Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 338 Living Corpse

It turned out that the loud noise was caused by the robbers who blew open the vault. The explosion shook the glass of the surrounding buildings. At this time, the door of the bank was pushed open. I told Yin Xinyue to hide quickly. stand up.

We hid behind a flower bed. I looked back at Yin Xinyue. She was rubbing her red wrist. She might have been shocked by the recoil of the gun just now. I complained that she shouldn't be brave. What if something happened to her? Don't end up alone.

She made a face at me: "To die alone? I don't believe it."

I rubbed her wrist distressedly and asked her how she knew how to use a gun. She said that she had played with real guns before when she was filming a spy movie.

Yin Xinyue asked me what method I used to restrain the living corpse just now. I explained to her that the center of the eyebrow is the place where a person’s soul condenses. I had just force-fed a little of my soul blood to the living corpse. I used my The soul is used to disrupt the control of the caster, which is like using other radio waves to interfere with the radio signal.

But there are certain risks in doing so. If the other party's soul power is too strong, it might turn me into a living corpse. Fortunately, the caster was controlling six or seven living corpses at the same time, so he had no time to deal with me.

At this time, the robber ran out of the bank, carrying a bulging travel bag and dropping money as he walked. A piercing siren sounded from the end of the street, and several police cars were blocked in front of the bank. The police jumped out of the cars, used their cars as cover, raised their pistols and shouted at them: "Don't move!"

Of course, the robbers refused to be captured, so they drew their guns and started shooting. The two sides started a fierce gun battle. This was the first time in my life that I witnessed a gun battle. It was really exciting.

The robbers' homemade pistols were quickly empty of bullets. They suddenly scattered in all directions, and the police followed closely.

The police who stayed behind protected the scene and went in to confirm the damage to the bank and see if anyone was injured.

Seeing that the situation was under control by the police, I was ready to take Yin Xinyue away. To be honest, I didn't want to deal with the police. Moreover, this matter was not a simple robbery. It might be a big trouble again.

Just as I was about to leave, someone suddenly stopped me: "Boss Zhang, why are you here?"

Looking back, I saw it was Fengshen Nana.

The wound between my eyebrows was still bleeding. Nana Fengshen saw my appearance and burst out laughing, "Boss Zhang, what are you dressing up like? How old are you and still imitating Nezha? Let me tell you, bank matters should be done Doesn’t it have anything to do with you?”

"I'm just a passerby, what does it have to do with me?" Although I said this, I still secretly admired the police's sensitivity.

"This is..." Her eyes fell on Yin Xinyue.

"My wife."

"Ah, my sister-in-law is so beautiful, she looks like a star." Fengshen Nana praised. Yin Xinyue looked impressed and said a few words of modesty.

At this time, a male police officer in his early thirties walked over. He had a very clean face and two thick sword eyebrows. He said in a stern tone: "You two, could you please come back to the police station with me?"

"Why?" I asked.

"You know it yourself." After saying that, the male police officer glanced behind him.

I followed his line of sight and looked over. The forensic doctor at the scene was examining the body of the bearded man, and the police were giving statements to passers-by. Several passers-by frequently looked in my direction. When I had a fierce fight with the bearded man just now, many people It's all seen, and it's hard to deny it now.

"Did you kill that person?" The male police officer stared at me seriously.

"I didn't kill him. He was dead before he came here. Besides, I was acting in self-defense. If you don't believe me, ask passers-by." I hurriedly defended.

"You don't have to be nervous. As long as you cooperate, I won't use force on you. I just want to clarify a few things. People in the bank said that you and this lady slipped under the nose of the robber when the crime occurred. Let's go, what's going on? Also, you just said that he was dead before he came here, do you think I will believe this? It's best to go to the police station and make a transcript." the male police officer said.

From the tone of the male police officer, he suspected that I knew the robbers, or were in a group together. Although it is the duty of the police to suspect anyone, I naturally felt unhappy when I was suspected for no reason.

I was just thinking about how to answer when the forensic doctor shouted: "Captain Liang, come here and take a look at this!"

The male police officer immediately ran over, and before leaving, he did not forget to tell the gentleman Nana: "Nana, please stay and check this gentleman's ID."

I laughed secretly. The inspection certificate was just telling her to keep an eye on me and not let me go.

Fengshen Nana smiled sheepishly at me: "Our Captain Liang is like this, so don't be offended."

"It doesn't matter, we should act in accordance with the law." I said.

Fengshen Nana saluted me: "Please take out your ID and have a look. Thank you for your cooperation."

"Are you really checking?"

Helpless, I had to take out my ID card and driver's license and show them to her.

I asked Feng Shen Nana if she could take us to see the corpse. Feng Shen Nana said yes and took us there.

A cordon has been set up around the corpse. Forensic doctors are not allowed to perform autopsies at the murder scene. At this moment, two forensic doctors are wearing plastic gloves and squeezing the abdomen of the deceased as hard as they can. There seems to be something alive there, gurgling. It seemed like there was something in my stomach.

Yin Xinyue suddenly covered her mouth and retched several times, probably because she was nauseated.

Officer Liang was worried that there was a time bomb in the stubble man's stomach, so he called in explosive ordnance disposal experts. At the same time, he evacuated the crowd at the scene and did not allow anyone to enter.

Just by looking at it, I roughly understood what method the caster used to control this living corpse.

Just when everyone was discussing whether to perform an autopsy, they saw two policemen walking over supporting each other. One of them had his calf stained red with blood, which was shocking to see.

"What's wrong, Xiao Wang, is your leg injured?" Officer Liang asked with a frown.

"It doesn't matter. He was scratched by the bullet and his muscles and bones were not injured."

Two police officers said that they chased one of the fleeing robbers, but they did not expect that the other robber was very fierce. After being blocked on the overpass, he jumped directly to the main road and was instantly crushed by a truck. The scene was simply horrific.

He also said that the dead robbers did not seem to be alive at all. They were crushed into meat patties by the truck without even a drop of blood being shed.

Other police officers came back one after another, leaving a total of five robbers. All committed suicide during the chase, and one rushed into the subway station and disappeared.

In short, no one was captured alive.

The roads surrounding the bank were littered with the corpses of robbers and scattered banknotes. It was such a chaotic situation that the criminal police brigade could only mobilize nearby patrol police, traffic police, and cooperating police to maintain law and order. They said that there had never been such an incident in the past three years. Big mess.

After hearing this, Officer Liang cursed: "What a f*ck!"

He looked at me meaningfully, and then asked Feng Shen Nana something in a low voice. Then he walked towards me and his attitude changed 180 degrees: "Boss Zhang, it turns out that you are a high-ranking person. Forgive me for my poor eyesight. Could you please tell us in detail what happened at that time?"

"Don't take it seriously, don't take it seriously." I smiled and said, "It's OK to explain the situation, but I'm afraid you won't believe it."

"Don't worry, I absolutely believe it!" Officer Liang nodded.

"Oh well!"

So I told him the whole story of the bank robbery, including all the inside information I knew. After hearing this, Officer Liang pondered and said, "You mean there is someone else behind the scenes?"

"It should be like this. If I guessed correctly, there is a mouse in the abdomen of each robber, a mouse with all its seven orifices sewn up!" I said.

"When we return to the station later, I will ask the forensic doctor to do an autopsy immediately. Can you please come with us?" Officer Liang said politely.

I knew this trip was inevitable, so I had no choice but to agree.

I had a vague feeling that there must be a powerful yin behind this incident. Judging from the fact that it could control six or seven living corpses at the same time, this yin must have a big background.

Originally, I didn't want to get involved in this muddy water, but now that I've been involved, I had no choice but to bite the bullet.

Police officers are also officers. When dealing with officials, it is of course best to let Li Mazi do it. Moreover, although Yin Xinyue is around, she is a girl after all, so it is better to let Li Mazi do some dirty work. So I called Li Mazi and asked him to come immediately to the police station where Fengshen Nana was located and told him that there was a big deal. Li Mazi immediately became excited when he heard that and promised to arrive within half an hour.

Half an hour later, Li Mazi appeared at the door of the police station on time. Yin Xinyue and I had just gotten off the police car. I introduced Li Mazi to Officer Liang, saying that he was my right-hand man. Hearing the word 'assistant', Fengshen Nana sneered a few times, which made Li Mazi unhappy. If I hadn't been there to smooth things over, Li Mazi would have almost quarreled with her again.

"It seems you have known each other before?" Officer Liang asked.

"It's just a few meetings." Fengshen Nana said.

I secretly thought that this little girl is so good at talking. I helped her solve such a big trouble, and in her words, it was like "we met several times." She probably didn't want her boss to see her getting too close to feudal superstition, right?

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