Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 325: The legacy of fifteen years ago

I took a deep breath, searched my memory, and searched for the spell about the Seven Evil Soul Locking Array.

"Tai Shang Tai Xing, constantly adapting to changes, exorcising evil spirits and binding evil spirits, protecting life and body!"

Before I could finish carrying it, I heard a bang, and then the door was knocked open. The sofas, tables and other things that were originally blocking the door were also pushed aside. Li Mazi and Da Jinya staggered He ran to me: "Brother Zhang, it's over, it's over, jump out of the window and escape."

I remained unmoved and continued to chant the mantra of the Qisha Soul Locking Formation.

Da Jinya and Li Mazi became anxious and shouted my name loudly. They thought I was possessed.

But I just recited the incantation and ignored them at all. Seeing the thunder knife slashing at my head, I was not afraid. I just watched with cold eyes and still calmly recited the incantation.

Da Jinya and Li Mazi were both dumbfounded. They immediately picked up the table and bench to block the knife for me, and at the same time called Qin Sisi to shake me awake.

Qin Sisi remained unmoved, but looked at me a little uneasily. She also didn't believe me.

The room was in a mess, and the sounds of various fights were endless. Finally, Da Jinya couldn't hold on any longer. He was stabbed in the buttocks by a thunder knife and lost all resistance. He just lay on the ground and cursed me, saying that I had killed him.

As for the incantation of the Seven Evil Soul Locking Formation, I finally finished reciting it. I suddenly squatted down, half-kneeling on the ground, with my right hand on the ground, and shouted angrily: "The Seven Evils have returned to their positions, and Yin Chai is here to greet them!"

With the completion of this spell, I clearly felt that the temperature around me dropped sharply. It was chilly, and a cool breeze blew from below, lifting Qin Sisi's short skirt.

Snapped! A burst of crackling sounds came from downstairs, followed by more and more crackling sounds, densely packed.

But Qin Minghao, who originally raised the thunder knife and was about to chop it down, suddenly froze. Then he saw Qin Minghao going crazy, covering his head in pain and rolling on the ground: "No, no, no..."

I breathed a sigh of relief, wiped the blood from the corner of my mouth, and stood up from the ground. However, his body was too weak and he almost fell to the ground. Fortunately, Qin Sisi caught him in time: "You...are you okay?"

I smiled at her: "You should pay more attention to your father."

As he said that, our eyes fell on Qin Minghao involuntarily.

Qin Minghao's body actually released a cold light, and the cold light actually formed the appearance of a person, struggling angrily.

Needless to say, the undead spirit is naturally Xiang Yu's resentment. At this moment, he is struggling crazily, trying to break free from Qin Minghao's body.

But no matter how hard he tried, he just couldn't break free from Qin Minghao's body. It felt like there was a powerful force restraining him and preventing him from leaving Qin Minghao's body.

There were bursts of painful howls from downstairs. I immediately ran to the window and looked down, and found those headless ghosts running away like crazy, but there was also a strong force pulling them, and they couldn't break free at all. After opening it, they were all sucked into the bottom of the floor and disappeared.

After a few minutes, Qin Minghao also gave up struggling and lay motionless on the ground, motionless.

Qin Sisi had used a sponge from the sofa to plug the cracks in the door so that the liquid ether from outside could not evaporate in.

After doing all this, we completely collapsed on the ground.

While Da Jinya was bandaging his wounds with rags, he yelled angrily, "What the hell is going on?" Which bastard said you wanted to keep me safe? Now my ass is blooming, how can someone explain it?

I rolled my eyes at the big gold tooth and said, "It's good that you can survive."

Da Jinya lay on the ground with his butt in his hands and asked Li Mazi to bandage him quickly.

And I looked at Qin Sisi and fell into deep contemplation. Logically speaking, my grandfather should be channeling me, so why should he channel Qin Sisi?

There are only two explanations. The first explanation is that it is not convenient for grandpa to channel me. I don’t know the specific reason.

The second explanation is that Qin Sisi's physique makes it easier for her to communicate with her grandfather, so her grandfather chose to do this.

So I looked at Qin Sisi strangely and asked Qin Sisi if there was anything in her body that could easily channel psychic energy.

After Qin Sisi thought for a moment, she quickly pulled out a small ornament from her neck.

The ornament was neither real gold nor silver, it looked like a special plastic material. I asked Qin Sisi to show me the decoration, and Qin Sisi took it off and gave it to me without hesitation.

When I looked at it, I immediately understood that it was a small decoration carved from rhinoceros horn. It is square and ugly in appearance, with only the word "Lin" carved on it.

I think it should be the Nine-Character Mantra. The word "Come" in "All those who are facing an army march forward in formation" means "Come". The rhinoceros horn itself has a powerful effect of unblocking the yin, and it is engraved with the Taoist Nine-Character Mantra, so it will naturally be more convenient. Grandpa had sex with her.

Qin Sisi asked me curiously if it was because of this decoration?

I nodded.

But I'm confused, why does a dignified young lady with a net worth of several hundred million wear such cheap decorations? It's very disrespectful, isn't it?

I looked at Qin Sisi with burning eyes and asked her why she wore such a cheap thing.

Qin Sisi immediately explained: "In my memory, it seems that the day after the weird old man left, my father gave this thing to me and told me to wear it with me and not to take it off even when taking a shower."

"I know my father well. What he believes in can't be wrong. Otherwise, it would be impossible to achieve such a great success today. So I have been wearing this thing on my body for these years." Qin Sisi said.

I smiled and held the ornament in my hand. I can probably understand in my heart that everything that happened today must have been predicted by my grandfather fifteen years ago! He knew even the small details, and even figured out that I would be the one to handle the matter.

So in order to protect me, he arranged various formations, including this ugly 'decoration'.

"What else did my grandfather say to you?" I asked.

Qin Sisi waved her hand: "I don't think we can say it yet."

"Why?" I asked inexplicably.

"Because there is a traitor among our people." Qin Sisi said.

"Traitor?" I was shocked. I had never considered this.

So I curiously asked Qin Sisi why he said this?

Qin Sisi said: "Our plan is very careful, and it is impossible for my second uncle to be prepared. But now, my second uncle seems to know our plan well, and has prepared countermeasures for everything, including locking the door in the corridor, including Clear out the people in the mansion, even the bodyguards are gone. It seems that my second uncle is very confident and will kill us all tonight! So he does things blatantly."

Qin Sisi gave me such an analysis, and my heart couldn't help but beat wildly. Yes, there are too many doubts in it. There is no other explanation except that there is a traitor.

The corridor door is basically not locked, but it happened to be locked today.

Those bodyguards will follow Qin Minghao 24 hours a day, but they are not on duty today.

All of this has only one purpose, and that is to kill us.

I took a deep breath, looked at Qin Sisi and said, "Who do you think the traitor is?"

Qin Sisi is a shrewd girl, and I trust Qin Sisi's intuition. Her judgment should be more accurate than mine.

Qin Sisi's eyes glanced back and forth among the few of us, and finally her eyes fell on Da Jinya.

Qin Sisi's suspicion is the same as mine, and I firmly believe that it was the Golden Tooth that harmed us.

I know Li Mazi well, and I'm afraid he won't betray me even if I kill him. Qin Sisi doesn't need to say much. After all, the person we rescued is her father. She has no reason to harm her biological father, not to mention that Qin Minghao is still her last supporter.

The traitor can only be Da Jinya!

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