Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 356: Illusion Gu Curse

The man in the T-shirt and I saw Yin Xinyue going out carelessly, so naturally we followed closely behind.

There are a lot of mosquitoes in the countryside this season. I don’t know if it’s a problem with my blood type, but they all came to me. Slowly, we finally arrived at a farmland overgrown with weeds.

The farmland seemed to have been watered recently, and when I stepped on it, it sank up to my knees.

I exclaimed and pulled out my feet. When I looked sideways at the man in the T-shirt, I found that although this guy was carrying a sword, he was walking on flat ground in the farmland.

Deep in the farmland, there is an abandoned well. The dry grass next to the well is messy, and it is obvious that someone has just stepped through it.

Yin Xinyue stood next to the well, looking down the well intently.

"Xinyue, did you see anything?" I asked.

Yin Xinyue was as motionless as a sculpture...

I only felt a chill on my back, my whole body trembled, and even my nerves became tense.

"Xinyue!" I shouted again, but Yin Xinyue still didn't respond at all.

Only then did I confirm that she was probably possessed by an evil spirit.

I was about to step forward to pull her, but the man in the T-shirt grabbed me and whispered: "Don't move, let's check the situation first."

I suppressed the urge to rush forward, but the concern in my heart could not be contained at all.

I saw Yin Xinyue staring blankly at the well. One minute passed, two minutes passed, three minutes passed...

What the hell is going on? A living person suddenly becomes a fool?

I didn't know why for a while, but I couldn't just ignore it, so I rushed forward regardless of the T-shirt man's obstruction, trying to pull Yin Xinyue away.

However, as soon as his hands were put on Yin Xinyue's shoulders, he suddenly felt a green light erupting from the mouth of the well. Out of curiosity, I looked down the well.

It didn't matter what I saw, my whole body was firmly attracted by that bright light, as if a body-holding spell had been cast on me. Like Yin Xinyue, I stared blankly into the well, unable to move my eyes away.

This was so sudden, I was completely caught off guard and didn’t know what was going on?

Yin Xinyue and I just looked at the ancient well silently, but there was nothing in the gloomy dry well.

What are we looking at?

neither knows!

This is really evil!

While I was struggling, I suddenly heard an inexplicable sound coming from the well. When you listen carefully, you can hear the extremely ambiguous and seductive voice of a woman.

"Brother, do you want me?" I felt a shock all over my body. When I looked carefully, the dry well in front of me had disappeared. In its place was a half-naked beauty.

The beauty was only covered with a thin white gauze, which vaguely highlighted her alluring figure.

As a normal man, I subconsciously had a physiological reaction...

I first cursed myself secretly for not living up to expectations and betraying Yin Xinyue so casually. But this self-control mentality was quickly suppressed by an unconscious desire.

For a moment, I suddenly felt that the half-naked beauty in front of me turned into Yin Xinyue.

what happened?

Yin Xinyue is a conservative girl. Although she and I are already married, she is always shy when facing me, refusing to welcome me. She has never been so proactive.

As soon as this thought flashed through his mind, the 'Yin Xinyue' in front of her suddenly had a pajamas on her body, and then a hint of affectionate shyness appeared on her face.

Do you want to be so exaggerated? I get whatever I want.

When I rubbed my eyes and looked again, I seemed to be in my own bedroom.

Yes, that's the scene.

As the desire became stronger and stronger, driven by primitive instinct, I even couldn't control myself. He began to slowly pounce towards Yin Xinyue on the bed.

At this critical moment, I suddenly felt a chill on the back of my neck.

When I touched it with my hands, I found a small cut on the skin on the back of my neck. I only heard the man in the T-shirt retract his sword and say: "You two close your eyes! Step back step by step, don't look at the well."

I was excited, and all the illusions in front of me suddenly disappeared, replaced by the abandoned well.

And where is the bed I climbed on in the fantasy? It is clearly the mouth of a dry well!

Oh my god, if it weren't for the T-shirt man, I might have committed suicide by jumping into a well for no apparent reason.

Yin Xinyue was also standing next to me. She stepped on the mouth of the well and was looking at me with fear.

"What are you looking at? Come back quickly!" The man in the T-shirt said in a more urgent voice.

Yin Xinyue and I didn't dare to disobey, so we closed our eyes at the same time, holding hands, and stepped back step by step.

After retreating about ten meters, the man in the T-shirt said, "Okay, open your eyes."

"What's going on?" I asked blankly.

The man in the T-shirt snorted coldly: "Someone has set a trap by the well. Anyone who gets close to the well will be killed by his own hallucinations."

"Ah! It's really an illusion." Yin Xinyue held her chest and said with lingering fear: "I just chased the girl in white all the way. I couldn't find the trace when I got here. I looked at the well when I saw it."

"What did you see?" I asked carefully.

"I saw you being chased on the rooftop. I was anxious to go up and save you. But I woke up just as I walked up the stairs. What did you see?"

"I'm the same as you, I see you are in danger..." I said with a slight blush.

Yin Xinyue looked at me with wide eyes: "How is that possible! You saw that I was in danger and you still had time to take off my clothes? Your zippers were opened."

I lowered my head in embarrassment, quickly zipped up the zipper, and touched my head with a look of shame on my face: "It's a long story."

The man in the T-shirt was indifferent to the flirting between us, and just said lightly: "That well is obviously cursed. The spell is too powerful, and anyone who comes within ten meters will die in the well. "

"What do you mean?" After hearing this, I found the whole thing even more confusing.

Yin Xinyue suddenly said: "I asked the people in the village if anything strange happened recently, and they never mentioned this well. Since the army closed the mountain, nothing has happened in the village. "

"That's right." The man in the T-shirt said coldly: "I'm afraid the spell on this well was added just now. The purpose is to lure us to death."

"No way." I felt a little scared now, and even my spine felt cold.

"Be careful." The man in the T-shirt said: "I'm afraid we have been targeted by Longquan Villa. Next time you encounter any abnormal situation, you must obey my command, otherwise it will be easy to get caught."

After saying that, the man in the T-shirt walked far away from the evil well, turned on the flashlight, and soon found a series of footprints on the path.

"She went here." The man in the T-shirt said.

Just as the man in the T-shirt was about to chase after him, Yin Xinyue asked, "What should I do with this well?"

"Don't take the risk to solve it now." The man in the T-shirt said: "I suspect that it is a phantom poison spell cast by the Yunnan Gu Master using poppy flowers as a medium. Anyone who comes close will pay a price, including me..."

"Then just leave it alone? What if the villagers are killed?" Yin Xinyue asked unwillingly.

"No." The man in the T-shirt shook his head: "The phantom poison curse can only last for one night at most, and will be dispelled automatically as soon as it sees the sun. At this time, all the villagers are sleeping, and no one will come to the well."

After hearing this reply, Yin Xinyue and I felt relieved. We packed up our equipment and went on the road to chase the girl in white.

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