Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 355: Visiting Changping Village

I thought this matter would come to an end, but who knew that a few days later, the girl in white came to my door again. This time, she brought a more powerful backer: the man in the T-shirt.

I have experienced too many near-death experiences with the T-shirt man, so naturally I cannot refuse any of his requests.

However, when I saw the man in the T-shirt and the girl in white come in together, I still felt a tingling sensation...

"Have you watched the news?" the man in the T-shirt asked straight to the point.

"What news?" I asked confused.

The man in the T-shirt took out the iPhone that Li Mazi gave him, clicked on a video and put it in front of me.

This picture appeared in the news: "Three years ago, an archaeological team unearthed an ancient bronze sword from the Warring States Period in Changping Village, Shanxi Province. The ancient bronze sword was in good condition and was properly placed in the museum. A week ago, the ancient bronze sword was The sword disappeared out of thin air in the museum, and there was no sign of theft in the museum, causing widespread speculation among netizens."

After watching this video, I was stunned.

It seems that this girl in white is not only a tomb robber, but also a thief who steals national treasures...

The girl in white obviously noticed something strange in my eyes, and immediately hid behind the man in the T-shirt with some fear.

The man in the T-shirt seemed to have guessed what I was thinking, and hurriedly explained: "The sword followed her, she didn't steal it."

"What?" I could hardly believe my ears. But the authority of the man in the T-shirt is unquestionable. Even if he says that this sword is the sword of the Jade Emperor, I can only choose to believe it.

The man in the T-shirt didn’t explain much. He pointed at the girl in white and said to me, “This girl’s surname is Zhao.”

I said "Oh", not knowing what the T-shirt man meant at all.

The man in the T-shirt explained in a very simple tone: "Pack your luggage and go to Shanxi with me. Don't take Li Mazi with you this time..."

As soon as she finished speaking, Yin Xinyue walked in from outside the store. She was also excited when she saw the man in the T-shirt. She asked in surprise: "Are we going to have another adventure?"

The man in the T-shirt glanced at Yin Xinyue, and then coldly dropped a few words: "Don't go either."

"No!" Yin Xinyue stepped forward and took the T-shirt man's arm like a baby: "I want to go with Brother Zhang! Don't even think about kidnapping my husband."

The man in the T-shirt had no choice but to sigh and said: "I don't know how dangerous this incident is..."

"Danger? That's fun." Yin Xinyue deliberately pretended to be fearless.

I knew she wanted to accompany me, and I felt moved in my heart. I said to the man in the T-shirt, "Forget it, let her go with us. She has never caused us less trouble in the past."

The man in the T-shirt hesitated for a moment, then finally nodded.

That night, we drove directly to Shaanxi Province.

It happened to be evening when we arrived at Changping Village. We were exhausted and dropped a hundred yuan and chose a rural compound to stay.

When I lay down, the man in the T-shirt told me that this village was haunted.

"What's going on?" I asked.

The man in the T-shirt explained: "People in Taiping Village no longer dare to go up the back mountain at night. Anyone who comes near the top of the mountain will be killed, and most of them will have their bodies separated."

"So evil?" I was a little surprised.

"More than that!" The man in the T-shirt said: "The haunting in the back mountain happened after the sword was dug out three years ago. In the past three years, the government organized a lot of manpower to encircle and suppress the back mountain. In the end, it even dispatched the army. , those who acted during the day returned without success, but those who acted at night were wiped out almost every time. The only survivor also became a madman and was imprisoned in a mental hospital..."

"Why didn't I know about such a big thing?" I was a little shocked.

“The government has been suppressing the news, not allowing the media to enter, not allowing photography, and even the military region sent a company to garrison the mountainside and surrounded the entire mountain with high-voltage iron mesh. It was declared to be a military exercise. ,employees only."

"The military actually took part in this matter, so we don't have to worry about it." I still held a trace of luck in my heart.

But the man in the T-shirt shook his head resolutely: "I'm afraid the end of the world is coming if you point at those trash guys to solve the problem."

"What do you mean?" I have never seen the man in the T-shirt say such a sensational thing.

The man in the T-shirt got up from the bed and looked at me coldly: "Do you know the origin of that sword?"

I knew that the man in the T-shirt was asking about the ancient bronze sword that was inseparable from the girl in white.

I said that the common swords during the Warring States Period were only fifty centimeters long, but the bronze sword brought by the girl in white was a full meter long.

Not only is such a long sword easy to break, it is also not conducive to close combat. So it seems that this ancient bronze sword is very similar to the horse sword used by the general.

"Not bad." The man in the T-shirt confirmed my guess and asked me, "Any other ideas?"

I thought about it and said, "This ancient bronze sword should have been specially customized by the famous swordsmith at that time. Judging from the size and specifications of the sword, it even deserves the name of the Emperor's Sword."

"Yeah." The man in the T-shirt nodded.

I was shocked: "Then why did this sword find the girl in white?"

"This is also what I want to know." The man in the T-shirt said with a solemn expression: "I suspect that the ancestor of this girl in white is the owner of this sword. The ancient sword has become a weapon spirit and knows the owner's bloodline, so when we meet I went home with the girl in white."

Just as I said this, I suddenly heard a scream from next door: "Ah! No!..."

It's Yin Xinyue!

When we were staying, we assigned the two girls Yin Xinyue and the girl in white to the same room, while the man in the T-shirt and I lived next door.

Firstly, for the convenience of life, secondly, she wanted Yin Xinyue to communicate with the girl in white so that this taciturn girl could express her true feelings. Thirdly, the two rooms were separated by a wall, so if any accident happened, they could take immediate action. .

We thought it would be quiet tonight and we would start working tomorrow, but we didn't expect that something would happen without even getting a good night's sleep.

Before Yin Xinyue's screams stopped, the man in the T-shirt and I felt the ground tremble, and there was a loud boom in our ears!

The man in the T-shirt and I didn't care about getting dressed and ran out of the room in our pajamas. When we opened the next room, we saw Yin Xinyue staring at the wall in a daze.

When the man in the T-shirt and I looked at the wall, we saw that there was a human-shaped gap on the wall at some point, and the girl in white disappeared.

"what happened?"

I looked at Yin Xinyue, who was still in shock. She was breathing heavily. She pointed at the gap in the wall in panic and said, "I don't know, she...she suddenly pulled out her sword, hit the wall and walked out."

How can this be? How can such a weak girl have the strength to break through the wall?

I went up and inspected the gap in the wall.

In order to survive the winter, northern houses always have to design their walls to be very thick. Basically, two layers of bricks with an insulation layer are standard. It stands to reason that such a thick wall would be difficult to be damaged by human effort.

However, the scene before me broke my common sense.

Just when I was in a daze, all the lights in the yard were turned on, and the head of the household put on his clothes and came over to check.

"What's going on, what's going on! Is there an earthquake?"

"There's no earthquake, but it's almost there." I stepped aside and let the head of the household see for himself.

The head of the household was dumbfounded when he saw the gap in the wall: "What...what's going on?"

I hurriedly stepped forward and grabbed the owner of the household: "The little girl who came with us was kidnapped by ghosts and gods."

"This is impossible!" said the head of the household, "Such a thing has never happened in our village."

Yin Xinyue calmed down from the shock, quickly picked up the bag, counted out two thousand yuan from the bag and handed it to the head of the household: "Brother, look, we don't know how such a thing happened, but the little girl was kidnapped by ghosts and gods. Well, if something happens, your family will not be able to escape responsibility."

The head of the household also knew how to deal with the world. Seeing that two thousand yuan was more than enough to repair the wall and make a lot of money, he immediately smiled and said: "Okay, okay, I won't tell anyone."

After appeasing the head of the household, the man in the T-shirt and I went back to the room, put on our clothes, packed up our things, and headed out.

As soon as she went out, Yin Xinyue was already waiting in front of the door: "Hey, two handsome guys, where are you going out in such a hurry?"

I knew that she would definitely not be left behind on this trip, so I had to say: "Xinyue, stay behind us, don't be too far ahead."

"Okay." Before she finished speaking, Yin Xinyue had already walked into the room and got directly through the dark and gloomy gap in the wall.

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