Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 327: Ghost crying by the river

I said that tonight I would set up the Seven Evil Soul Locking Formation, which should be able to suppress the Overlord of Western Chu again.

Boss Qin breathed a sigh of relief and said that would be fine.

But I could tell that Boss Qin was still very anxious. He didn't want me to rearrange the Seven Evils Soul Locking Formation, so when I said that, Boss Qin immediately turned dark.

How did he know that I actually don't know how to set up the Seven Evils Soul Locking Array, only the oral formulas. But I'm not worried. I can see grandpa tonight. Grandpa will definitely have a way to deal with the Overlord of Western Chu.

But at the same time, I also faced a sense of crisis, because Boss Qin would definitely speed up his plan to kill us. Of course, we are on guard. On the surface, he will not take action. The only chance is to kill someone with a borrowed knife.

Killing us with Qin Minghao's hand will kill two birds with one stone.

After Boss Qin briefly understood the situation, he left on the pretext that he was busy with business.

I know that Boss Qin must have gone to the mastermind behind the scenes to discuss countermeasures. He will definitely not let us succeed tonight.

If we understand the mastermind behind the scenes, we can make some preparations in advance and improve our chances of winning. So I asked Da Jinya to secretly follow Boss Qin to see if he could find the mastermind behind the scenes.

Big Jinya covered his butt and said, can you still move if you look at me like this?

Yes, Da Jinya's arms and butt were seriously injured, so it would definitely be inconvenient to track him.

Qin Sisi said: "I know some private detectives and we can ask them to help us."

I'm a little surprised, how could Qin Sisi know a private detective? What did she spy on? Nine times out of ten, they are trade secrets.

Qin Sisi ignored my weird look, took out her cell phone and dialed a number, explaining it in a few words.

At this time the ambulance came, and I asked Li Mazi and Da Jinya to go to the ambulance to bandage them. Qin Sisi and I were not injured and were ready to tie Qin Minghao up again.

But as soon as the two of them came downstairs, they heard Big Jinya calling my name, asking me to go down and have a look.

I immediately panicked, wondering if something had gone wrong again?

So I ran down without hesitation.

"What's wrong?" I asked Da Jinya.

Da Jinya and Li Mazi looked at the corner of the villa with horrified expressions. I immediately looked over and found that there was a large group of black things at the corner, densely intertwined and looking very weird.

hiss! I took a deep breath and quickly got closer to take a look. Looking at it like this, I was also shocked.

Those densely packed together were actually a group of dead rats, at least dozens of them, exuding a stinky smell, and their bodies were rotten and shriveled to varying degrees.

The doctors and nurses who were waiting in the car also ran down to watch the fun, and they all started talking after seeing the dead rats.

This is indeed strange. How could there be so many dead rats in a mansion like this?

Soon, a group of bodyguards came over. They were the bodyguards guarding Qin Minghao. They dispersed us and then cleaned up all the dead rats.

Li Mazi asked me what happened to those dead rats? I sighed and said that I restarted the Qisha Soul Locking Array last night. The drive of the Qisha Soul Locking Array requires the support of souls. There is no doubt that the undead souls of these rats have become the energy to drive the Qisha Soul Locking Array, but these The soul of a dead rat can't last long at all. I'm afraid that tonight, the Seven Evil Soul Locking Array will automatically fail again.

We stayed in the mansion all day long, doing nothing.

I have been waiting for it to get dark and meet my grandfather. Thinking that I can see his old man tonight, I can't help but feel excited.

Qin Sisi has been taking care of Qin Minghao all day. Now Qin Minghao has not been bewitched by the undead for the time being. He woke up once during the day, but he was too weak and confused. He simply fed some liquid food and then fell asleep again. .

Originally, the bodyguards were prepared to protect Qin Minghao, but Qin Sisi drove them away. There is no doubt that these bodyguards are boss Qin's people. Qin Sisi is worried that these bodyguards will secretly kill Qin Minghao!

As for Qin Tiantian, she didn't bother to pay attention to her semi-paralyzed father and didn't stay in the mansion all day. Da Jinya told me that he saw a man driving a Ferrari picking up Qin Tiantian.

It is estimated that in her eyes, there is no biological father or mother, only a world of flowers and flowers.

After lunch, I asked Qin Sisi to call the detective to see if the mastermind behind the scenes had been investigated.

But after we called, we found out that something bad had happened. The other party's phone had been unanswered. This made us murmur in our hearts. We thought that the other party might have been discovered by Boss Qin. It was probably more serious than bad.

It would be okay if the detective didn't find out anything, but if he saw the mastermind behind the scenes, I'm afraid Boss Qin would kill someone and silence him for his big plan.

Qin Sisi was also worried, but didn't know what to do. I had no choice but to comfort Qin Sisi and tell her not to worry. When I see Grandpa tonight, I will see through Boss Qin's trick, and I won't worry about Boss Qin not handing over the detective.

Although Qin Sisi was still very worried and didn't seem to believe what I said, she didn't say much.

At night, I asked Qin Sisi and Da Jinya to look after Qin Minghao here. I was worried that Boss Qin would send someone to do something against them, so I simply asked Qin Sisi to find two bodyguards she trusted to guard her.

And I took the big gold tooth to the edge of Wujiang River.

The Wujiang River exudes a stinky smell as always, with all kinds of garbage floating up and down on the Wujiang River. The cool wind blows, and the coldness penetrates deep into the bones.

We stood on the edge of Wujiang River, observing the surroundings carefully, looking forward to grandpa's appearance.

However, we waited on the edge of Wujiang River for a full hour, but still no sign of grandpa. This makes me worried. I suspect that the Qi Sha Soul Locking Formation will soon be unable to hold on. If this continues, if Qin Minghao goes crazy again, without us around, Qin Sisi and Da Jinya will definitely encounter something unexpected.

Although there are two bodyguards around, they shouldn't have much effect? .

I waited anxiously, feeling that if grandpa didn't show up again, I might be tortured and go crazy.

"Hey, brother Zhang, look what that is." Just when I was suffering in my heart, I suddenly heard Li Mazi shout in surprise.

I was shocked and quickly looked over and found that there were many black shadows appearing out of thin air on the Wujiang River, rising and falling with the river water.

"What is that?" I looked more carefully. Those black shadows were round and round, like rubber balls.

"Those are his mother's heads." Li Mazi screamed: "Damn it, why are there so many heads?"

When I heard this, I suddenly had a headache. Yes, those were definitely human heads. They were all black and densely packed together. The visual shock was still very strong.

Although the light was very poor, through the hazy moonlight, we could still barely distinguish the facial features of these people. These people were lifeless and expressionless, except for their eyes, which were wide open, full of unwillingness and resentment!

I immediately thought of the headless ghosts I saw downstairs in the mansion yesterday. If I guessed correctly, these heads should belong to those headless ghosts.

It seems that the Seven Evil Soul Locking Array has failed, and these undead have come back again.

No, we have to go back. Qin Sisi and the others will definitely not be able to resist Qin Minghao.

So I immediately called to Li Mazi and prepared to take Li Mazi back.

However, when I stretched out my hand to pull Li Mazi, I was horrified to find that Li Mazi was standing motionless. No matter how hard I pulled, he was like a wooden stake.

I immediately turned my head and glanced, but was shocked by Li Mazi's expression.

Li Mazi opened his mouth, rolled his eyes up, stood on tiptoes, and had a faint smile on his lips. From time to time, he stretched out his hand to wipe the corners of his mouth.

This situation, this scene, I was possessed by it without even seeing it. I was shocked and immediately prepared to exorcise Li Mazi.

But before I started taking action, I suddenly heard a strange squeaking sound. I was shocked and quickly looked at Li Mazi more carefully.

I never expected that there was a mouse lying on Li Mazi's head at this moment! The mouse was black all over, with piercing eyes, and its little paws were dancing constantly, as if it was guiding me in the direction.

I recognized it at a glance. Isn't this little mouse the natal mouse of Senior Shu? Why is this natal rat here?

The natal rat looks full of energy, which proves that the senior rat is also energetic. In other words, the senior rat has recovered.

Moreover, the distance between the senior rat and the natal rat is never more than five kilometers, so the senior rat must be nearby. Thinking back to the little mouse's action of showing us the way, I suddenly realized: "Senior Mouse must be waiting for us nearby."

It turns out that Li Mazi was controlled by his natal rat.

I happily said: "Little Mouse, did Senior Mouse ask you to come?"

The little mouse nodded happily, and Li Mazi made a vague voice: "Follow me."

I immediately said: "Okay, take me to Senior Rat quickly."

So Li Mazi walked in front, and I followed closely.

Not long after walking, I heard the sound of ghosts crying and wolf howling coming from the Wujiang River. In this wilderness, these sounds made me feel uncomfortable. But I didn't think much about it and just followed Li Mazi.

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