Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 333 The Land of Bones

I asked Senior Rat, what should we do next? My grandfather Shang could only suppress the thunder knife instead of solving it. With our group of people, we shouldn't be able to deal with this thing, right?

Senior Shu smiled and said, "Don't worry, your grandpa will take time out of his busy schedule when the time comes."

I felt excited. Is grandpa finally coming? Isn't he going to hide behind the scenes and not take action? Thinking about seeing my grandpa tomorrow, I couldn't help but feel excited.

However, I am still a little worried. The Seven Evils have not been eliminated. If they come again tomorrow, they will definitely recognize my grandfather as the person who suppressed them back then. I wonder if they will fight for my grandfather. .

Senior Shu smiled and patted me on the shoulder: "You are really a filial grandson, but you don't have to worry about this at all. The Seven Evils have been shocked by my domineering aura! I guess it has left them with deep pain." No matter how capable they are, they will definitely not dare to come here to cause trouble for you again."

I breathed a sigh of relief and quickly said that's fine, that's fine.

We didn't sleep for the rest of the night, for fear that the Seven Evils would come again, for fear that the undead spirit in Qin Minghao's body would come out to cause trouble again, for fear that Boss Qin would not be reconciled and would send a killer to take revenge.

But none of this happened. The night passed peacefully without any further mishaps.

After dawn, Senior Rat gathered us all and asked us to dig the floor of the mansion.

When Qin Tiantian heard this, she was the first to be unhappy: "The floors in my house are all imported from Belgium, costing several million. Who will pay for the damage?"

When I heard this, I immediately became furious: "Uncle, if you don't want to dig the floor, then you can dig somewhere else, but you are digging your own grave."

After being lectured like this by me, Qin Tiantian didn't dare to speak anymore. She just made a symbolic gesture of protest, but didn't say much.

Qin Tiantian said, why do you have the nerve to let you dig it? I'd better find some laborers to dig it out.

Senior Shu shook his head: "Forget it, people talk a lot, doesn't your family have a good reputation? Besides, if they break any taboos again, they will be in big trouble."

In the end, Qin Sisi could only nod helplessly and agreed, immediately contacting the housekeeper and asking him to find some tools.

I asked Senior Shu, what does it mean when we dig the ground? Senior Rat explained: "There must be the corpses of the last twenty-eight knights who followed Xiang Yu buried in the ground. We have to dig out those corpses. Kill the twenty-eight undead first, so as not to help others in trouble later. Finally, we will solve them. One Xiang Yu is already a headache, if I take the time to deal with those twenty-eight undead, I'm afraid I'll have to worry about my head instead of my body."

Li Mazi laughed and said: "What a person who cares about his head and not his buttocks. Okay, I completely agree with Senior Shu's opinion."

Soon, the housekeeper found farm tools, and we immediately started working. We used shovels, hammers, and electric drills to drill a big hole in the luxurious floor, which made Qin Tiantian's body hurt.

The quality of this Belgian floor is indeed very good. After drilling a big hole and then expanding it around, it took a lot of effort on our part. I felt like I was exhausted. I really regret not calling someone from the construction team.

Senior Shu was smoking a cigarette on the side, happily watching us doing this exhausting and unpaid work.

After working for a long time, we were almost exhausted. We were sweating profusely. We dug underground for at least two meters, but still no bones were found.

I began to mutter in my heart, are there any damn bones down here? If it's empty down there, wouldn't our work have been in vain?

I looked at Senior Mouse, but Senior Mouse smiled and said, "Don't worry, you haven't heard of that old saying, dig the ground three feet, and there will be dead bodies."

Li Mazi immediately protested: "What if the bones of a knight are not dug up? Don't you know that digging a person's grave will lead to the death of their descendants?"

Senior Mouse smiled cheerfully again and said: "Have you never heard of a god standing three feet above your head? Are you afraid of a god looking over your head? As for the annihilation of children and grandchildren... I heard that someone dug up an urn before, but I didn't see it. That man will have no descendants."

Li Mazi suddenly blushed with embarrassment, smiled awkwardly, stopped talking, and started digging faster.

Everyone knows that Senior Shu is talking about Li Mazi.

But Qin Sisi was very interested in this topic: "You said there are still people who specialize in digging urns? Can the dug urns still be sold for money? This person really has a business mind. If there is a chance, I really want to meet him. .”

I burst out happy, this person is far away and right in front of me. Qin Sisi curiously asked me why I was laughing. I looked at Li Mazi, and Li Mazi suddenly shouted: "He has a mental problem, don't ignore him."

Li Mazi argued like this, and the smart Qin Sisi made a guess. She looked at me with interest. I knew she was asking me if the person who dug up the urn was Li Mazi.

So I smiled at Qin Sisi and nodded. Qin Sisi immediately became happy and looked at Li Mazi with admiration.

Soon, my shovel hit a hard piece of metal. I immediately squatted down and cleaned out the piece of metal. Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a bronze gun head.

I knew this must be a weapon of the cavalry, so I quickened my movements again, and within a short time, I dug out a lot of bones from the ground again.

Unexpectedly, most of the armor on the skeletons was not rotten, which was enough for us to make a small fortune.

These are all money, we originally wanted to clean them out carefully. But Senior Rat urged us not to do this damn thing like archaeology. We don’t have time. Moreover, if these things are really sold, it will bring harm to the world. Who knows if these armors have undead attached to them?

There was no other way, although we were reluctant to part with it, but now we had no choice. We could only bear the pain and yank out the armor.

Twenty-eight skeletons, no more and no less.

After Senior Rat asked us to gather these bones together, he set them on fire.

The flames burning the bones were very strange. Although there was no wind, they were raging fiercely, as if there were small explosions happening inside.

I knew in my heart that it must be the reason why the undead attached to the bones tried to escape from the shackles of the fire, but couldn't escape at all.

Afterwards, Senior Rat ordered us to bury the big hole again.

I asked Senior Shu in confusion, shouldn't Xiang Yu's bones also be buried in this place?

Senior Shu shook his head and smiled bitterly: "It would be great if we can really find Xiang Yu's bones. If we burn them on fire, it will be over."

"Your grandfather thought the same way back then and wanted to find Xiang Yu's bones. But Xiang Yu's bones are not here."

"Nonsense." Li Mazi said, "Shouldn't Xiang Yu's bones be in his grave?"

Senior Mouse shook his head: "That's just a tomb. If Xiang Yu can be buried properly, there won't be such resentment! Besides, the people who buried Xiang Yu were worried that Liu Bang would dig out Xiang Yu's bones and scatter his ashes. So no one told me where it was buried.”

We all nodded thoughtfully.

After filling up the big hole, we patiently waited for the night to fall.

Thinking about seeing my grandpa tonight, I couldn't help but feel excited. I took a shower and dressed myself up so that my grandpa would not feel distressed when he saw my neurasthenia.

During this period, Qin Sisi also went to the hospital to see his second uncle. When he came back, he told us that his second uncle seemed to be crazy. He was crying and yelling in the ward. After crying, he lay motionless on the bed and refused to eat. He could only be fed through a tube.

I sighed, not knowing whether Boss Qin truly regretted it or was still unwilling. But these are not important now, I am too lazy to care about their family's affairs.

As night fell, I sat quietly at the door, with Qin Minghao lying next to me.

Qin Minghao is really in a coma now. Qin Minghao was pretending to be in a coma before, but since the Seven Evils were eliminated, the resentment on the thunder knife has been released. Qin Minghao really can't hold on. , and didn't wake up the whole day.

Qin Sisi and Qin Tiantian were standing by. Qin Sisi really cared about Qin Minghao, but when she looked at Qin Tiantian, she looked obviously impatient. She wanted to play with her phone several times, but I always gave her a hard look. , had to take the phone back.

Waiting until about ten o'clock in the evening, a strange gust of wind blew, which was very cold. I couldn't help but tremble all over and shook off the goosebumps on my body.

Senior Shu immediately became nervous and said in a low voice: "Pay attention, either your grandpa is coming, or the Seven Evils are coming."

I immediately gathered my energy, held the Sirius Whip in my hand, and stared at the people in front of me with eager eyes.

I suddenly noticed that Qin Sisi's body froze for a moment, then bounced up like a spring, her face turned pale, she stood on tiptoes and looked around with confused eyes.

I was suddenly excited. It was grandpa who was on Qin Sisi's body again.

I was overjoyed and looked at Qin Sisi excitedly: "Grandpa, is it you?"

Qin Tiantian burst out laughing. She didn't even know the purpose of our waiting here.

Qin Sisi nodded: "My dear grandson, alas, you are disobedient."

This voice was clearly that of grandpa.

Qin Tiantian was immediately dumbfounded and looked at Qin Sisi dumbfounded.

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