Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 332 Blood Drinking Ice Soul Sword

I immediately followed the sound and looked around. Senior Rat was running towards me very fast. Although he was quite old, Senior Rat was very fast. In the blink of an eye, he rushed to Qin Minghao, grabbed the thunder knife without hesitation, cut his fingertips, and then walked towards Qi Sha.

I was originally desperate, but when I saw the arrival of Senior Rat, I was overjoyed. I was full of fighting spirit again and swayed the soybeans in my hands.

At this moment, Senior Shu has high fighting spirit and strong aura. How does he look like a wretched old man? That appearance was clearly that of a king who could block gods and kill gods, and Buddhas who could block Buddhas. Even the Seven Evils were a little intimidated by the powerful aura of Senior Rat, and stared at him dumbfounded.

Senior Shu said with a cold smile: "They are just a bunch of villains who dare to show off their power in front of me. Today I will let you try the Blood Drinking Ice Soul Sword."

After saying that, he swung the thunder knife in his hand towards one of the evil spirits.

The thunder knife was so fast that it left an afterimage in mid-air, and Qi Sha immediately dodged. However, there was still one evil spirit that couldn't dodge, and the thunder knife finally struck the opponent hard.

Nasha was struck by the thunder knife, and his body split in half instantly, letting out a painful wail.

Senior Rat took advantage of the victory to pursue him, and the thunder knives fell one after another. The evil finally turned into a dark light, as if the world had evaporated, and disappeared without a trace.

The rest of the Sha were intimidated by Senior Shu's strength, and for a moment they didn't dare to step forward.

Da Jinya, who was miserable after being tortured by Qisha, saw that Qisha was finally suppressed, and shouted excitedly: "Senior Shu, kill these fatherless people, you idiot, don't show them how powerful they are, really They treat us like sick cats."

Senior Rat sneered: "How boring is it to beat them to death? Watch me suppress them again and let them endure the pain of ten thousand years of suppression."

As he spoke, Senior Shu bravely stepped forward with his sword.

The evil spirit was frightened and started to run away, disappearing in the blink of an eye.

Senior Shu chased him for two steps and then stopped. This made Big Gold Tooth quite dissatisfied, and he quickly asked Senior Rat to continue chasing.

Unexpectedly, Senior Rat spit out a mouthful of old blood, his body went limp, and he fell to the ground. He even lost the strength to hold the thunder knife, and threw the thunder knife aside.

I was shocked and turned pale, and ran up quickly: "Senior Shu, what's wrong with you?"

Senior Shu smiled dumbly: "I used my essence and exhausted my strength. Damn it, but it's not bad. I finally scared away those seven evil spirits..."

Da Jinya looked at Senior Mouse in confusion: "Senior Mouse, you must be strong. How come you can only hold on for such a while?"

Senior Shu rolled his eyes fiercely at the big gold tooth: "You guys, you really think I am so powerful. If I hadn't used my essence and overdrawn my mana, I would have fallen into the mouth of the Seven Evils with you."

"If they leave a little later, we will all suffer."

I was still frightened. I didn't expect that the seriously injured Qisha was still so powerful. I can only imagine how powerful the Qisha was in its heyday.

And this just reflects the power of grandpa, who can suppress the Seven Evils, and his power should not be underestimated.

"Hurry and help me to rest." Senior Mouse said: "Ginseng, deer antler, bird's nest, shark's fin, whatever is a great supplement, give me whatever you need. I have to recover quickly. Otherwise, just the few of you, you will have to give each other food and drinks." "

Qin Sisi nodded immediately and called the hotel and asked them to deliver delicious food overnight.

After that, Qin Sisi walked up to Qin Tiantian and sighed with disappointment.

Qin Tiantian was probably frightened, and she remained paralyzed on the spot, looking at the ground glazed over.

Qin Sisi knelt down, looked at Qin Tiantian, and said helplessly: "Sister, are you okay?"

Qin Tiantian looked at Qin Sisi with suspicious eyes. After being stunned for a moment, she hugged Qin Sisi and cried loudly: "Damn it, I'm not a human being, how could I do such a ridiculous thing! Sister, please help me, I must Please help me."

Qin Sisi nodded: "You are my biological sister and the person I am closest to in this world. I will forgive you for any mistakes you make. Don't worry, I won't tell my father about this."

Qin Tiantian immediately said: "Sister, I will treat you well in the future, and I will never steal your things again... Wow..."

Qin Tiantian started crying again as she spoke, and it made her sad to see her cry. If it weren't for my understanding of Qin Tiantian's character, I would really believe that Qin Tiantian had changed her ways.

"Stop crying, don't cry." Da Jinya said impatiently: "It's so fucking annoying, hasn't everything been resolved? If you really repent, just pay up quickly."

Da Jinya also became more awesome and coaxed now, and started to ignore Qin Tiantian. Maybe even she was disgusted with Qin Tiantian's hypocrisy?

And Qin Tiantian has been complimented and fawned over by people around her since she was a child, especially the big gold tooth, who flatters her even more. Now that the big gold tooth treats Qin Tiantian with this attitude, Qin Tiantian is naturally furious.

But just when she was about to lose her temper, she felt that something was wrong with this situation. She could only give the big gold tooth a fierce look, and asked humiliatedly how much the big gold tooth cost?

Before Da Jinya could speak, Senior Rat said coldly: "It's a waste of time to solve it. The Seven Evil Soul Locking Array has been solved, but this thunder knife has not been solved yet. Now the thunder knife has lost the Qi Sha." The suppression will probably get worse."

As soon as Senior Shu finished speaking, he saw Qin Minghao, who had been quiet all this time, suddenly scream, and then his whole body was shaking like an electric shock.

If it weren't for the rope tied to his body, I'm afraid Qin Minghao would have jumped up and attacked people long ago.

I was shocked, fearing that Qin Minghao would break free of the rope, so I ran up and pushed Qin Minghao to the ground.

But there is no way to go on like this. I clearly feel that Qin Minghao's "prehistoric power" cannot be suppressed by the human body?

I had a headache for a while, so I quickly looked at Senior Rat and asked for help.

Senior Rat said: "Corpse Herb, feed him Corpse Herb quickly! Corpse Herb has been nurtured by the magic circle and has a certain effect of suppressing evil spirits."

Without saying a word, I immediately ran over and grabbed a large handful of corpse herbs. Following the instructions of Senior Mouse, I stuffed all the corpse herbs into Qin Minghao's mouth.

Unexpectedly, Qin Minghao was in excruciating pain from being tortured by the corpse grass, and his struggle became more and more intense. He was like a trampoline, and he knocked me all the way away in one fell swoop.

This hit caused me to fall hard, my butt fell to the ground, my head was bumped, and stars suddenly appeared in front of my eyes.

Li Mazi immediately ran up and helped me up. I smiled bitterly and said, "Don't worry about me for now. Let's stop Qin Minghao first, right?"

Unexpectedly, before our people ran up, Qin Minghao gradually became quiet, and after a long time, he seemed to be asleep again, motionless.

I breathed a sigh of relief, feeling like I couldn't hold on any longer, so I lay down on the ground.

I was carried into the mansion by bodyguards.

After those bodyguards cleaned up the mess, they went to Qin Sisi to resign.

Boss Qin's affairs have been exposed. If they, the bodyguards who worked for him, were still ignorant, they would probably be crushed to pieces by the powerful force of the Qin family.

Qin Sisi was tolerant and did not cause any trouble for them. She nodded and agreed, and even settled one month's salary for them.

I asked Qin Sisi in confusion, why should we be so tolerant to these bodyguards? They are traitors to the Qin Group. You are soft-hearted towards the traitors, which is very detrimental to the personnel management of the Qin family.

Qin Sisi said helplessly: "Don't you know that it's better to offend the king of hell than the kid? If they really offend these bodyguards, they won't act as hesitantly as the big shots. What if they do something drastic? When things happen, it will be too late to regret.”

I smiled bitterly. I admit that I am not as good as Qin Sisi in terms of human sophistication.

Senior Shu's body was just weak, with no skin injuries. After eating some tonic, his complexion also recovered a lot.

I had a lot of doubts in my mind, so I immediately ran up to ask Senior Shu.

"Senior Mouse, Qin Minghao said before that he also has the support of masters behind him, and he knows all of this. So, could the master behind the scenes that Qin Minghao said be... my grandfather?"

Senior Mouse nodded: "The only person who can calculate fifteen years from now is your grandpa, right? Well, why do you think he is so powerful? He can judge people's abilities accurately at a glance?"

I was surprised again and again: "Senior Shu, you wouldn't grandfather had predicted what would happen today fifteen years ago, right? Didn't he just realize it recently?"

Senior Mouse sighed: "Actually, this thunder knife fifteen years ago was secretly sold to the Qin family by Longquan Villa. At that time, your grandfather had already sensed something fishy and began to suspect Qin Minghao's younger brother, Qin Minghan. , which is what you call Boss Qin."

"Back then, your grandfather could only guarantee that the Seven Evil Soul Locking Array would be valid for fifteen years. After fifteen years, Boss Qin would definitely attack Qin Minghao again, so your grandfather had already warned Qin Minghao fifteen years ago! "

"To this day, Qin Minghao has kept this matter in his heart and has not told anyone. Your grandfather still doubts Qin Minghao when he knows it. After all, he is his own brother. No matter how ruthless he is, how can he be so unfeeling?"

"Now that something like this happened, Qin Minghao couldn't believe it. He did it according to your grandfather's arrangement. Every detail was explained by your grandfather. He even asked people from the Zhang family in Jiangbei to take you Please come, even if I, an old man, know you, it was all planned by the old man."

"Alas! Although this game is very simple now. But if today's game was arranged fifteen years ago, my IQ would be unparalleled in ancient and modern times. Damn it, I'm afraid I won't be able to reach that height in my life. Already..."

Senior Rat said, feeling sorry for himself.

And we were all dumbfounded. How could one person arrange such a meticulous plan fifteen years ago? So is he still human?

I shook my head and smiled bitterly, thinking that I should call my grandfather a god... I guess only gods can do such great things.

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