Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 352 Battle against the Rotten Corpse Group

After Cheng Xiaohu escaped, the man in the T-shirt took out a handful of paper cranes from his arms and threw them into the air.

The paper crane flapped its wings, riding on the night wind, and quickly flew out in all directions. I guess he was using the power of the ghosts here!

The girl was stunned and asked who we were. Yin Xinyue asked back: "Little sister, who are you? How come you show up here in the middle of the night? Did that man threaten you just now?"

The girl bit her lip, said "I don't care," and prepared to run away, but was grabbed from behind by Li Mazi.

She kept kicking and fighting, and Li Mazi couldn't even subdue her. The girl looked very rebellious.

Since the soft one is not enough, then the hard one will do. I walked over and deliberately said with a straight face: "Hey, you'd better tell the truth, otherwise no one will know how we want to deal with you in the wilderness here. .”

"Do you want to threaten me, uncle!" The girl made a face at me nonchalantly: "Anyway, I came here to commit suicide. I have prepared sleeping pills. What can you do to me?"

As she spoke, she patted her satchel.

I noticed that her attire was very mismatched, just a mix and match, and she exuded a strong corpse aura.

I guess this girl didn't come here to commit suicide. She wandered around here, picking up the deceased's things to sell for money or use them for herself. She was really brave.

So I tried to ask: "Are you really here to commit suicide? You have a lot of yin energy on your body. Are these clothes, gloves, and bags all ripped off from dead people?"

After I found out, the girl lowered her head and said nothing.

"You are so courageous. If it were me here, I would go crazy after staying for one night. How about I introduce you to a job in a funeral parlor, putting makeup on dead people? You will definitely like it."

"You don't need to worry about me, I live a good life here, uncle!"

She called her uncle every time and it made me very unhappy. I guess I'm not that old after all.

"Do you know the man just now?" I asked.

"We know each other!" the girl pouted and said, "We only knew each other for a few minutes, and the man told me that as long as I would help him get rid of you, he would lend me his drum and help me kill my stepfather. "

Everyone present was stunned for a while, but finally they got some clues. I asked, "Is your stepfather treating you badly?"

"Have you ever been raped, beaten, locked up in a dark room, and still pretended to be a good father in front of outsiders? I was so sick when I saw that man that I wanted to vomit, but my stupid mother still defended her at every turn He blames everything on me. I wish they would be hit by a car when they went out." After the girl finished speaking, tears filled her eyes, and we all fell into silence.

"Why don't you speak? Uncle!" the girl asked.

"That man lied to you. There is no way he would lend you the minister drum." The man in the T-shirt said calmly.

"He said he would definitely help me, as long as I help him get rid of you guys, and he even swore an oath." The girl didn't believe it.

The man in the t-shirt shook his head: "He is a heinous criminal. He will only kill you to silence you after the incident is completed, but we can also help you with what he promised you..."

"Are you telling the truth?" the girl asked in surprise.

The man in the T-shirt nodded, and I looked at him, not sure whether he was serious or just trying to trick the girl.

The girl is not polite to anyone, but she is very honest in front of the guy in the T-shirt. I think the reason is... he is too handsome! Even if Song Joong-ki is wearing makeup, he is just a duck and a swan in front of the man in a T-shirt without makeup.

At this time, a paper crane flew back from the forest. The man in the T-shirt stretched out a finger and let it rest on his fingertip. The paper crane kept nodding, as if talking to him.

"Go this way!" The man in the T-shirt pointed.

We followed the man in the T-shirt, and as I went deeper into the dense forest, the yin energy coming out of the trees became stronger and stronger.

I was worried that something would happen, so I asked Li Mazi, Yin Xinyue and the girl to walk in the middle. The man in the T-shirt was at the front carrying a sword to clear the way, while I walked at the back, holding the Sirius Whip in my hand, and kept reciting "Morality" in my mouth. through".

The girl kept asking questions along the way. Although it was a bit annoying, there were people talking and the atmosphere seemed less depressing.

Bang bang!

Bang bang!

A drum beat came from the woods, and I immediately tensed up.

The fallen leaves under our feet suddenly made a rustling sound, and a large group of rotting corpses emerged from the pile of leaves and walked slowly towards us. Some of them were so rotten that their abdomens were penetrated, and some even had their heads attached. nothing.

The staggering rotten corpse made a series of strange groans. As the body twisted stiffly, the incomplete skeleton of the body made a clicking sound.

I immediately threw out the Sirius Whip, wrapped it around the carrion at the front, dragged it backwards, and it immediately fell apart.

The man in the t-shirt rushed over, unsheathed his long sword, and a blue light flashed, quickly killing two rotten corpses.

"So handsome!" The girl clapped her hands and shouted loudly.

These rotting corpses were far easier to deal with than the living corpses carefully refined by Cheng Dalong, but there were a bit too many of them. The man in the T-shirt and I opened our bows from left to right and gradually carved a way out, telling them to move quickly while we held the rear.

The man in the t-shirt suddenly shouted "get out of the way". I felt something falling from above my head and hurriedly took a step back.

A rotten corpse that fell from the tree jumped into the air, and was stepped on by the man in a T-shirt on the back, and pierced through the mouth with a sword.

The branches above me swayed, and then I noticed that the carrion had switched to 'air attack', jumping up and down on the treetops, and quickly surrounded us.

The bodies of the rotten corpses were not very strong to begin with, and some of them fell apart after jumping around. However, there were still a large number of us surrounding us in the center of Gai. Now it was a bit tricky. I asked the man in the T-shirt if he had any big moves?

"Use your grandfather's Nandou Tianlang Jue." The man in the T-shirt said.

"What? Isn't it the Beidou Sirius Judgment?" I asked.

"The Heavenly Wolf Whip Technique can be divided into Nandou and Beidou. Nandou specializes in dealing with zombies, and Beidou specializes in dealing with evil spirits. Say to me: The dragon rises from the sky, and all the methods are thundered!" the man in the T-shirt said quickly.

I made a seal with my left hand, recited it as the man in the T-shirt said, and then placed the Nandou Tianlang Jue on the Tianlang Whip. I immediately felt that the Tianlang Whip in my hand came to life, like a twisting body. python.

Following this feeling, I picked up the whip and swung it into the air. I heard a crisp crackling sound, and the whip kept spinning on the treetops like a whirlwind, smashing all the rotting corpses into pieces.

The falling bones looked like a heavy rain.

All the rotting corpses were wiped out in the blink of an eye. I felt unspeakably happy and took the Heavenly Wolf Whip back into my hand.

The girl cheered loudly again. I asked her who she thought was more powerful. She pointed at the man in the T-shirt. I asked in surprise why?

"It's like this in comics, great people don't talk much! You talk too much, uncle!"

Her childlike words made the man in the T-shirt laugh, but it was only a faint smile, fleeting, but seeing him smile was actually even rarer than an astronomical spectacle.

Just when we breathed a sigh of relief, the sound of the Chenzi drum came again, this time very, very close to us.

"At one go, take down Cheng Xiaohu!" I said.

"Yeah!" The man in the T-shirt nodded slightly.

So, the man in the t-shirt and I opened the way in front and rushed in that direction. The drum beat became faster and faster. When I pushed aside a bush, I found that Cheng Xiaohu was beating the drum desperately. The carrion that could be controlled in this area had been exhausted. , he was sweating profusely.

"Stop!" I shouted.

Cheng Xiaohu gritted his teeth and went into the woods again, beating the drum crazily as he ran, and the sound of banging was endless.

I thought to myself that if this bastard ran away all night, should we still chase him all night long?

Just as I was thinking this, the drumming stopped suddenly, and a heart-rending scream came from over there, echoing in the quiet woods, which was frightening. The man in the T-shirt and I looked at each other and quickly headed towards that place. Run.

When we arrived, we found a large group of rotting corpses gathered around, biting Cheng Xiaohu's body crazily. The pungent smell of blood filled the air. His hands and feet twitched a few times, and finally stopped moving.

Perhaps it was because he could not completely subdue the spirit of Obei in the drum, and he used it unscrupulously, and finally suffered the consequences.

The man in the t-shirt recited a spell silently, threw the sword in his hand into the air, and stabbed it firmly in front of Cheng Xiaohu. The long sword emitted a cold blue halo, and the carrion beasts that were devouring it seemed to be very frightened, and they all He stopped, crawled backwards on the ground with all four limbs, and disappeared silently into the woods...

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