Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 337 Bank Robbery

Although the undead spirit of the Overlord of Western Chu was temporarily suppressed, selling a powerful weapon like the thunder knife would definitely kill a group of people. As a fetish dealer, I still have this professional conscience.

Finally, I listened to Zen Master Bai Mei’s suggestion and sealed the Thunder Knife and the Pagoda together so that the two gods of war would fall in love and kill each other to avoid hurting innocent people...

As for the location of the seal, only Zen Master Baimei and I know.

Xiang Yu was born as a hero and died as a ghost. This ending seems to be in line with his identity.

In the next month, there was basically no business in the antique store. I just read books and surfed the Internet every day, or waited for Yin Xinyue to come back from get off work and went shopping and eating together. My life was very leisurely. After a month, she said she had gained three pounds and was too ugly to be seen in public. She insisted on buying a treadmill to lose weight at home.

Men can't understand a woman's love for beauty, so I had to accompany her to a nearby bank to withdraw some money to buy a treadmill.

It was the end of the month, and there were many office workers queuing up to collect their wages in the bank. We took our numbers and sat in our seats, waiting silently. Suddenly, a gunshot rang out, and several masked gangsters came in menacingly.

"Don't move! Everyone is squatting on the ground with their heads in their hands. I'll kill anyone who dares to call the police!" the leader of the robbers shouted.

What's going on? Practice or filming?

I was confused for a while. Could it be true? This was such a damn coincidence.

I usually withdraw money from ATM machines, and I haven't been to a bank in half a year. Why did I get robbed this time?

The robbers pointed guns at us, so everyone had to hold their heads in their hands, and soon there was a large area squatting on the ground.

The robbers asked the lobby manager to open the door and take them to the vault. At the same time, they shot out the surrounding cameras with guns. The sound of gunshots so close at hand scared the crowd into screaming.

When I looked back at Yin Xinyue, she was so frightened that her face turned pale.

"Don't be afraid, I'm here."

I comforted Yin Xinyue, but I was also frightened. I had no problem dealing with a few evil things, but dealing with a group of gangsters armed with live ammunition was really difficult.

It was said on TV that there are hidden alarm buttons under the bank counters. Once pressed, the police will arrive within three minutes.

From my current position, I can't see the situation inside the counter at all, and I don't know if the police have been called. I hope Yin Xinyue and I can get through these few minutes safely.

"Brother Zhang, look at their shadows." Yin Xinyue suddenly reminded me in surprise.

"What's wrong?" I took a curious look and found that the shadows of the robbers were as light as ink mixed with water, especially the two standing sentry under the fluorescent lamp, which were so light that they were almost invisible.

According to numerology, the shadow of a person with a heavier destiny will be darker, and the shadow of a person with a lighter destiny will be lighter. If one or two people can say something about it, the shadows of six or seven robbers will be as light as water. , this is too coincidental, right?

I looked carefully at the eyes exposed under their masks. Those eyes were dim and lifeless, and the whites of their eyes were filled with something black. One blowfly even landed on one of the robbers' eyeballs and sucked greedily, without him noticing at all.

I suddenly realized that these robbers were not living people at all, but corpses that had been manipulated.

Unexpectedly, people would actually use corpses to rob banks today. This is really "advancing with the times".

"Don't worry, I have a solution!" I patted Yin Xinyue's hand gently and said.

While the robbers were shouting and prying open the safe, I picked up two pieces of paper from the ground and slowly tore them into the shape of two little people. Then I asked Yin Xinyue to bite her middle finger, put a drop of blood on the head of one of the villains, and then pull out a hair and wrap it around the villain's body. I did the same thing myself.

After making these two 'paper substitutes', I put them back to their original places, took Yin Xinyue's hand and left. She was a little scared at first, but when she discovered that the robbers were turning a blind eye to us, she gradually became more courageous, and even waved her hand in front of one of the robbers' eyes.

"Brother Zhang, you are so awesome!" Yin Xinyue exclaimed in surprise.

The other hostages stared at us moving freely, but they didn't dare to speak when they saw the gun in the robber's hand.

Everything in the world has spirituality, but corpses do not. What controls them is only certain spells or forbidden techniques. Therefore, living corpses are relatively low-level existences in this industry, and they can be easily concealed by a mere substitute.

"Don't be afraid, everyone, I'm going to call the police right now." I said to reassure everyone.

I pushed the bank door open a crack, and Yin Xinyue and I got out one after the other. Before we could take a few breaths of fresh air, Yin Xinyue immediately took out her mobile phone and dialed 110.

"Hey, 110? We have someone robbing a bank here, they are still inside...the address is..."

When Yin Xinyue called the police, I saw an inconspicuous van parked on the side of the road. It might have been driven by the robbers, so I walked towards the car.

There is a robber sitting in the driver's seat, motionless. There is a substitute, and he can't see me now. I asked Yin Xinyue if she had any sharp objects with her, such as knives, screwdrivers, etc. Yin Xinyue complained that no girl would bring these with her when going out.

After searching around for a while, she took out a pair of small scissors from her bag and handed them to me, asking if I could do it. I reached out and took it.

"What are you going to do?" Yin Xinyue asked nervously.

"Cut off the robber's head."

"What! Doing this on the street?"

"I lied to you. I punctured the tire to do the police a small favor. Maybe they can give us a certificate or something later."

"You are so bad!" Yin Xinyue smiled and punched me.

The tires of the van were very inflated, and any random puncture would cause them to collapse. I leaned against the vehicle body, holding the scissors in my hand, and pricked the tires. With the sound of deflation, one of the tires gradually deflated. Go down.

Just when I was about to stab the second one, I suddenly heard the door open, and the robber in the car came out and stood in front of me without saying a word.

Yin Xinyue screamed in fright. I comforted her not to be afraid, the other party couldn't see us.

"Brother, which road are you on?"

The robber suddenly spoke, and I was shocked. Could it be that this was a high-level living corpse?

He was not wearing a mask, his face was pale, his eyes were empty, there was a purple bruise on his right eye, and his chin was covered with stubble.

This bearded man looked like he was only in his twenties, but he sounded like a middle-aged man in his forties or fifties.

I immediately understood that it was not him who saw me, but the magician ambushing nearby. Just as I was about to look around, the eerie voice came again: "We are all of the same religion. It’s just food, don’t push people too hard.”

"The devil is the same as you!"

"Haha, are you shameless? Then don't blame me for being rude."

The bearded man put his hand into his pocket, and I screamed inwardly, he must have a gun.

Seeing that the situation was not good, I grabbed his wrist and hit the car. A privately made pistol suddenly fell to the ground. The pistol went off and made a loud bang. Yin Xinyue screamed in fright. People on the road Pedestrians also gathered here one after another.

"Run away, I'll deal with him!" I shouted to Yin Xinyue.

Suddenly something like earthworms was crawling under the skin of the bearded man's arm. The black thing looked disgusting. The thing wrapped the whole arm of the bearded man, and in an instant it became thick and strong, as hard as steel. With one powerful swing, he threw me completely away.

I almost flew more than three meters away and fell heavily to the ground, causing blood to surge in my chest.

The bearded man smiled sadly and bent down to pick up the gun. Yin Xinyue was so frightened that her legs were shaking and she couldn't move.

I took out the Sirius Whip from my arms and threw it hard at the bearded man. The Sirius Whip made a sound of breaking through the air and instantly wrapped around the bearded man's arm. I shook back and the gun flew five meters away.

The bearded man roared and rushed towards me on all fours like a wild beast. I threw away the Sirius whip and tried to fight him off, but this soulless living corpse was not afraid of the magic power of the Sirius whip!

In an instant, he had pounced on me, his hands gripping my throat like iron vices. He wrinkled his nose and bared his teeth. Foul-smelling saliva dripped from his teeth and dripped onto my face. The suffocating feeling made me faint.

Just then, a gunshot was heard.

The bearded man was shaken as if he had been punched hard, and the strength in his hand suddenly relaxed a bit, and I was able to take a breath.

Yin Xinyue was seen holding a gun in both hands, trembling, and almost crying with fear.

The bearded man smiled sinisterly, and then walked towards Yin Xinyue. Yin Xinyue fired a few more shots. The bullets hit his body like rotten wood without even a drop of blood.

"Run!" I yelled and hugged the bearded man's neck from behind, and he threw me away with a shake of his shoulders.

Living zombies, especially those manipulated by others, have almost no weaknesses in head-to-head battles!

The scissors just fell next to the van. I had an idea, ran over and stabbed my eyebrow repeatedly with the scissors until blood flowed out.

I dipped my index finger into the blood between my eyebrows, hugged the bearded man's neck from behind again, and while he was struggling to get away from me, I inserted my index finger into his mouth and pushed it deep into his throat!

The bearded man seemed to be stuck by a fish bone, his body began to tremble violently, and the black in the whites of his eyes became unstable, looming like an interfered radio signal.

Finally he fell to the ground, his body twitching.

I just breathed a sigh of relief when a violent explosion came from the direction of the bank, and thick smoke rose into the sky!

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