Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 344 The real murderer appears

The two living corpses did not dare to confront Obai head-on, so they could only run back and forth against the wall, constantly harassing him. Oboi was angered, he grabbed a living corpse fiercely and pushed its head into the chest cavity.

With a pop, the whole head of the living corpse was pressed into the chest. This scene made me sweat. Fortunately, this awesome coaxing Ao Shaobao was an ally.

Another living corpse let out a beast-like roar and rushed forward. As a result, Obai roared louder than it, raised his fist and smashed the living corpse away.

The force of this punch was too great, and the wall was covered with blood. The scene looked too cruel!

Obai still couldn't understand his hatred. He rushed over and held down the body, punching it down one by one. The sound sounded like a butcher chopping up a large piece of frozen pork, which made our scalp numb with fear.

Once, twice!

In the end, the living corpse was turned into a puddle of flesh, twitched a few times, and finally stopped moving.

Ao Bai glanced at us, his eyes as cruel as a bloodthirsty beast, and he shouted loudly: "Where are the rats who imprisoned me in the drum?"

"It's in this building, I'll take you to find it." I answered tremblingly, and then told Yin Xinyue to stay and guard Fengshen Nana, and then we went upstairs with Li Mazi and Ao Bai.

We searched the second and third floors, but couldn't find the other party's shadow. During this period, Obai once again picked up a living corpse that was broken into two parts and crawling around on the ground. I thought to myself that the police would come to work early tomorrow morning. , seeing the mess in the corridor, I don’t know what expression to show on my face?

"Despicable villain, get out of here!"

Obai stood in the office building and roared angrily. The thunderous sound made us cover our ears. His anger set off a strong evil wind, like the birth of a ghost king.

Li Mazi asked me in a low voice: "Brother from the Zhang family, how do you think this Obai escaped from the vagina? I remember that I have never encountered such a situation before."

I smiled and told Li Mazi that he only knew one but not the other. In fact, there are two types of evil things in the world.

The first type is the ghost objects that accompany the owner all year round. After the owner dies, a ray of ghost spirit will often attach to the favorite thing. For example, embroidered shoes, ancient mirrors from the Tang Dynasty, and the thunder knife of the Western Chu Overlord, etc.

The second type is also the most vicious one. That is, the captured Yin spirits are forcibly imprisoned in certain vessels, and the vessels are sacrificed and refined into Yin objects. For example, the legendary Chiyou bone chariot is the most grievous and difficult to control.

According to historical records, after Ao Bai was captured by Emperor Kangxi, he was so angry that he vomited blood and died in prison. It seems that he did not find peace after his death. His body was made into a small drum, so the resentment in his chest persisted for a long time, and he automatically regarded the owner of the ghost object as his enemy.

While we were searching on the fourth floor, Obai suddenly shouted: "Rakshasa ghost!"


Obai pointed to the famous quotes posted on the wall. On it was Gorky's portrait and his sentence "Books are the ladder of human progress." Obai asked me seriously why there is a Rakshasa ghost here. Is he a wanted criminal?

Li Mazi and I burst out laughing, and then Obai suddenly roared, his eyes almost popping out.

I was so frightened that I lost two of my souls. I thought I had angered him somewhere, but I heard a drum sound coming from somewhere.

Bang bang!

Bang bang!

The mysterious drum sound appeared and disappeared in the darkness, as if someone was beating in his ears. Obai pressed his head with his hand and made a painful sound, as if his head was about to split.

"I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you." He suddenly ran towards that place, and a man wearing a black sweater came out of the darkness. His whole face was covered with scars, and he was holding a rattle in his hand. Stop shaking.

Even though Obai was full of resentment and murderous intent, he could not compete with the power of this drum. Before his hand could touch the man in the black sweatshirt, he only heard a 'click' and his arms were broken at a strange angle.

Then his legs were broken, and Obai knelt in front of the man, with his mouth open and roaring, but his body was out of control. As the drums became louder and louder, he kowtowed one after another.

He didn't seem to know the pain at all. In the end, his head was smashed, and white brains were bleeding all over the floor, and he kept banging.

Seeing the power of this vagina with my own eyes made me feel frightened, but now was not the time to be frightened.

I took out the Sirius Whip and whipped it towards the man in the black sweatshirt. The man showed a cold smile and was still shaking the drum in his hand.

Along with a rustling sound, I saw a large pool of black bugs spit out from Obai's mouth, like a black tide, spreading in the corridor. Li Mazi was so frightened that he hurriedly hid. Behind me.

"Brother Zhang, what the hell is this?" Li Mazi shouted.

"Don't be afraid, it's just a corpse insect." I said.

Corpse worms are produced during corpse refining. They are somewhat similar to maggots and are parasites that specifically grow on dead people.

I wielded the Sirius Whip and whipped the corpse worms on the ground hard. The corpse worms died in batches, but they continued to crawl onto my shoes like slugs. Li Mazi and I stepped on it with our feet. The squeaking sound and the mucus all over the floor were simply disgusting to our bones.

After a lot of effort, I finally fought off the zombies, but the man was nowhere to be seen. I saw that the window was open, so I quickly ran over and looked down.

It turned out that the man was actually riding on a living corpse. The living corpse crawled as fast as a lizard and soon disappeared into the woods with the man.

"Damn it!" I punched the wall hard.

A few minutes later, the 120 ambulance drove in, gave Fengshen Nana first aid and sent her to the hospital.

It was already four o'clock in the morning.

Officer Liang sent us outside the police station. We all looked haggard. I just wanted to go back and take a hot shower and have a good sleep.

"Mr. Zhang, there's something I can't figure out. Even if this guy wants to destroy the body and eliminate all traces, he doesn't need to break into the police station alone, right?" Officer Liang asked in confusion.

"Is it possible that the money lost in the bank is in the police station?" I said.

"Of course it's not safe to leave that much money here. I'll have my men count it in the afternoon and send it back to the bank." Officer Liang replied.

I frowned. If this was the case, the purpose of the man in the black sweatshirt would be a bit unpredictable!

Forget it, let’s take it one step at a time.

Just as I was about to take a taxi back to the store, I suddenly remembered something and said to Officer Liang: "By the way, please pay attention. In the past two days, an abandoned body of a child between five and seven years old may appear in Wuhan!"

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