Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 330 The Evil Man Appears

I was horrified and stepped back one after another.

But the Seven Evils had already come in. Their mutilated bodies looked so terrifying, and there was a steady stream of bloody smell coming out of the wounds. I vaguely smelled a pungent smell, which made me tremble with fear.

Looking at the other people, they were already scared out of their wits.

"This breath is getting more and more familiar." One of them smiled coldly: "What do you think?"

"I remembered, he was the one who sealed us."

"Even if it's not him, it's still his relative!"

"Haha, revenge, we have been waiting for more than ten years, isn't this the day we have been waiting for?"

"Kill him, kill him. The suffering we have suffered must be paid back a thousand times."

My heart trembled. I didn’t expect that the plan did not progress as I imagined. Now I was in big trouble. Even grandpa was afraid of them. How could we be the opponents of the Seven Evils?

"You go first." I whispered, "Their target is me and they won't cause trouble for you."

Li Mazi said in a deep voice: "We will advance and retreat together through life and death. I can't leave now! Da Jinya, please take the second lady and leave first."

Da Jinya said quickly: "Second Miss, go quickly, I believe the young master can definitely handle it."

Unexpectedly, Qin Sisi gritted her teeth and said, "No, he ended up in this situation because of my family's affairs. I can't just let him go. One more person will bring more strength."

I was still a little touched in my heart. I never expected that Qin Sisi could be so affectionate and kind. My understanding of her once again rose to a new level.

But now is not the time to show loyalty. We are simply cannon fodder. No matter how many people we have, it will be useless.

"Second Miss, you go first, don't make unnecessary sacrifices."

But Qin Sisi was very stubborn. No matter how much I tried to persuade her, she just refused to leave.

Da Jinya was also extremely annoyed and tried to persuade Qin Sisi, but it was of no use at all.

In the end, Da Jinya became desperate and cursed: "What a fool, I won't leave. Don't think I, Da Jinya, am greedy for life and afraid of death, but I also have principles. If I leave, won't I be deprived of my life?" Are you called a disloyal and unjust person?"

Da Jinya's performance was far beyond my expectations. I smiled at him and said, "Okay, Da Jinya, you are much more noble than I thought."

Da Jinya shrugged at me: "I'm not forced by you, you despicable guys."

I burst out laughing and said to everyone: "You guys help me delay here for a while, and I suddenly found a way to deal with the Seven Evils."

After saying that, I hurried to the window, and the three of them consciously formed a human wall to protect me behind them.

When I turned around and ran away, I clearly saw Qisha rushing towards the three people. Without hesitation, the three people took out the soybeans they had prepared during the day and sprinkled them on Qisha.

Suddenly there was a burst of crackling explosions and flashes of light and electricity, which was very lively. Coupled with the sound of ghosts crying and wolves howling, the mansion instantly turned into a haunted house.

I opened the window and shouted outside: "Seven Evil Soul Locking Array, open!"

With this roar, I clearly saw a small tornado and a vague blue light rising out of the outer layer of the mansion, where the master behind Boss Qin arranged the magic circle during the day. , also lit up instantly, as the tornado raged violently.

I was overjoyed, this proved that my guess was correct. The masters behind the scenes did not activate the magic circle before because they were still questioning whether I was really setting up the Seven Evils Soul Locking Array?

However, with the strange phenomena in the mansion and my voice, they no longer questioned it... It is estimated that they did not know the activation of the Seven Evil Soul Locking Array, so they took the Seven Evils to be rampant and rampant. This is an important sign of the opening of the Seven Evil Soul Locking Array!

As the opponent's formation was activated, the tornado and blue light instantly formed waves of blue air. Hundreds of air waves surged towards the mansion from all directions, approaching the Seven Evils.

The speed and intensity of the air wave were so fast that it directly shattered the window glass. I was horrified. It seemed that this air wave not only affected the undead, but also had a strong impact on entities.

I finally understood that the master behind the scenes not only wanted to break my Seven Evil Soul Locking Formation, but also wanted to kill us by the way.

I was so shocked that I quickly threw Qin Sisi under me and roared: "Everyone, get down quickly."

Li Mazi and I have a deep tacit understanding. He knows what I am going to say as soon as I open my mouth. This guy who is greedy for life and afraid of death, Da Jinya, is extremely sensitive to anything I say. When I say something, he falls down faster than Li Mazi.

The moment we lay down, I clearly felt a strong airflow brushing against my scalp. The strong airflow made my scalp feel burning and painful.

Looking at Qisha again, he was actually wrapped in a strong air current. They were holding on not to be washed away by this powerful airflow, and were fighting desperately against the airflow. Their originally mutilated bodies were also washed away by the powerful airflow at this moment.

Finally, they failed to hold on and were knocked upside down by the strong airflow. Finally, they fell hard downstairs, lingering for breath.

Before they could take a breath, another powerful wave of magic circle energy swept over again. The target was still Qisha, and Qisha was knocked upside down again.

I took a breath, feeling scared. This magic circle is so powerful that it beats the Seven Evils to the point where they are unable to fight back. Just imagine how powerful our opponent is! If they want to kill us, it will be easy.

The Seven Evils caught the attack again. At this moment, their bodies were actually translucent, as if they would evaporate at any time.

I clearly heard Qisha roaring: "Who is he?"

"Stop talking nonsense, kill him first and then talk."

Qi Sha was furious and rushed towards the direction of the magic circle in an instant.

I breathed a sigh of relief. Our plan was finally on the right track. Qi Sha went to find the master behind the scenes to settle the score. Now we just need to reap the benefits.

I firmly believe that the opponent will be able to defeat Qisha and both sides will be hurt. Then we will go out to collect the kills, make up for the damage and so on.

I clearly heard a cry of exclamation coming from the formation: " is this possible? The Seven Evil Soul Locking Array...damn, I fell into a trap."

Immediately afterwards, a group of bodyguards were seen rushing out from the outside of the manor. It seemed that they wanted to escape, but the Qi Sha were already crazy at this moment, and they collectively got into the body of one of the bodyguards in the blink of an eye.

The bodyguard who was about to escape suddenly stood on the spot, turned his neck stiffly, and glared fiercely at a short man sitting outside the manor.

The dwarf was wearing a Taoist robe embroidered with a black tiger, standing proudly, confronting these people.

"Hmph, how dare you, the devil, do something evil in front of me!" The dwarf snorted coldly: "Believe it or not, I will make you disappear into ashes."

The bodyguard, who was rushed by Qisha, gritted his teeth and said: "Only you? Hum, then let you have a taste of our power."

After saying that, he rushed forward fiercely and stopped the dwarf.

The dwarf was not afraid in the face of danger, and began to step on the steps, recite incantations, and activate the magic circle to deal with the seven evil spirits.

I watched all this quietly and said, "It seems we have to go up and help..."

Big Gold Tooth immediately scolded: "What a favor! That dwarf wants to kill us, so he deserves to die."

I shook my head: "What I'm saying is, we have to help Qi Sha."

After that, I ran downstairs.

The magic circle set up by Chapo is quite powerful. What I am most worried about now is that Qisha cannot withstand the attack of the magic circle, and then all our efforts will be in vain.

I can see that what the dwarf is best at is the magic circle. If the magic circle is destroyed, Qisha and the dwarf will be evenly matched, and both sides will definitely end up losing in the end.

When I rushed down, the bodyguard whose body was controlled by the Seven Evils was fighting fiercely with the dwarf. The dwarf was retreating while affecting the magic circle.

I took a brief look and saw the real purpose of the dwarf. He seemed to be trying to introduce the Seven Evils into the eyes of the magic circle!

Damn, do you really think this will work? Will I obediently watch you destroy the Seven Evils, and then turn around and deal with us?

Therefore, I must destroy the magic circle before the Seven Evils enter the formation.

At this moment, I am standing with Qisha.

But is it so easy to destroy the magic circle? You must find the magic weapon to arrange the magic circle.

So I immediately shouted to Qi Sha: "Those seven idiots, listen up. That dwarf is going to lead you into the center of the formation and destroy you in one fell swoop. You'd better listen to me and don't be fooled by him." Come on, hang on with him for a while and I’ll destroy his magic circle. Let’s settle the grudges between us later, okay?”

"Hmph, young man, you'd better hurry up." Qi Sha snorted coldly: "We don't have time to waste."

"Okay!" I agreed with a smile. It seemed that Qisha had agreed to cooperate with me.

As soon as Qi Sha agreed to cooperate with me, the dwarf was so angry that he almost went crazy: "How can this be unreasonable..."

I ignored the dwarf at all and instead called for Da Jinya: "Da Jinya, you were there when he secretly set up the formation today. You should know where he moved the soil, right?"

Big Jinya nodded, then took me to the flower bed, pointed with his hand and said, "He seems to have planted some grass here."

I immediately looked carefully and recognized it at a glance. There was some grass here, emitting a weird aroma! I immediately determined that this was actually corpse herb. This corpse herb can connect yin and yang and is often used to set up some spirit summoning formations, which are specifically designed to summon ghosts.

No wonder there are so many ghosts haunting the mansion. Needless to say, it must be caused by this spirit summoning array.

I was ready to pull out these corpse herbs without hesitation. If I pulled out the corpse herbs, the formation would naturally be ineffective.

"Stop!" the dwarf shouted in panic.

"You have hurt me again and again." I cursed, "You think I'm easy to bully?"

As I said that, I bent down.

"Stop!" came another cold voice.

This voice actually belonged to Boss Qin.

I was shocked and quickly looked up. I was horrified to find that Boss Qin was holding Qin Tiantian hostage and staring at me with vicious eyes. Those eyes were full of red bloodshot eyes, and it seemed that he was also driven into panic.

"Help, help." Qin Tiantian turned pale with fright and shouted for help.

I looked at Boss Qin coldly: "Boss Qin, what do you mean?"

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