Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 346 Cheng Brothers

After leaving the morgue, I asked Officer Liang: "You just said on the phone that you had made a major discovery. What kind of discovery was it? Can you tell me?"

"Follow me." Officer Liang waved, took me to his office, and then handed me a yellow file.

The file contains photos and information of six bank robbers. Officer Liang told me that according to the investigation of the Criminal Police Brigade, these six people were all migrant workers and came from the same construction site.

The contractor at the construction site also said that the six robbers were brothers and had a very good relationship. It's just that these people were very dishonest. They stole a batch of steel from the construction site in the middle of the night and sold it. They were fired after being discovered. They have been idle ever since. They even had a criminal record for theft. Anyway, they are just a gang. unemployed.

Officer Liang pointed to one of the photos and told me that the leader of this group of robbers is called Cheng Xiaohu, and he has a biological brother named Cheng Dalong. The two brothers have always had a bad relationship, so Cheng Xiaohu rarely goes home.

"Cheng Dalong lives in a small village not far from here. He got a serious illness a few years ago. His family's financial situation basically couldn't afford the medical expenses. Then he suddenly made a fortune and cured the illness. People in the village said that a strange man came to see him with his two children a year ago and stayed with him for a long time. I suspect that Cheng Dalong is a serious suspect."

I returned the information to Officer Liang and asked, "Then what charges do you plan to arrest him for?"

"I have applied for a search warrant from the court. The charge is murder. These six robbers must have been killed by him." Officer Liang replied.

"But the felonious object is still in his hand. If you search it like this, he will definitely fight you to the death." I said worriedly.

"Yes, so you have to come forward for this matter." Officer Liang smiled and said: "Without further delay, let's set off tonight!"

"Okay, that's what I planned." I nodded, and suddenly remembered something, and asked, "Officer Liang, does Cheng Dalong have any personal grudge against you?"

"Why do you ask this?" Officer Liang narrowed his eyes, as if he was a little wary. Although his expression flashed away, I still caught it.

He smiled slightly and said: "I understand, do you want to say that this murderer who broke into the police station at night was actually coming for me? To be honest, as the captain of the criminal police, I will definitely offend a lot of people, and I will also be resented by others. normal."

I suspect that Officer Liang is not telling the truth, but I can’t tell the truth right now, so let’s take it one step at a time.

Just then, there was a loud noise outside. We went to the corridor and took a look and found that two policemen were blocking Li Mazi from entering.

Li Mazi was carrying two inflatable dolls, a snakeskin bag in his left hand, and a big, lively rooster in his right hand. He looked so suspicious that no wonder the police refused to let him in.

Also coming with Li Mazi was Yin Xinyue.

Officer Liang hurried over to relieve Li Mazi. I asked Yin Xinyue why she was here. Yin Xinyue pouted and said that she had just arrived at my store after get off work and saw that the store door was locked, so she called Li Mazi. Sure enough, I went to the police station again.

"Do you think I'm in the way?" Yin Xinyue stuck out her tongue and pinched my arm.

"I'm afraid you'll be in danger!" I explained.

"I'm not a three-year-old child, I can protect myself." Yin Xinyue said with a smile.

Li Mazi put down the things, wiped the sweat from his forehead and said, "Brother Zhang, go buy these things yourself next time! I was stopped by a traffic policeman on the road just now. He saw the things I brought and asked him They thought I was a pervert, and they let me go until my lips were worn out."

"Is this something we will use tonight?" Officer Liang asked.

I nodded, opened the bag and checked. I had all the Qing Dynasty military attaché uniforms, hemp rope, bone meal, and eels, so I praised Li Mazi.

"What is this for?" Yin Xinyue pointed at the inflatable doll and said, suppressing a smile.

"You'll know soon." I blinked mysteriously.

Officer Liang asked if he wanted to bring more police officers? I thought that if there were too many people, it would not only be easy to alert the snake, but also increase the risk, so I said that it would only be enough for the four of us.

The three of us took a car, and Officer Liang drove a private car alone. Half an hour later we arrived at Cheng Dalong's village.

At this time, the sun had not yet set. A few idle men squatting and smoking at the entrance of the village saw a car approaching and immediately looked into the car curiously.

Officer Liang stepped forward to ask them about Cheng Dalong's residence. He was wearing casual clothes.

"What do you want from Brother Long?" said an idle man, his eyes always staring greedily at Yin Xinyue. For the convenience of movement, Yin Xinyue wore a pair of denim shorts and a pink loose T-shirt, which made her figure look bumpy.

She was used to being looked at, and she was so blatant and unconcerned, but I felt a little unhappy.

"I am..." Officer Liang didn't know what to say for a while. Li Mazi hurried over to hand over the cigarette and said with a smile on his face: "I am from a real estate company, and these are my clients. Mr. Cheng said they There’s a house for sale, and we’re invited to come and take a look.”

"Cheng Dalong, who is like a dog, didn't know where he got this evil fortune. He is probably planning to move into the city and share it with the villagers." After speaking, the idle man spat on the ground, and then gave We pointed in a direction and said that the most conspicuous small western-style building in the village was Cheng Dalong's home.

The idle man also said that Cheng Dalong used to raise a breeding pig at home and make money by breeding sows in the village. Later, he simply stopped doing any work and hid at home sneaking around all day. He didn’t know what he was doing, but he made a lot of money. But the money is getting more and more day by day.

We thanked the idle man and drove to the vicinity of Cheng Dalong's home. This village seemed to be generally poor. All we saw along the way were dilapidated brick houses and large fields covered with weeds.

Only the small western-style building where Cheng Dalong lived was brightly lit, and the sounds of disco music and dance halls could be heard from inside.

Li Mazi said: "This grandson has lived a very happy life. I don't know how much evil wealth he has made by relying on evil things."

"Are we going to rush in?" Officer Liang asked, opening the car window.

"Park the car nearby and get ready first."

Immediately afterwards, we quietly parked the car in a wasteland with the most weeds. After making sure that no one was around, Li Mazi and I took everything out of the car one by one.

I fixed the two inflatable dolls with branches and let them stand in the field. Then I wrote the names of Obai and his son with eel blood, and then dressed the two inflatable dolls in official uniforms of the Qing Dynasty.

Finally, the big rooster's comb was pierced, a few cotton balls were soaked in chicken blood, and everyone stuffed them into their ears.

The yang energy of rooster blood is the strongest among all animals, and it should be able to withstand the sound of the minister's drum. I specifically asked everyone not to agree to anyone calling them later.

Yin Xinyue asked me worriedly, will I see a ghost tonight?

I said no, and then put the hemp rope stained with rooster blood into her hand and asked her to stay where she was. Once the two inflatable dolls were possessed by the evil spirit, they would be tied up with the rope immediately and tied up. The tighter the better.

"You still said you couldn't see ghosts!" Yin Xinyue was shocked.

"These two ghosts are very honest, I promise!" I laughed.

My plan is to extract the ghost spirits of Obai and his son from the minister drum first. In this case, the power of this ghost object will be greatly reduced, and then we rush in and catch Cheng Dalong.

As for what changes may occur along the way, just act according to the circumstances.

At this time, Li Mazi suddenly shouted: "Brother Zhang, what's wrong, the lights in my grandson's house have gone out. He probably found us and was preparing to run away..."

"Hurry up!" I said.

We ran near the small foreign-style building, and Officer Liang suddenly became alert and said to us: "There is something moving."

Sure enough, a few figures emerged from the dark Xiaoyang Building. They were the idle men who showed us the way at the entrance of the village just now. Li Mazi gave a false alarm and said: "Brothers, why are you here for a walk and you haven't eaten yet? "

"No, there's something wrong with their eyes!" I shouted.

As soon as he finished speaking, the gang picked up wooden sticks and kitchen knives and chased us. Mazi Li screamed in fright and ran away.

Officer Liang was about to fire a warning shot into the air, so I pressed down his hand. Not only was this useless, it would also expose the identity of the policeman.

People in small villages like this have very backward ideas and like to protect themselves. If the police come to arrest someone, the whole village will immediately be dispatched to obstruct the police, and then the situation will become out of control.

At this time, Li Mazi, who had escaped, ran back in panic and told me that there was a group of people behind him, all holding machetes.

We were surrounded from two sides.

There was really nothing I could do, so I glanced at the wall of Cheng Dalong's house and said, "Hurry up and climb in!"

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