Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 354 Ancient Bronze Sword

The Chenzi Drum matter is finally over. As promised, we sold the Chenzi Drum to Obai’s descendants in Malaysia. They thanked me profusely and generously gave me a bank card. The skulls of the ancestors were returned for burial.

I checked the balance of my bank card and my eyes almost popped out. It was a total of three million. Malaysian businessmen are really wealthy!

After that, my life became a bit monotonous. I sat in an antique shop every day, looking at all kinds of passers-by. All the antiques, calligraphy and paintings caught my eye, but none of them interested me.

Although I can earn a little money by buying and selling, without the passion for adventure, I always feel a lot lazy.

Sure enough, femininity is like a drug. Once you use it, you become addicted, and there is no cure.

Even Yin Xinyue said that I only eat and sleep every day.

I had no choice but to nod and admit.

"Hey, Brother Zhang, Brother Zhang, I don't even know if I should let you continue to open the store!" Yi Xinyue sighed.

I know Yin Xinyue is thinking about me. If I didn't take over the illicit trade, I would be a half-dead autistic patient. If I take over the business of selling negative things, my life will be in danger.

Faced with the dilemma, I had to admit: I am not a good wife.

On this day, I sat in the store and took a nap as usual. Watching the screen full of rubbish TV series, about tearing up Japanese soldiers with their hands, or about machine gunners killing Japanese soldiers with one shot from 800 miles away.

While he was dozing off, the sound of rapid footsteps came.

People who enter antique stores rarely use the running posture, because there are a lot of bottles and cans in my store. If you accidentally break one of them, you will have to pay for it!

So once you run in, something big will happen.

I was alert and opened my eyes in an instant. When I looked up, I saw a pretty girl in front of me.

This girl looked to be only sixteen or seventeen years old. Her breasts were underdeveloped and she looked a bit like an airport. But she has a pretty good figure, and her white wrists and slender legs immediately bring out her temperament.

She was wearing a spotless white dress and was elegant and quiet.

She held a rectangular object wrapped in red cloth in her hands, holding it tightly with both hands. And his arms were shaking slightly. It was obvious that the red cloth was wrapping something very important.

In any case, this girl who suddenly appeared and what she brought must have a lot to do with it.

I immediately cheered up, took a sip of tea, and said to the girl in white: "Girl, do you want to sell something?"

"See for yourself!" Before I finished speaking, the girl had placed the red cloth package in front of me.

I carefully opened the red cloth and opened a layer of shock-proof plastic bubbles, and then I saw the true form of the thing.

It was a bronze sword nearly one meter long. The sword body was covered with green patina and engraved with simple patterns. There was a faint hint of...

A faint ray of blood.

I recognized it at a glance. This was not just a priceless ancient sword, but more likely a sinister object!

Bronze swords were the favorite sidearms of princes and nobles during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. For example, the Yue King Goujian Sword unearthed in 1965 was the most outstanding representative at that time.

The Goujian sword of King Yue was forged from various alloys such as copper, tin, lead, iron, etc., and was treated with special techniques, so it has not decayed for thousands of years.

Generally speaking, we antique dealers would not dare to accept heavy bronze vessels like this that are nearly three thousand years old.

In layman's terms, it's called a national treasure, but in jargon, it's called a U-turn price.

This means that even if the fortune is sold at a sky-high price, the fortune may not be spent.

The crime of selling national treasures is almost as serious as treason. If it is sold to Chinese people, it will be fine, but if it is sold to foreigners, it will be stigmatized as a traitor, and it will be impossible to survive in this industry in the future.

As soon as I saw this sword, I knew that it was probably the work of another captain.

It is said that my grandfather had a good relationship with a Colonel Mojin named Hu during his lifetime, and he also made a lot of money from that Colonel Mojin.

Later, the captain who touched the gold changed his career to write memoirs, and they never met again.

I generally don't take much of the things dug up by Captain Touch Jin.

Firstly, the risk is high, and it is easy for the police to take advantage of it. Secondly, it is also very dangerous. Many of the hidden objects that have been buried deep in the ground have not seen the light of day for thousands of years. If they are suddenly dug up, will it not cause trouble for you?

So I only took one look at it, then carefully covered it with the red cloth, and solemnly said to the girl in white: "I'm sorry, I can't accept this. Go to another store and ask!"

The girl in white bit her lip, said nothing, picked up the red cloth package and left.

Watching her beautiful back disappear in front of the door, I breathed a long sigh of relief.

I did have the urge to take the deal just now, but I promised Yin Xinyue that I would never take on a deal that might endanger my life in the future.

A man should naturally do what he says.

After sending the girl in white away, I suddenly felt a little restless, and vaguely felt that this matter would not end like this...

With nothing to do, I continued to turn on the computer and watch TV series.

The series was boring and I fell asleep after watching it for less than ten minutes.

According to past experience, I basically slept until Yin Xinyue came back from get off work.

However, to my surprise, after only ten minutes of sleep, there was a knock on the door of the antique shop again.

This time it was not one person who knocked on the door, but two.

I opened the door and took a look, only to see the girl in white leaving and returning, and the person who led her in was none other than Li Mazi.

As soon as he entered the door, Li Mazi stretched his neck and shouted: "Hey, little girl, let me introduce to you. This is a well-known femininity dealer in the industry, an antique expert, and a professor of history at Tsinghua University. He is about to make hundreds of thousands of dollars." The top expert in the family forum, Zhang Jiulin!"

I felt disdainful in my heart, knowing that Li Mazi was out of sorts and wanted to use flattery and bragging to take over this job.

I have never been a public person, but I am not good at criticizing other people's reputation, so I had to pretend to be a lonely master and said to Li Mazi: "Just let it go, don't say useless things."

"Boss Zhang, if I'm not mistaken, this little girl may have encountered a once-in-a-lifetime creature..."

Li Mazi glanced at the girl in white and said carelessly: "This evil thing is so bloody. If we don't ask Boss Zhang to intervene, I'm afraid no one can control the situation! No, this girl just found one and she doesn't have any skills. An antique dealer gets scared when he sees something and says he can’t accept it on the spot.”

The girl in white looked at me with a resentful look, pulled Li Mazi and said, "Mr. Li, he is the person I just looked for."

I knew I must have looked a little ugly at that time, so I coughed and said to Li Mazi, "Li Mazi, please don't cause trouble. That mouth of yours can plow the ground, right?"

When Li Mazi saw that I didn't even dare to answer the question, he realized that he had made a mistake. He changed his subject and threatened the girl in white: "Little girl... why didn't you tell me earlier that you had seen Boss Zhang? This is difficult to handle. ”

Li Mazi deliberately looked embarrassed and said in a pretentious manner: "There must be a thousand-year-old evil spirit hidden in this sword. Even Boss Zhang doesn't dare to take it. I'm afraid no one in the world can handle it."

I know that Li Mazi is still exaggerating the difficulty and deliberately raising the price. But I have made up my mind not to accept this deal, even if Li Mazi tells the truth, I can't afford it.

Then he stood up and said to the two of them: "Please go out, I'm going to lock the door."

Li Mazi was stunned: "Brother Zhang, what's going on?"

I said to Li Mazi: "Li Mazi, I don't dare to accept this business, and I advise you not to accept it either. Thousands of innocent souls are condensed on this sword. If it really kills someone, my grandfather can't save it." we!"

Having said this, Li Mazi trembled with fear and quickly stuffed the red cloth package back into the hands of the girl in white.

I deliberately locked the door in front of them, turned around and strode away.

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