula, and each verse has been engraved in his heart, fearing that he will never be able to forget it in this life. But so far, it has not been put to any use.

The young man didn't understand his grandfather's intention, but today, the young man seemed to understand a little more.

That young man is me. That old man is grandpa!

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