Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 343: The First Warrior of the Qing Dynasty

I immediately ran back to the first floor with everyone. When passing by the duty room, Officer Liang said "strange" and I asked him what was wrong.

Officer Liang said: "There are clearly people on night duty at the police station, why don't you see a single person?"

I told Officer Liang that this opponent was insidious and cunning. Since he could come in, he would definitely not pay attention to the few policemen on duty. It was better to be careful.

We rushed to the morgue as soon as possible. Officer Liang was at the front, Li Mazi was in the middle, and Yin Xinyue and I were at the end. We were afraid of encountering any emergencies again, so I kept holding the corpse suppressing charm tightly in my hand.

As I was walking, I suddenly felt someone behind me. When I looked at the ground, I saw that there was indeed a shadow.

I turned around suddenly, and when I found out that it was Nana, I was relieved and said, "Nana, when did you show up? Why didn't you say a word?"

"Brother Zhang, she...she doesn't look right!" Yin Xinyue said with some fear.

After Yin Xinyue reminded me, I realized that Fengshen Nana looked really weird. Her face was full of tears, her eyes were distracted, and her hands were still holding the gun tightly.

She slowly raised the gun towards us. It seemed that her consciousness was still there, but her body was controlled.

"Nana, put down the gun!" Officer Liang shouted as he took out his pistol.

"Don't shoot, she is under control..." I quickly grabbed Officer Liang and signaled Officer Liang not to mess around.

Fengshen Nana shook her head desperately, as if she wanted to resist the power that controlled her, but was unable to do so.

There was a violent gunshot, and my eardrums ached. I closed my eyes subconsciously. When I opened my eyes to look, I found that Nana Fengshen had her mouth wide open and was lying softly on the ground. Her clothes revealed a bloody bullet hole.

The shot stunned us all.

I looked at Officer Liang in shock. Officer Liang’s gun was still smoking.

"This woman actually pointed a gun at us. In order to avoid an accident, I had to do this." Officer Liang said with a sneer on his lips. I suddenly realized that this man's appearance of integrity was all fake. This is what he is. The real side.

He climbed to the position of captain of the criminal police at such a young age and defeated countless opponents. Such people are often willing to sacrifice everything for themselves.

I wanted to go up and punch him, but after all, he was wearing this police uniform, so I could only swallow my anger.

I went over to check on Fengshen Nana's injuries. The bullet penetrated her abdomen, and her clothes were soaked with blood. She fell there and her body was twitching, saying: "It's so cold! It's so cold!" "

"Why are you still standing there, call 120!" I yelled at Li Mazi, took off my coat and put it on Fengshen Nana.

Li Mazi was also frightened and hurriedly took out his mobile phone to call the emergency number.

I picked up Fengshen Nana and carried her into the morgue. Several corpses parked in the morgue were gone. Only the corpse I tortured still had writing written on the sand. Officer Liang was shocked. Almost shot it.

Although the atmosphere here is gloomy, it is currently the safest place.

We wrapped Fengshen Nana tightly in several quilts. Although her life was not in danger, she was very weak and would inevitably be controlled by the murderer again! So I crumpled the two corpse-killing charms into a ball and stuffed them into her ears.

After squandering all the time, there was only one corpse-suppressing talisman left. I gritted my teeth and gave Yin Xinyue the talisman for self-defense.

"Boss Zhang, there seems to be something going on outside! You quickly find a way to deal with those living corpses." Officer Liang, who was watching at the door, said. From the moment he entered the morgue until now, he has never said a word about Fengshen Nana's injury. I can't help but feel sorry for this Men are infinitely contemptuous.

"Li Mazi, come here and help." I greeted, then untied the rope tied to the body, then took out the eel, cut open the eel's belly with a knife, and poured all the eel blood into the throat of the body.

After a few seconds, the corpse finally stopped writing and began to struggle constantly. I asked Li Mazi to hold the corpse down, and then asked Yin Xinyue for scissors, and then pierced eight neat holes in its neck. .

Shamanism believes that the human soul is like a big tree, rooted in the chest, using blood as nourishment, and growing along the head. Therefore, people in the Qing Dynasty regarded braids as life. When the braids were broken, it meant that the soul was cut off.

And what I am doing now is to release the ghosts in the corpse!

The reason why this corpse was not controlled by the drum sound was obviously because there was a ghost from the Qing Dynasty attached to it.

The risk of doing this is very high. If this evil spirit becomes extremely evil and not only refuses to cooperate with us, but also wants to deal with us, then we will stop working. But there is a glimmer of hope, and you still have to try it.

At this moment, the corpse suddenly opened its eyes. It was no longer the white pupils, but a pair of piercing eyes. He stared at me and said: "Who are you? Why are I here? The Dog Emperor is here Oh, I'm going to kill him!"

Hearing this sentence, a sudden inspiration flashed in my mind, and I asked tentatively: "You are not the first warrior of the Qing Dynasty, Obai, are you?"

"How dare you call me by my first name? Are you tired of living?" the corpse roared with teeth and claws.

It seems that my guess is correct. He is the minister Ao Bai who made great contributions to the Qing Dynasty, but was so proud of himself that he was framed by Emperor Kangxi to be killed!

The reason why I guessed it right away was because the Yin spirit attached to the corpse was so powerful.

This aura is only a little inferior to Xiang Yu, the Overlord of Western Chu!

Moreover, the people of the Qing Dynasty have always been instilled with the concept of loyalty to the emperor and patriotism. I am afraid that the only person who can be so powerful and even call the Qing emperor a dog emperor is a heavyweight like Obai.

Obai was struggling to stand up, but I coaxed him and said that there were some Ouchi masters sent by the Dog Emperor to harm him outside. If he wanted to leave this place, he had to fight off those Ouchi masters.

After hearing this, Ao Bai laughed crazily: "Hahahaha, I can tear them apart in just one breath, but I am the best warrior of the Qing Dynasty."

As he was talking, Obai suddenly started crying again. All of us were stunned, crying and laughing at the same time. Is this nonsense?

I asked gently: "Mr. Ao?"

Oboi let out a long sigh: "Boy, you don't have to lie to me. I know that I have been dead a long time ago. Tell me the truth. Is this world still the world of the Aisin Gioro family?"

"No, not anymore, it's been more than five hundred years." I thought for a while and said.

"The world has changed in a blink of an eye!" Ao Bai looked up to the sky and sighed: "May I ask how future generations will evaluate me?"

"Later generations will say that you are..."

Li Mazi was afraid that I would tell the truth, so he quickly came over and said with a playful smile: "Later generations will say that you are a very loyal minister! Even more loyal than Yue Fei, but it is a pity that you were framed by a villain. A few years ago, there was a book dedicated to you. It's called "The Deer and the Cauldron". In it, you are unparalleled in loyalty and loyalty, and you are an iron-clad minister. It is really touching."

Li Mazi secretly raised his eyebrows at me. I was completely convinced by this flattering trick, and he took it all, living or dead.

Obai said with emotion: "So I was included in a book by future generations and became famous in history? Well, well, it seems that future generations have finally restored my innocence. It's a pity that Kangxi's childish waste has betrayed my loyalty. "

At this time, there was a sudden loud knock on the door, and Officer Liang said with a pale face: "Oh no, those living corpses are chasing us."

"Bold monster!" Oboi, who was sitting on the bed, suddenly shouted and jumped up. He kicked the door. The entire morgue door was knocked down by him, and a living body was hit with a bang. on the corpse. Obai rushed forward like a tiger descending from the mountain. He only heard the sound of bones breaking, and the living corpse was torn in half by him!

This fighting power is too strong.

It is said that when Obai led his troops in the war, all his knives were broken. Fortunately, he killed people on the battlefield with his bare hands. In one battle, he killed more than fifty people and tore more than a hundred people into pieces. His friends were all shocked. He was stunned, so Huang Taiji named him: the first warrior of the Manchu Qing Dynasty.

When the two living corpses at the back saw this scene, they bared their teeth and rushed towards Obai. Obai blocked the door like a hill and started fighting with them!

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