Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 329 Seven Evil Spirits

Waiting until dawn, Boss Qin came again, looking at the tidy room with suspicious eyes, and asked us if the elder brother didn't mess around again last night?

Qin Sisi said with a smile: "Second uncle, this boss Zhang is really capable. Yesterday he just used some small tricks to suppress the undead. Look, my dad will be able to recover in a short time." It’s normal!”

Boss Qin immediately ran up to see Qin Minghao. Seeing that everything was normal, Boss Qin cried with joy. He held Qin Minghao's hand and was very excited: "Brother, you are saved, it's great. Boss Zhang, thank you so much." I was doubting you a little bit before, so don’t take it to heart.”

I smiled and said, "No."

In fact, I kept cursing this Boss Qin all the time in my heart. His acting skills are really unparalleled. The tears came at the drop of a hat, and there was no guilt at all. What he said was different from the truth.

If it were me, I probably wouldn't be able to hold it in for a long time.

And looking at Qin Tiantian, she is not as good at acting as Boss Qin. She tried her best to show her excitement, but in fact it was a bit too much. I could clearly see the worry and fear in her heart.

She was worried that once Qin Minghao really woke up, the collusion between her and Boss Qin would definitely be exposed. Once exposed, her status as a rich young lady might not be guaranteed.

After Boss Qin performed for a while, he left on the pretext of something else. Qin Tiantian also left randomly.

I walked to the window and looked down, and saw Boss Qin and Qin Tiantian arguing in the manor. Boss Qin looked very angry, pushed Qin Tiantian away, and left angrily.

Qin Tiantian followed angrily.

Watching the two people leaving, Qin Sisi sighed helplessly and looked at Qin Minghao in a daze.

Indeed, anyone who encounters this kind of thing will be disappointed and sad, right? After all, she is her own sister, but she colludes with outsiders to harm her biological sister and biological father. This is the legendary disowning of relatives.

I didn't know how to comfort Qin Sisi, so I had to let Qin Sisi guard Qin Minghao here, and promised her repeatedly that she would definitely save Qin Minghao, so that she shouldn't worry.

Then I took Li Mazi and Da Jinya and left.

Our troops were divided into three groups, and I asked Li Mazi to prepare the materials for the formation. Of course, the so-called materials are just what I came up with randomly. After all, I didn't really arrange the Seven Evil Soul Locking Array.

Da Jinya is around the villa, looking for a place to hide and observe the movements around the villa. If he sees anyone suspicious, he will report it to me as soon as possible. I want to confirm whether Boss Qin’s mastermind is really planning to deal with Qi near the villa. The formation of Soul Locking Array?

As for me, I walked around the villa with a compass, claiming to the outside world that I was observing Feng Shui, and arranged the seven death gates of the Seven Soul Locking Array, but in fact I just walked around here.

By noon, Li Mazi had prepared all the things I wanted, and Da Jinya also called me, saying that he had spotted a short man wandering around the villa, writing and drawing on the ground from time to time. What are you drawing, asking me if I want to catch the other party?

I told Da Jinya not to act rashly, and just let the other party set up the formation, and quickly slip away, so as not to be discovered by the other party.

Da Jinya agreed immediately and came back not long after.

Next, it was time to lay out the formal formation. I asked Li Mazi to bury the seven collected skeletons in the pre-selected places, and then sprinkled black dog blood on each pit and sprinkled a handful of salt.

After that, a circle of soybeans was sprinkled around the villa, and a red thread was strung with red rope and money. It went around the villa. There were more than forty threads in total. The end of each thread was tied to Qin Minghao's hand. On the body.

These things actually don't have the slightest effect, but since you want to confuse the opponent, you have to use mystery to make the enemy unable to understand.

If he didn't understand, he would naturally think it was the Seven Evils Soul Locking Array!

Next, it’s time to wait for night to fall.

When we were setting up the magic circle, I clearly saw a group of bodyguards secretly observing and then making a phone call. There was no doubt that they were informing Boss Qin.

At night, with the bright moon in the sky and dappled stars, this mansion looks so peaceful and beautiful.

In order to cooperate with the activation of the 'Seven Evils Soul Locking Array', I specifically asked Boss Qin to turn off all the lights outside the mansion, lying that this would allow the Seven Evils Soul Locking Array to exert its maximum power.

Boss Qin did as I asked.

Boss Qin stayed here tonight, maybe he could help me in some way. In fact, I felt like a mirror in my mind. Boss Qin clearly wanted to monitor me and see if I could really use the Seven Evils Soul Locking Formation.

In order to prevent Boss Qin from arousing suspicion, I did not refuse Boss Qin and asked him to stay with us.

Qin Tiantian did not stay. I think Boss Qin was worried that Qin Tiantian would expose her secrets, so he did not let her stay with us.

Night fell quickly, and before I knew it, it was eleven o'clock in the evening. I immediately set up the Dharma altar and began to perform the rituals of opening the altar, purifying myself, walking in the acrobatics, and reciting mantras. Everything was done according to the rules, and I didn't dare to slack off at all.

This lasted for more than twenty minutes, and I finally saw something strange happening outside the mansion.

A strong wind blew dust and garbage all over the sky, lingering in the air, circulating, and spinning around the villa.

Immediately afterwards, I heard a sound of ghosts crying and wolves howling, coming from below the villa. The temperature in the mansion instantly dropped several degrees, and I got goosebumps from the cold.

"It's out, it's out! Damn it!" At this moment, Li Mazi suddenly shouted in horror.

I immediately looked out the window and clearly saw several black shadows rising slowly.

Boss Qin was horrified and couldn't help but tremble all over. Obviously, Boss Qin believed that this was the effect of the Seven Evils Soul Locking Array, and he believed that I would really set up the Seven Evils Soul Locking Array.

Boss Qin laughed and said, "I'm going to the toilet."

Then he left in a hurry.

I knew in my heart that Boss Qin was going to tip off the master behind the scenes, so that the master behind the scenes could quickly use the formation to deal with my Seven Evil Soul Locking Formation.

I sneered in my heart and signaled Da Jinya to secretly follow Boss Qin to see what he wanted to do.

Da Jinya immediately followed him secretly. It didn't take long before he turned back and said, "The grandson ran away. He's from Male Gobi."

I smiled, it seemed that our plan was going very smoothly.

I stopped what I was doing, walked to the window and looked outside.

The seven black shadows gradually rose into the sky, and finally stayed at the same level as us.

These dark figures cannot be seen clearly, but their general shapes can still be seen. There were seven people, all missing arms and legs, and two of them had no heads. It was so scary.

Then, they began to circle around the mansion, making sounds like ghosts crying and wolf howling: "Revenge, you must find him to take revenge, take revenge."

"Have you seen who imprisoned us?" After the seven black figures hovered for a moment, they suddenly stopped and asked the air with eager eyes.

"!" I clearly heard a frightened voice reply. I was so frightened that I immediately looked over, only to find someone there.

"Hmph." Qi Sha snorted and continued to circle around the mansion.

After Qi Sha left, I was horrified to find that a figure appeared out of thin air in the air that Qi Sha was facing just now.

The distance was too far to see clearly. I could only see a vague shadow, and the figure was crawling on the ground.

And I clearly found that as the figure's upper body crawled away, its lower body still stayed in place.

This guy was actually 'cut in half'.

I looked at it with fear on my face. It also discovered me and crawled towards me. It kept making pitiful howling sounds: "Help me, help me..."

I could tell just from the sound that this was not a human being at all, but an undead spirit.

Those seven undead spirits actually broke the passing ghost in half. You can imagine how powerful the seven evil spirits are.

I couldn't help but gasp.

The Seven Evils quickly moved to the back of the mansion, and I immediately ran to the opposite room and looked at the Seven Evils through the window.

Qi Sha unexpectedly encountered several ghosts again and kept asking: "Do you know who imprisoned us?"

Naturally, they got a negative answer. After the Seven Evils left, I discovered that the ground was full of broken wandering souls, and it was a mess. It was so scary.

I gasped.

As they wandered around, more and more wandering souls were brutally murdered. In less than ten minutes, the mansion was surrounded by broken wandering souls.

Although these wandering souls have been torn into pieces, they can still squirm, their broken limbs and broken arms are constantly shaking on the ground, and the sound of ghosts crying and wolf howling makes people feel restless.

Just when I was worried, Qi Sha's eyes were all turned in our direction.

My heart suddenly skipped a beat. Oh no, they discovered it. I was so shocked that I quickly dragged the other people back and closed the curtains.

Don't find us, don't! I thought with trepidation.

However, things did not develop in the direction I hoped for. I clearly saw the Seven Evils floating towards our direction. The sneers on their faces and the ferocious aura made me feel a sense of fear involuntarily.

Damn it, I was really discovered now.

"It's such a familiar scent, as if I've felt it before."

"Yes, do you think he is the one who imprisoned us?"

"Shouldn't we find out if we catch him and question him?"

"Hmph, yes, catch him and ask him."

After saying that, they came to the window and stared at me.

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