Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 345: Courtesan Drum

Officer Liang said in disbelief: "Boss Zhang, you mean the murderer behind the scenes would kill a child. Why would he do this? Could it be that the murderer is a perverted murderer."

Yin Xinyue could never stand this kind of thing, so she pursed her lips and said, "This is so heartbreaking."

I shook my head: "No, there is a way to this child's death."

Under normal circumstances, when using such a powerful counterattack, the caster will suffer serious consequences, ranging from severe damage to vitality to death! In order to save his life, he would most likely keep a child by his side and treat him like his own child. He would usually refer to him as father and son or father and daughter. When the evil things come back, he would let this child bear the backlash for him.

The resistance abilities of adults and children are quite different. If he used the drum so unscrupulously tonight, the backlash will probably be extremely strong. I estimate that the child raised by the caster has been killed by the backlash.

Although a bit cruel, this is also an important clue to find the real murderer.

After listening to my explanation, Officer Liang nodded and said: "This is indeed an important clue, and I will definitely pay attention to it. By the way, Boss Zhang, do you know what the negative thing is?"

I shook my head.

After leaving the police station and getting in the car, I said to Li Mazi and Yin Xinyue: "Actually, I already know the origin of that evil object..."

That thing is called the Chenzi Drum.

It is said that Emperor Kangxi finally caught Obai with all his efforts, so he listed thirty crimes against Obai and ransacked his home.

Soon after, thirteen of Obai's generals mutinied one after another and gathered troops near Shanhaiguan in an attempt to rebel.

Oboi's men were all battle-hardened warriors, and the Eight Banners Army was no match for them. After several battles, not only did the rebels fail to be wiped out, two of Kangxi's uncles even lost their lives in front of the battle.

Seeing that the rebels were about to reach the capital, Emperor Kangxi was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot. A shaman in the palace suggested that the skulls of Obai and his eldest son should be taken out, put back together, and made into a 'subordinate drum' according to the mysterious method of shamanism, so that the rebel generals could be subdued. .

The Qing Dynasty originated from the Jurchens, whose belief was shamanism.

Kangxi followed the wizard's advice and secretly gave this 'Chenzi Drum' to an eunuch, who brought it to the two armies for use. Within a few days, problems did arise among the thirteen rebel generals. Six of them died in accidents, four committed suicide, and three fled to Goryeo.

As the name of the 'Chenzi Drum' suggests, as long as it is played, it will make people surrender, but the person being controlled will have strong resentment, and all these resentments will come back to the user.

Although Emperor Kangxi defeated the rebels, the eunuch died of pus all over his body not long after. His death was horrific.

Emperor Kangxi saw how ominous the official drum was, so he had it sealed forever in the depths of Changbai Mountain, vowing never to use it again.

Because this period of history was too weird, it was only recorded in unofficial histories and did not appear in the official history. Now it seems that the ‘Chenzi Drum’ does exist.

After listening, Yin Xinyue asked me: "When Officer Liang asked you just now, why did you say you didn't know? Don't you believe him?"

"We also saw what this policeman did tonight. I think he is not worthy of trust. From now on, we'd better be careful about him!" I said vigilantly.

Li Mazi said: "Yes, I have never seen such a cold-blooded person. Let's just do it ourselves, so as not to have him stab us in the back. By the way, little brother from the Zhang family, how much do you think this minister drum is worth?" "

I ignored him. What I was worried about now was whether I could win this drum with my little skills. It would be great if the T-shirt man or Zen Master Baimei could be here.

However, the whereabouts of these two people were elusive and they could not be contacted for a while.

After returning to the antique shop, I asked Yin Xinyue to cook some glutinous rice and remove the corpse poison from my back. It took half a kilogram of glutinous rice until it was completely black to remove the poison from my body. Then I disinfected it with alcohol and wrapped it in a bandage. It should be fine.

In the next few days, there was no news at all from the police station. Every day I just looked through the books left by my grandfather and thought of any countermeasures.

On this day, Fengshen Nana called me suddenly. Although she has my number, she has never contacted me once, and she seems to be still in the hospital. Is there anything important?

Feng Shen Nana invited me to the hospital and said she had something important to say.

Her tone was so serious that I couldn't refuse, so I drove to the hospital alone.

I thought she would be lying on the hospital bed with tubes inserted all over her body. When we met, I found that she could get out of bed and walk, but she still needed to stay in the hospital for observation for a few days.

The injury was caused by a bullet. Naturally, the hospital had to report it to the police. After the investigation, the criminal police team only gave a perfunctory answer of "the gun went off." This shows the character of Officer Liang.

As soon as we entered the ward, Nana, the rich gentleman, invited me to sit down. She picked up the thermos and boiled a red Fuji and handed it to me. I declined.

Without the police uniform, she was a little less heroic, but a little more cute. Her long black hair was tied into a ponytail behind her head, just like a girl next door.

"You suddenly came to me, what's the matter?" I asked.

Fengshen Nana looked around. It was noon and there was only one patient sleeping in the ward. She whispered: "Boss Zhang, do you still remember the story I told about the headless filial son that night?"

"Remember, what happened?" I wondered.

"Officer Liang once saw the headless dutiful son, and he ordered someone to dig out the old lady's coffin under the security warehouse. But when I told the story about the headless dutiful son, he didn't react at all. This was so strange." Fengshen said. Nana said, staring straight at me.

I suddenly understood what Fengshen Nana meant: "You mean, this Officer Liang is fake?"

"I have been thinking about this all night, and the more I think about it, the more something is wrong. Haven't you noticed that Officer Liang's face has never shed sweat?" Fengshen Nana said.

Having said that, I also remembered that we were running up and down that night and were so tired that we were panting, but Officer Liang didn't shed a drop of sweat from the beginning to the end.

Could it be the art of disguise!

Impersonation is a serious crime. If we make a mistake and Officer Liang sues us for defamation and frame-up, we will go to jail.

I asked Nana Fengshen to think about it again, and Nana Fengshen said excitedly that the Officer Liang she knew would never shoot at his subordinates!

I nodded and told Nana Fengshen not to tell anyone else about this, to be careful these days and to recover well, and then left the ward.

As soon as I walked out of the hospital gate, Officer Liang called and said that the bodies of two children, a man and a woman, were found in the suburbs of Wuhan this morning. In addition, there were important discoveries in the case. It is very likely that the murderer will be arrested tonight, so I must go there. Police station.

I replied that I would come right away, then sat in the car and sent a text message to Li Mazi, asking him to prepare a few things for me!

I originally wanted to call Yin Xinyue, but then I thought it was too dangerous. Besides, her company had recently invested in a TV series and was very busy, so she didn't notify her.

When I arrived at the police station, Officer Liang had been waiting for a long time. When he saw me coming, he immediately took me to the morgue.

The corpses of two children were placed on the iron bed in the morgue. Their bodies were covered with pustules of various sizes. The pustules on the neck of one corpse had become ulcerated and perforated. The trachea inside could be seen directly from the hole. I only looked at it. One look at it made me so sick that I didn't even want to eat dinner.

The actual report given by the medical examiner is that the deceased were all covered with malignant wounds and died of renal failure.

As a shield for the caster, it seems likely that these two children also suffered a lot during their lifetimes.

Even the shield has become like this. You can also imagine what kind of appearance I have. He must be like the Clay Bodhisattva in "The Wind and Cloud", covered with pimples.

Officer Liang cursed angrily: "I will make him pay the price for this wolf-hearted thing!"

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