Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 350 Suicide Forest

The man in the t-shirt explained to us that the Cheng brothers lost their parents when they were very young. In order to make a living, the brothers experienced the ups and downs of this society and gradually began to go astray, doing some illegal and criminal activities, starting from thieves. From a small point of view, he committed murder and arson, and his behavior became bigger and bigger.

They have committed many crimes, but they have always been at large. Once, their car with the corpse was stopped by a criminal policeman for questioning. In order to protect themselves, the two brothers killed the policeman. The dead policeman was Liang Xiaoyue!

The younger brother had an idea and peeled off Liang Xiaoyue's face, treated it with potion and put it on his own face. The younger brother had learned the art of disguise in his early years and could imitate a person's behavior vividly.

So, the younger brother pretended to be Liang Xiaoyue and sneaked into the criminal police brigade to play a real-life version of "Infernal Affairs".

From then on, the elder brother committed various crimes in Officer Liang's jurisdiction. Every time the police arrived, the two brothers made a fortune.

Then one day, the elder brother caught his younger brother having an affair with his wife. The two brothers had a big quarrel and broke up.

The younger brother has been in love with his sister-in-law for a long time, so he wanted to use his status as a police officer to get rid of his elder brother. Once he set up a trick and shot his elder brother several times. The elder brother finally jumped into the sewer and survived.

The elder brother knew that with his current strength, he would never be able to defeat his younger brother, so he dug out the court drum from his ancestral grave and planned to fight to the death.

However, in the end, the younger brother made a clever move and killed his older brother.

After listening to what the man in the T-shirt said, I realized that the information Officer Liang gave me was actually forged. The purpose was to deceive us so that we could help him get rid of Cheng Dalong. His ambition was really chilling.

Yin Xinyue raised a question: "That's not right. Didn't Brother Zhang say that Emperor Kangxi thought that the drum was an ominous thing and sent someone to bury the drum in Changbai Mountain?"

T-shirt man explained: "The ancestor of the Cheng family was the imperial guard responsible for escorting the minister's drum. However, he became greedy and killed all the others who were traveling with him, taking the minister's drum as his own. He mingled among the people and relied on With the power of Chen Zi Gu, he enjoyed glory and wealth for a short time, but the good times did not last long. The backlash of Chen Zi Gu was so strong that he was tortured to the point of death. When he was dying, he asked his descendants to bury Chen Zi Gu with him, and never allowed him to be buried with him. Move it."

"What a sin, this evil thing that harms others and ourselves..." Li Mazi patted his thigh and sighed: "How much is it worth!"

I glared at him with contempt.

"I can help you get the minister drum back, but there is a condition." The man in the t-shirt said.

"All ten conditions are fine. Now I just want to catch the grandson pretending to be Officer Liang and beat him up to get rid of his bad temper." I said.

"After the matter is over, the Chenzi Drum must be sold to the person I designate." The man in the T-shirt said coldly.

"Your client?" I asked.

The man in the T-shirt nodded, and I asked again: "Who is your client?"

This time, the man in the T-shirt just said lightly: "It has a lot to do with Chen Zi Gu."

"Okay, let's move quickly, Cheng Xiaohu shouldn't have gone far!" I said.

The man in the T-shirt just sat in the driver's seat and didn't move. I asked him why he didn't leave. He said he couldn't drive.

I almost spurted a mouthful of blood onto the car seat. How on earth did he get the car here?

Li Mazi was eager to try it out, so he exchanged places with the man in the T-shirt. After starting the sports car, the smooth and low sound of the engine came from the bottom. Li Mazi praised: "Luxury cars are different, the sound of the motor is so exciting."

He took out a pair of sunglasses from nowhere and put them on. I yelled and yelled at him, telling him to stop pretending. It was night and in the suburbs, so be careful if you wear them, your car would be damaged and someone would be killed.

Li Mazi then took off his sunglasses and concentrated on driving.

After getting on the highway, Li Mazi didn't know where to go. The man in the t-shirt gave directions from time to time. He might have placed something tracking on Cheng Xiaohu. I was no longer surprised by the man in the t-shirt.

After driving for almost half an hour, Yin Xinyue fell asleep in my arms, and then I caught up with Cheng Xiaohu's car.

"Where is this grandson going? Going back to the police station?" Li Mazi asked.

"Impossible. Officer Liang's body is in the small western-style building. The police will find it later when they arrive. If he goes back, he will throw himself into a trap. He may be planning to abscond." I said.

The two cars maintained a distance of twenty meters. Cheng Xiaohu suddenly drove into a side road, probably because he found someone following him.

After following for about ten minutes, Li Mazi was about to overtake, when a traffic police motorcycle suddenly came from behind.

"No, this grandson has summoned the traffic police." Li Mazi asked the T-shirt man if there was any way to drive the traffic police away. He just shook his head. Although the T-shirt man had many methods, none of them were used against living people. .

After all, this is not a movie. We can't race with the traffic police on the road and have to stop the car in the end.

The traffic police came over and checked our driver's license and ID cards, and also asked us what we were doing. Li Mazi said we were going to attend a classmate's wedding. The traffic police looked into the car unconvincingly and asked if we were together.

"Yes, we are all classmates. I have stayed in several grades, so I look older. If you don't believe me, ask them." Li Mazi said with a smile on his face.

The traffic police finally let us go. After all this trouble, we lost track of Cheng Xiaohu. The man in the T-shirt said it didn't matter, he could catch us even if he ran to the end of the world.

I'm not worried about the ends of the earth, I'm just worried that Cheng Xiaohu will go to that place...

It was getting darker and darker all around, and there was silence. We were the only car driving on the road.

At this time, Yin Xinyue woke up, rubbed her eyes and looked out the window and said, "The atmosphere in this forest is so weird."

"This is the Suicide Forest!" I said.

"What?" Li Mazi and Yin Xinyue were shocked.

I heard a long time ago that there is a strange forest at the junction of Wuhan and Huanggang. I don’t know when it started. People who have lost their love often come here to commit suicide. Over time, various strange legends have been spread. Come on.

Sure enough, Cheng Xiaohu's car appeared in front of him and he entered the suicide forest.

Li Mazi stopped the car and asked me tremblingly: "Brother from the Zhang family, do we really want to enter this forest? I thought about it, this broken drum is only worth more than 200,000 yuan, let's not make steamed buns to fight for our reputation. I won’t make this money anymore.”

"This is the first time I've found you to be so courageous." I smiled.

"That's right. You can't be too arrogant in life. You have to give up when you should give up. You think so? In the first year of junior high school..."

Li Mazi looked back and saw that the man in the T-shirt had already gotten out of the car. Then Yin Xinyue and I also got out of the car. Li Mazi said that he wanted to stay and look at the car. Losing a million-dollar luxury car was no joke. He refused to do anything. get off.

The man in the t-shirt pinched some soil from the ground, put it under his nose, smelled it and said, "The yin energy is very strong here."

In the quiet woods, the branches are criss-crossed and there is no light at all. It feels like standing in front of an abyss and looking down. From time to time, there are unspeakable and strange movements in the woods, which is frightening.

To be honest, I was really frightened when I was called into a place like this in the middle of the night.

Yin Xinyue also held my arm tightly, looking very scared, but with a slightly excited expression on her face.

In her opinion, wherever I am, she is safe.

"Shall we go in now?" I asked the man in the T-shirt.

"Well, the sooner the better. He can't control the Chenzigu like his brother yet. When he masters the method, we may not have a chance..."

After saying that, the man in the T-shirt stepped on the fallen leaves on the ground and walked deeper into the forest.

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