Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 341: The Strange Story of the Headless Demon

Fengshen Nana said that this place has been restless since then. After the reform and opening up, and the completion of the new police station, a young policeman was on duty one night when he suddenly heard the sound of footsteps coming from the corridor. !

He immediately took his gun and went to check.

The footsteps disappeared all the way to the security warehouse. The police were shocked, because the security warehouse was full of guns and ammunition. Someone had the audacity to come to the police station to steal things, and they had to stop him at all costs.

However, when he pushed open the gloomy door of the security warehouse, he found a headless man kneeling on the ground, digging hard into the concrete floor with his hands.

The policeman broke out in a cold sweat and fired a shot into the air. The other party jumped up after hearing the gunfire, ran behind a row of cabinets and disappeared.

Similar things happen often, and the situation is similar. Every time, it is the headless man digging the ground in the security warehouse. In the past ten years, several policemen have been frightened to the point of having heart attacks...

Later, they traveled around and found out about the legend about the headless filial son. Sure enough, they dug out an old coffin under the security warehouse. Inside the coffin was the skeleton of an old lady, which was more than a hundred years old.

The police buried the skeleton properly. It is said that there was a heavy fog that morning, and a headless man stood in the fog. He bowed three times to the policemen. After that, no strange things happened at the police station.

I was listening on the sidelines, thinking that the feng shui of this police station was really bad. According to common sense, policemen in the police station were all policemen who ate royal food. In ancient times, they were police officers, a group of people with a strong evil spirit. Even if these evil spirits eat Even a leopard with a bear's heart wouldn't dare to come in!

I also noticed when I came here that the layout of this police station is quite bad. There are crossroads in front and back. In Feng Shui, it is called "passing the Yin and crossing the heart", so it cannot be inhabited.

If this place were not a police station but a school hospital or something, within a month it would be haunted every day and people would die every day.

As Fengshen Nana spoke, she looked at Officer Liang who was sitting in the corner. She noticed that Officer Liang's face looked a little strange and asked, "Captain Liang, are you asleep?"

"No." Officer Liang coughed lightly: "Nana, stop telling these ghost stories. Don't you think this place is scary enough?"

Fengshen Nana blushed and said "I'm sorry" and looked at me. I guess she had something to say to me.

I looked down at the watch. Oops, it's been almost an hour and a half. Why hasn't Li Mazi come back yet?

I said I would go out to find Li Mazi, and Yin Xinyue also wanted to come with me.

The police station was built in the suburbs of Wuhan City. It was pitch dark at night. Many locust trees were planted nearby for greening. The feng shui was not good in the first place, so they planted such shady trees. I wonder if these policemen are arrogant. Still no common sense.

I illuminated the road with the light of my mobile phone, and Yin Xinyue grabbed my arm and followed closely behind.

I found that Li Mazi had already tied up the iron wires. Originally, the bells on the iron wires would jingle as soon as they felt the fluctuation of Yin Qi, but at this moment, there was no movement at all.

My scalp suddenly exploded, so I hurried over to check, only to find that the tongues of all the bells had been pulled out, and there was still some sticky liquid on the bells, which seemed to be pus from the human body.

"No, the murderer is here." I screamed.

"Brother Zhang, look over there!"

Yin Xinyue let out a scream, and in the locust forest, a dark figure was walking towards her. Judging from the clothes he was wearing, it seemed to be Li Mazi, but he didn't say a word and ignored me no matter how I called.

A burst of cold sweat broke out on my palms. I quickly took the Heavenly Wolf Whip in my hand and took out a bunch of corpse-suppressing charms from my arms. I put half of it in my pocket and gave the other half to Yin Xinyue, telling her if she met someone wrong. Just stick it on the other person's forehead.

Yin Xinyue asked in confusion: "Brother Zhang, there is no double-sided tape on this, how can it stick on it?"

"Don't worry, I mixed glutinous rice juice into the paper pulp. As long as it encounters a zombie, the glutinous rice juice will melt and stick to it automatically." I explained.

Yin Xinyue let out a low "Oh".

When Li Mazi was still more than ten meters away from me, he suddenly rushed towards me with his teeth and claws bared. I frowned. It seemed that he was really possessed! He stood up and swung the Sirius Whip, hitting him on the body.

Li Mazi ran away.

"Stop!" I shouted and ran after him.

Li Mazi was running very fast, and the woods were dark. I was stumbling as I ran. When a truck passed by on the road, I took advantage of the fleeting headlights and silently recited a spell in my mouth. He was instilled with the Beidou Sirius Technique and threw it towards Li Mazi's back.

The whip just wrapped around Li Mazi's ankle, and he rolled to the ground dully.

I immediately pounced on him and strangled his neck with a whip. Li Mazi struggled desperately. I touched his nostrils. He was still breathing. I opened his eyes and found that the whites of his eyes were normal.

"What's wrong with you?" I asked.

Li Mazi desperately pointed at his ears and mouth, and I realized that he couldn't speak or hear.

I opened his mouth curiously, and his tongue was as stiff as a stone, as if controlled by some evil spell. I am starting from

He picked up a branch from the ground and poked his tongue three times. After the dirty blood came out, Li Mazi finally screamed.

"But it's killing me, this bastard, if I catch him, I have to skin him!" Li Mazi said cursingly.

I asked Yin Xinyue for a bottle of mineral water, lit a corpse-killing charm with a lighter, stuffed the paper ash into the bottle, and then used the water to wash Li Mazi's ears. He finally recovered his hearing.

I asked him what happened? Li Mazi said that he had tied the bell and was about to return to the police station when someone suddenly called his name from behind. Li Mazi agreed casually and turned around to see a man wearing a black sweater who seemed to be holding something in his hand.

It should be a small drum. The man tapped the drum lightly, and Li Mazi suddenly lost hearing.

Li Mazi thought to himself that this guy was too powerful, and it would only take a matter of minutes to kill him, so he was so scared that he ran away.

He was running around in the woods when he suddenly saw Yin Xinyue and me. He was extremely excited. Unexpectedly, I whipped him as soon as we met and had to run away.

I frowned when I heard it. What kind of drum is this? It can make people unable to speak or hear the sound just by beating it?

"Where did you meet that person?" I asked Li Mazi.

"On the way to the police station." Li Mazi's expression suddenly changed: "Isn't he going to the police station?"

"Oops! Officer Liang and Nana are still inside. Go back to find them." I immediately ordered.

I specifically told Li Mazi and Yin Xinyue not to agree to anyone calling them, even if they just said 'hello', otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

When we rushed back to the morgue, Fengshen Nana and Officer Liang had disappeared. There were quilts thrown on the chairs, and the body of the robber was still lying there.

"I'll give him a call!" I said and went to take out my phone.

However, Li Mazi was suddenly frightened and sat down on the ground. A dark wind suddenly roared in, rattling the windows of the morgue, and the white sheets covering the corpse were also stirring, as if the corpse would get up at any time. Same.

Sand, sand, sand...

I suddenly discovered that the hand of the corpse holding the pen actually trembled, and then began to move in the basket filled with sand, and finally wrote a word.

What was written on it was the word "injustice"!

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