Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 328: Battle of wits

I felt anxious and uneasy, really worried that Qin Minghao would hurt Qin Sisi after the Seven Evil Soul Locking Array was destroyed. This senior rat is serious. If you can just come to me and be done with it, why let a rat lead the way?

Not long after walking along the Wujiang River, I heard a cold voice: "Boy, you are so brave. You dare to take on any business, are you not afraid of losing your head?"

I was overjoyed: "Senior Shu, where are you? Come out."

On a big tree next to Wujiang River, a dark shadow flashed across and landed in front of us. Who was that if it wasn't Senior Shu?

I quickly said: "Senior Shu, why are you hiding so well? I almost didn't notice you."

Senior Rat said: "Tsk, if possible, I really hope I don't know you."

I don't have time to chat with Senior Shu, and now I'm full of worry about Qin Sisi's safety.

So I immediately asked Senior Shu how he knew I was handling this transaction.

Senior Shu said angrily: "Aren't you your grandfather who works as a ghost? If it weren't for your grandfather's face, I wouldn't bother to care about you."

When I mentioned my grandfather, I suddenly remembered the purpose of my coming here. So I immediately asked Senior Shu: "Senior Shu, where is my grandfather? You have met him, right? He asked me to come here to meet him."

After saying that, I looked around with longing eyes.

"Stop looking." Senior Rat said, "There's no way your grandpa could come here."

"Why?" I was shocked: "He was obviously here last night."

"That's your grandfather and me." Senior Rat said.

"It's you!" I was shocked: "Why is it you? Why are you pretending to be my grandfather?"

"Nonsense." Senior Shu said, "How can I scare Boss Qin if I don't pretend to be your grandfather?"

"You are trying to scare Boss Qin by pretending to be mysterious?" I was confused: "Why are you scaring Boss Qin?"

Senior Mouse said: "In order to make him mess up his position. If Boss Qin messes up his position, we can take advantage of it and kill him at once."

"Oh?" I looked at Senior Shu with great confusion: "Senior Shu, from your tone, it seems that you are absolutely sure that you can deal with Boss Qin."

Senior Mouse said: "I'm not very sure, but this is the only way. I can only treat a dead horse as a live doctor."

I immediately looked at Senior Shu: "Oh, Senior Shu, please tell me your plan."

Senior Mouse said: "When you go back, rearrange the Seven Evil Soul Locking Array and lure the master behind Boss Qin to deal with the Seven Evil Soul Locking Array..."

"But." I looked at Senior Shu with a red face: "I don't know how to set up the Seven Evil Soul Locking Array, I only know the formula."

Senior Mouse said: "Of course I'm not really asking you to set up the Seven Evils Soul Locking Array, I'm just asking you to pretend. When the time comes, as long as the other party comes up with some crooked idea to break the array, I guarantee that the other party will be wiped out."

I was surprised and looked at Senior Shu inexplicably: "Without the Seven Evil Soul Locking Formation, I can't defeat him, so why should I let him be wiped out in ashes?"

Senior Shu said proudly: "You don't know something about this. The 'Seven Evils' of the Seven Evil Soul Locking Array are seven very powerful undead souls with very powerful resentment. This resentment is even stronger than the Thunder Knife." The resentment of the Western Chu Overlord is even stronger! That’s why your grandfather arranged the Seven Evil Soul Locking Array to seal the thunder knife."

"After the Seven Evils Soul Locking Array set up by your grandfather was destroyed, the locked Seven Evils will be released. After they have been locked for such a long time, their resentment will definitely become stronger. Against the person who sealed him, I must hold a grudge in my heart. If your grandpa showed up, Qi Sha would definitely tear your grandpa into pieces. Do you think your grandpa dares to come here?"

I was speechless for a while.

"So your grandpa has no choice but to ask me to inform you. You are pretending to set up the Seven Evil Soul Locking Array. Of course, you must do it in a serious way and just pretend that you really know how to do it. This is to confuse Boss Qin and make him The master behind Boss Qin made a magic array to deal with the Seven Evil Soul Locking Array."

"Of course, the Qi Sha Soul Locking Array no longer existed at that time. The array arranged by Boss Qin's people was actually dealing with the Qi Sha who had just escaped. The Qi Sha was worried that he could not find anyone to vent his anger on. Now, Someone actually comes to deal with me, why should Qi Sha still be angry?"

I suddenly realized it and gave a thumbs up, saying that Senior Shu was still very calculating.

Senior Mouse waved his hand: "Stop complimenting me, I'm not that powerful. This was all your grandfather's idea."

I said: "Now that the Qi Sha Soul Locking Array has been destroyed, will the Qi Sha harm Qin Sisi and the others?"

Senior Mouse waved his hand: "Of course not. The Seven Evils should still be in a sleeping state at the moment and have not yet awakened. And even if they wake up, they will adapt for a while. After confirming that the Seven Evils Soul Locking Array has been destroyed, they will will appear."

"It will probably have to wait until tomorrow, so during the day tomorrow, you must make Boss Qin believe that you have really arranged the Seven Evil Soul Locking Array. Otherwise, if the other party sees through it, Boss Qin's people will manipulate the Seven Evils to harm you. Even I won’t be able to save you anymore..."

I nodded immediately: "Don't worry. By the way, the Seven Evils Soul Locking Array has been destroyed. The resentment of the thunder knife today will definitely affect Qin Minghao. How should I deal with the thunder knife?"

Senior Shu took out a talisman from his arms with pain, and reluctantly gave it to me: "This is the Soul-Calming Talisman, a high-level talisman. It was given to me on the first day of the new year. I have treasured it for decades and still can't part with it." Use it, oh, it’s actually much easier for you kid.”

I laughed dumbly and discovered the flaw in Senior Shu's words: "Senior Shu, you're kidding me. You said you have been keeping this talisman for decades, and you said it was given to you by the T-shirt man. Then the T-shirt man is just a joke." He must be less than twenty-five years old, let alone he can draw talismans since he was born."

Senior Shu smiled awkwardly and said, "You know nothing. Do you know what reverse growth is?" The first day of junior high school is reverse growth.

I just thought Senior Rat was bragging.

Only then did I think of Li Mazi. At the moment, Li Mazi's mind was still being controlled by Senior Shu's natal rat. I should let Senior Shu free Li Mazi's mind.

Senior Shu smiled and said: "Li Mazi cannot be allowed to see me. The fewer people who know about this matter, the better. It is better to be cautious. After all, it is related to your life safety."

I immediately nodded: "Senior Shu, don't worry, this matter will never be told."

Senior Mouse breathed a sigh of relief, turned around and left.

After the senior rat walked away, the natal rat lying on Li Mazi's head jumped down and disappeared into the grass.

Li Mazi suddenly coughed violently, feeling like he was about to cough out his lungs.

"Li Mazi, wake up!" I stretched out my hand and waved it twice in front of Li Mazi's eyes, and Li Mazi finally regained his consciousness little by little.

"Damn it." Li Mazi cursed loudly as soon as he woke up: "I seemed to have fallen asleep just now."

"Really?" I said with a smile.

Li Mazi nodded confusedly: "Yes, I really fell asleep. And I had a strange dream."

I smiled and asked, "What dream?"

"I fucking dreamed that I became a mouse." Li Mazi said with emotion: "It's so strange, I even want to steal things."

I laughed dumbly: "Let's go back, it's just a dream."

Li Mazi grabbed me: "Go back? Aren't we here to find Mr. Zhang? If we don't find Mr. Zhang, go back and wait for death."

"I have already met my grandpa." I said: "And grandpa has taught me the layout method of the Seven Evil Soul Locking Array."

"Ah?" Li Mazi was shocked: "Why didn't I know?"

"Didn't you fall asleep just now?" I said.

"Something's wrong, something's wrong." Li Mazi dragged me and refused to let me go: "I said how could I have such a strange dream? It must be your old man who cast a ecstasy spell on me, right? That must be the case. Then The old man is really too shameless to see people. Why did he confuse me? I still want to see what the ghost looks like."

I made a random excuse and said that I couldn't let you see it. My Seven Evil Soul Locking Formation is an ancestral formation that is passed down from generation to generation. It is passed down from male to female, from within to outside. If you knew about it, wouldn't it reveal the secret?

Li Mazi scolded: "This is too narrow-minded! Forget it, you have learned it."

"Of course I have learned it," I said, "I have learned it before, but now I am just familiar with it."

Li Mazi was very happy and didn't question my words at all, so he happily went back with me.

After returning, there was nothing strange in the mansion. Da Jinya and Qin Sisi were guarding Qin Minghao, who was still in a coma.

After seeing us coming back, Da Jinya immediately ran up to us and asked us how the situation was handled.

I smiled and said that everything went well. I met my grandfather, and my grandfather told me some details and essence of the Qisha Soul Locking Array. Tomorrow, as long as I arrange the Qisha Soul Locking Array, I can use the thunder knife again. Seal it.

Da Jinya was very happy and said he was finally free.

I asked Qin Sisi if Qin Minghao was awake? Qin Sisi said that she woke up just now, but she was too weak and confused. She just ate something and then fell asleep again.

I nodded and said that would be fine.

Li Mazi asked me if we would be safe today? I shook my head and said that I couldn't be sure yet, because the Seven Evil Soul Locking Formation was destroyed, and the undead resentment of Lei Dao still existed, and it might even hurt Qin Minghao. We'd better be careful.

After saying that, I carefully placed the talisman that Senior Rat gave me on Qin Minghao's forehead, hoping that the talisman would really work.

Just in case, I asked Li Mazi to find some black dog blood and soybeans. If the spell didn't work, I would have no choice but to fight Qin Minghao.

And during the next period of waiting, Qin Minghao really went crazy. He roared angrily and struggled so hard that the two strong bodyguards couldn't hold Qin Minghao down.

Fortunately, the talisman really worked in the end. When Qin Minghao was about to break free, the talisman burned violently. He heard Qin Minghao's heart-rending scream and lay down again. There was no movement at all.

I breathed a sigh of relief, but I felt a little sorry for that talisman. I am still very knowledgeable. Although it may not be as outrageous as what Senior Shu said, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a high-level talisman... It can shock the Overlord of Western Chu, how can it? It's a normal spell.

Qin Sisi looked at me in pain, but she was considerate and could still understand what I was feeling. Then he smiled and asked me how much that talisman cost.

I was speechless: "Forget it, that talisman is priceless, money can't buy it."

Qin Sisi smiled at me: "Well, I understand."

I was stunned for a while, do you understand? What do you unserstand? She shouldn't think that I'm asking her for a price.

Forget it, since she wants to give me money for free, why should I turn her away? He didn't say anything.

We stayed up like this until dawn, and nothing weird happened again. The charm not only has the effect of exorcising spirits and exorcising evil spirits, but also seems to have a certain effect in soothing the soul. I clearly noticed that Qin Minghao's complexion improved a lot, and he looked like a normal person who had fallen asleep.

This surprised Qin Sisi.

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