Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 342: Fighting zombies on a moonlit night

My method really worked, but now we have two people missing, and there is no time to interrogate the bodies.

I called Officer Liang, but the call was intermittent. It seemed that there was a strong magnetic field nearby that was interfering with the mobile phone signal. I couldn't hear what he was saying!

The only thing that can be confirmed is that he and Fengshen Nana are fine for the time being.

At this time, Li Mazi patted me: "Brother Zhang, look, this grandson is writing again."

I looked up and saw a line of traditional Chinese characters written crookedly on the sand table: "Kangxi's son will kill my whole family!"

After writing this sentence, the corpse that was sleeping there suddenly sat up half-way, rolled up a pair of pale eyes and stared at me, which scared me so much that I broke out in a cold sweat.

Could this be... the legendary resurrection of a dead body?

The evil object was nearby, and it carried a strong resentment, so he told his story through the mouth of the corpse.

The corpse began to tremble violently, and the word 'injustice' was written over and over again on the sand! He was shaking so hard that the bed was shaken over. He lay on the ground still holding the pen in both hands and kept writing.

"Let's go find Officer Liang and Nana." I picked up the flashlight and rushed out of the morgue.

We ran through several floors, and when we reached the corridor on the third floor, we suddenly heard someone shouting: "Don't move!"

I subconsciously raised my hands. Officer Liang walked out of the darkness with a gun in his hand. When he saw it was us, he put down the gun.

I asked him why he left the morgue without saying a word? Officer Liang said that just now Feng Shen Nana heard footsteps outside, so the two of them discussed going out to investigate. As a result, halfway through, Feng Shen Nana disappeared inexplicably.

"Where did Nana disappear?" I asked.

"It's on the third floor, and the phone can't be reached. I'm looking for her," Officer Liang said.

While Officer Liang was talking, Yin Xinyue was pulling my clothes hard from behind, as if to hint at something.

I looked at Officer Liang's fair face and found nothing unusual, but Yin Xinyue was so anxious that she was about to cry and said nervously: "It's up there! There's something up there!"

I looked up and saw a living corpse clinging to the ceiling, with its neck stretched out and its eyes staring at me unblinkingly. A drop of viscous liquid flowed out of its slightly opened teeth, and it was teetering.

Officer Liang immediately opened fire, but the thing moved around between the ceiling and the wall as nimbly as a gecko. The fluorescent tube shattered with the sound, and the hot glass fragments fell into my neck, making me scream.

Just when I was desperately trying to shake the glass shards out of my clothes, Li Mazi shouted: "Danger!"

Then a huge weight came down on me, and the living corpse pounced on me, biting my throat desperately. The clicking sound of teeth clenching was so close that I could only push with all my strength with both hands. he!

Because the forensic doctor had opened his abdomen long ago, all his intestines and organs were flowing out at this moment, and a greasy pile stuck to my body. Not to mention how disgusting it felt.

"Use the Corpse Suppression Talisman quickly!" I shouted to Yin Xinyue.

As soon as Yin Xinyue took out the corpse-suppressing charm, a hand suddenly grabbed her arm. A living corpse ran behind Yin Xinyue at some point. When she saw the ghastly face, Yin Xinyue screamed in fright. Corpse symbols were scattered all over the floor.

The zombie quickly threw Yin Xinyue to the ground and was about to open his mouth to bite him. Officer Liang shot him in the lower jaw, sending his teeth flying everywhere.

The living corpse had no mouth to bite, so it grabbed Yin Xinyue's arm and dragged her out of the corridor. Yin Xinyue struggled desperately and shouted for help.

"Li Mazi! Li Mazi!"

I used all my strength to resist the living corpse pressing on me, and yelled randomly. Li Mazi trembled and picked up a talisman, licked it a few times with his tongue, and was about to stick it on the living corpse.

As a result, the yellow paper was already soft, and when it was wet with saliva, it was torn into two halves. Li Mazi blinked at me with innocent eyes.

I was so angry that I yelled, "What a pig teammate!" I wanted to go over and kick him!

Officer Liang picked up his gun and aimed it at the head of the living corpse with sweat on his face. Suddenly, the glass next to him shattered, and a pair of hands came in from outside the window and grabbed Officer Liang's neck.

Officer Liang's gun suddenly fell to the ground, and he struggled with his eyes wide open.

Seeing that Yin Xinyue was about to be dragged away by the living corpse, I didn't know where the strength came from. I flew up and kicked the living corpse away from me, and went to pick up the talisman on the ground. As a result, the living corpse hugged me from behind and opened its mouth. Bite, the teeth pierced into my flesh, and the pain made me go crazy.

The living corpse lay on my back, as hard to shake off as a maggot attached to a bone. I crawled on the ground with all my strength, and finally reached a corpse-suppressing charm. I turned around and put it on his forehead.

The living corpse stopped moving for an instant, but continued to twitch.

I grabbed the corpse suppressing charm on the ground and went over to put it on another living corpse. As soon as I put it on, the living corpse fell straight to the ground like a stone. Only then did I save Yin Xinyue. She was so scared that she hug me.

Looking at Li Mazi and Police Officer Liang again, they were struggling with the corpse outside the window. The thing was extremely powerful. It grabbed the two people's clothes and pulled them outward, shaking the window and rattling.

I attached the remaining two talismans to its arms, and he fell directly from the third floor.

The living corpse left a lot of solidified corpse wax on my body, which was very disgusting.

Li Mazi gasped and said while wiping his sweat: "Brother Zhang, where did you get these talismans? They are so damn effective. Give me a few for self-defense."

"You still have the nerve to say that!" I kicked him, and Li Mazi quickly hid aside.

The corpse-suppressing charms left by my grandfather are indeed very powerful, but they are almost used up. I still have four left in my arms, so I have to use them sparingly.

Police Officer Liang straightened his clothes and said, "It's really dangerous. It's the first time I've encountered such a thing."

"This is just a greeting, the real danger is yet to come!" I laughed.

As soon as I finished speaking, there was a sound of drumming in the corridor, and the sound floated clearly into the ears of everyone present. Li Mazi cursed: "This guy is too arrogant. He went to the police station to beat gongs and drums." , don’t take the people’s police seriously at all!”

"Who's there, come out!" Officer Liang shouted sternly, preparing to go over and see the situation.

"Don't go there!" I quickly stopped him.

A gust of cold wind blew by, causing the two living corpses on the ground to tremble violently. The corpse-suppressing charms attached to them kept moving, as if they were rising and falling with the rhythm of their heartbeats.

Suddenly, the corpse-suppressing talisman shattered into powder, and the living corpse on the ground slowly stood up. Li Mazi was shocked: "The shelf life of your talisman is a bit short! Is there anything longer-lasting?"

"Stop talking nonsense and run away!"

We hurried downstairs. As we passed the stairs, Officer Liang suddenly turned around and went back. I heard a splashing noise.

In order to prevent emergencies, the police station has iron gates on the stairs, and he is locking the iron gates.

Two living corpses ran down, holding on to the iron gate and shaking it desperately. Fortunately, the gate was still strong.

I took out a talisman from my arms and stuck it on the door lock. The living corpse bounced away as if it had been electrocuted, and then pounced on it again, over and over again. When it pounced for the third time, cracks began to appear on the corpse-suppressing talisman!

Grandpa said that all means of forcible suppression have limits. The best way to deal with evil is to channel it, or to use evil to defeat evil.

I had an idea and said to them, "Go back to the morgue."

"Are you crazy?" Officer Liang asked.

"There should be another corpse there, and we can use it to deal with these living corpses." I said confidently.

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