Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 351: Disguise Technique

Not long after we entered the forest, Li Mazi hurriedly caught up with us. I asked him, didn't he just say that he refused to come? Li Mazi said embarrassedly that he also values ​​loyalty and feelings.

In the end, he did it after I pressed him. Not long after we left, a woman's hand suddenly knocked on the car window. He looked out the window and saw a ghostly face smiling at him. He was so frightened that he hurriedly Followed.

The forest was deep and quiet, not even the hoot of the owl could be heard, only the sound of the four of us stepping on the fallen leaves.

I have seen reports about the Suicide Forest in the news before. Every year, dozens of people come here to commit suicide. They often encounter some rotting remains. Of course, there are also some curious young people who come in to explore.

This forest seems to have an indescribable magic. People often disappear mysteriously here. An expedition group once got separated here. In the end, only a girl was found. She was already insane at the time. No one knew what happened. What.

As we walked, Yin Xinyue suddenly grabbed my arm and said in a low voice: "Brother Zhang, don't you feel the temperature drop?"

A white mist suddenly rose around me, and it was impossible to see anyone more than ten meters away. Suddenly a hand patted my right shoulder, and Li Mazi's voice came from behind: "Brother, lend me a light."

"Li Mazi, didn't you quit smoking?"

I was about to turn around when the man in the T-shirt shouted: "Don't look back!"

When I came back to my senses, I found Li Mazi walking beside me, looking at me blankly: "Did I just talk to you?"

Then, the hand gently patted my left shoulder again, and this time the voice became that of a strange woman: "Help me, my child can't be found..."

I broke out in a cold sweat and read the Tao Te Ching with all my strength.

The voice kept following me and kept saying: "Please help me find my child." As he spoke, he started crying, which sounded particularly touching.

I noticed that Li Mazi and Yin Xinyue also had pale faces. Yin Xinyue's palms were cold, and she might have been hearing hallucinations like me. The fog should be some kind of miasma that can interfere with people's senses.

"Ah, there are dead people!"

Yin Xinyue shouted and pointed to a large locust tree. Hanging from the branch was a man in sportswear. He had been dead for about a month, and his bare feet were as black as ink.

The man in the T-shirt squatted down and used a branch to pull out a pair of yellowed sneakers from the fallen leaves.

He placed the shoes on the ground, then took out a stack of yellow paper from his arms, unfolded it like a fan in his hand, and with a "pop" sound, a ball of blue flames burst out of the yellow paper, and with this hand The unique skills are really cool.

The yellow paper was almost burned out in the hands of the man in the T-shirt, so the man in the T-shirt stuffed the yellow paper into his sneakers while muttering something in his mouth. A whirlwind carried the paper dust in my shoes to the top of the forest. I looked up until I could no longer see it.

"Did a man pass by here just now?" the man in the T-shirt asked.

After a few seconds of silence, the threaded area at the top of the shoe suddenly cracked, and he opened and closed it a few times, as if he was nodding.

The three of us were deeply impressed by this scene.

"Is he very evil?" The man in the T-shirt asked again.

Shoes nodded again.

"Will you take us to him?"

This time, the shoes swayed from side to side, as if shaking their heads.

"Don't be afraid, we will protect you and burn paper money for you later," said the man in the T-shirt.

The shoes didn't answer, as if they were hesitating, and then suddenly seemed to be worn by a pair of invisible feet, taking steps left and right, walking deeper into the forest.

"How did you do it?" Li Mazi asked in surprise.

"I didn't do anything. It's just a femininity in itself." The man in the T-shirt said lightly, turning around to follow the pair of shoes.

"Feminin objects, modern things can also be considered feminin objects?" Li Mazi looked puzzled.

I did understand that Yin objects are essentially objects inhabited by Yin spirits. Those with a long history are Yin objects, and those that have just been formed can also be regarded as Yin objects.

Because this kind of evil object is of relatively low level, you don't need to pay much price. You can drive it to serve you by burning a few pieces of paper money.

"Follow up!"

The man in the T-shirt greeted us, and we followed the pair of sneakers and gradually walked out of the white mist.

I don’t know how long I walked, but my sneakers stopped next to a big tree. I heard the voices of a man and a woman coming from the other side of the tree.

"Xiaomei, forgive me for being such a loser. I will definitely marry you in my next life."

"Stop talking, Xiaoxu, I love you."

"I love you too."

Then there was the sound of stones rolling down. I thought to myself, someone hanged himself here, so I hurriedly ran in that direction.

I saw a young couple hanging on the tree, swaying like wind chimes. I asked Li Mazi to help me hold them down.

Unexpectedly, the girl was still ungrateful. After being rescued, she scratched and scratched, and cursed at the top of her voice: "Who told you to meddle in your own business! Who told you to meddle in your own business! I will kill you. What does it have to do with you?"

"Haha, you still don't know how to be grateful? I really don't understand you young people. You are so young. What can't you think about? If the sky falls and there is someone taller to hold it up, why do you want to commit suicide?" Li Mazi said.

"You need to take care of it, ugly uncle!" the girl replied viciously. She was dressed in a different style, with long hair on one side and almost baldness on the other. She was wearing a black leather jacket and thunderbolt gloves.

The boy looked very frail, wearing a pair of bottle-bottom glasses and carrying a backpack.

Yin Xinyue asked: "Little sister, do you have any difficulties? Tell me and see if I can help you."

The girl choked: "It's none of your business, Auntie!"

The girl asked Li Mazi for a cigarette, but Li Mazi said he didn't have any. She took out a piece of chewing gum and started chewing it.

I suddenly discovered that there was a heavy Yin energy in the boy. It is normal for a dying person to have Yin energy, but he also committed suicide for love, but the girl had no Yin energy.

I subconsciously glanced at the man in the T-shirt and found that he was also looking at me and shook his head slightly at me, as if to warn me.

"Are you classmates? Which school are you from?" Yin Xinyue asked.

The boy said: "Auntie, we are from No. 13 Middle School nearby. We really love each other, but her father did not allow us to be together, and then we eloped. As a result, we couldn't survive outside, so we had to come here to commit suicide... "

Yin Xinyue asked: "Where else do you want to go?"

"No, we will be beaten to death by our family if we go back now. We haven't eaten for three days. By the way, Auntie, let me show you something." After the boy finished speaking, he put his hands into his backpack.

I suddenly noticed that the color of his face was different from that of his body and arms.

"Get away from him!" I shouted, rushed over and kicked the backpack in his hand.

A tambourine rolled out of the bag. It was made of two skulls that were turned upside down. The drum skin covering it should also be human skin.

"Chenzigu!" Li Mazi and Yin Xinyue said in unison.

"Damn it!" The boy's expression changed in an instant, and even his voice became thicker. He pulled out a dagger from somewhere and put it on the girl's throat: "Don't come over here, or I will kill her."

It turned out that Cheng Xiaohu knew there was no way to escape, so he used the disguise technique and took off the clothes from the dead body to disguise himself as a student.

His ability to imitate the behavior of others rivals that of a professional actor.

In addition, this girl does not seem to be controlled by Chen Zigu, but may be coerced by Cheng Xiaohu.

"Cheng Xiaohu, if you do unjust things, you will be punished by yourself. I advise you to accumulate some evil virtue!" I said.

"Haha!" Cheng Xiaohu looked up to the sky and laughed: "Don't tell me anything about retribution. I don't believe it. Why don't those corrupt officials get retribution? I am what I am today because of this sick society."

Li Mazi scolded: "Fart, when I was a child, my family was so poor that we didn't even have a pair of socks without holes. Why didn't I steal or rob? I'm not a good person in the first place, and I still depend on society."

Cheng Xiaohu laughed sinisterly: "It really hurts to stand and talk. No one is allowed to come over, or I will slit her throat!"

He stepped back step by step, suddenly pushed the girl towards us, snatched the drum from the ground, and rushed into the woods quickly.

I was about to give chase, but I was grabbed by the man in the T-shirt. The man in the T-shirt said calmly: "He can't run far."

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