Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 357: Ghost Moon in the Sky

I left my coat by the well, but I didn't dare to go back and get it.

Fortunately, the equipment is still there, so just throw away the clothes!

After chasing all the way, we came to the back mountain.

Today, the back mountain is surrounded by tall and thick barbed wire fences. There is also a sentry tower outside the barbed wire fence, and there are several soldiers with guns patrolling nearby.

We wanted to sneak into the back mountain, but the searchlight on the sentry tower had already been aimed at the three of us. We only heard a soldier shouting sternly: "Who! This is a military restricted area, and no one is allowed to enter."

Before we finished speaking, three patrols came over upon hearing the sound, armed with semi-automatic submachine guns and surrounded us.

As a last resort, we have to throw up our hands.

Just when I didn't know what to do, I saw the man in the T-shirt pouting at me.

At first, I thought the man in the T-shirt was trying to resist and break out. My heart was beating with fear, and I secretly imagined how we died in the hail of bullets.

When he turned around to look, he realized that he had completely misunderstood. It turned out that the man in the T-shirt saw a big hole in the barbed wire fence over there, and a man who looked like an officer was leading a few soldiers to carefully inspect it.

The officer obviously heard what was going on here. After giving a few instructions, he straightened his hat and walked towards us.

By the light of the searchlight, I saw a horizontal bar on the officer's shoulder strap, plus three shining golden stars. From the shoulder strap, I could tell that he was a captain.

According to rumors that there is a company stationed here, I have reason to guess that he is the biggest boss here - the company commander.

The company commander walked over slowly, looked at us carefully with squinted eyes, and then asked in a strong Northeastern accent: "You three are here in the middle of the night?"

"I just wanted to take a look." I imitated Li Mazi's smooth tone and said, "We had a little drink and bet on who was bolder. I heard that the back mountain is scary, so I came over to take a look."

"I'm really full!" The company commander laughed and said, "If you have nothing to do, go home and sleep. Don't be ridiculous here."

The man in the T-shirt suddenly asked: "Why is the barbed wire fence over there broken? Who did it?"

The company commander's face flashed and he said, "It was an accident. It's nothing serious. I'll find someone to fix it tomorrow."

"It's not a simple accident, right?" the man in the T-shirt said, "If you don't investigate clearly, this matter will be a big deal."

Of course the company commander knew what it meant. This kind of thing might seem big or small, but if someone was killed again, his career as an official would probably end there, or he might even end it all at once.

The company commander was obviously quite concerned about this matter. After hearing what the man in the T-shirt said, he looked at the three of us carefully.

The first thing that caught his attention was the Eight-sided Han Sword on the back of the man in the T-shirt, and then he saw the Heavenly Wolf Whip on me. He frowned slightly and asked, "Are you from Longquan Villa?"

This company commander actually knows about Longquan Villa?

I was about to say no, but the man in the T-shirt nodded first: "Yes, we are sent by Longquan Villa to deal with matters here."

The company commander waved his hand: "Okay, you follow me."

He ordered the soldiers on guard to put down their weapons, then took the three of us to the sentry tower, closed the door and then said: "Actually, I was not at the scene, but according to the sentry, a female ghost in white ran over with a sword. The sword smashed through the barbed wire fence, passed directly through the net, and disappeared into the back mountain."

"That sounds true," I said.

The company commander smiled bitterly and said: "You may be used to it, but we don't dare to report this to the superiors! I still want to be the company commander for a few more years."

I nodded: "So you just want to fix the iron fence and calm the trouble, so you're not afraid of causing more deaths?"

"Isn't it possible? As long as we are here to guard, no one can climb the mountain." The company commander's tone was a little trembling, and it was obvious that he did not have the confidence to do this kind of thing.

I shook my head and asked politely: "Since that thing can go up the mountain, it can also go down the mountain. What if it kills a few villagers?"

The company commander was so frightened by me that his body trembled a little. He said with some fear: "Then... what should I do?"

"It's easy to handle." I said confidently, "If you let us go up the mountain to find out the truth of the matter, then no matter whether it is a person or a ghost, we will give you a perfect answer."

"Okay, when will you go?"

"Without further delay, now," I said.

"Aren't you scared?" The company commander's nervousness and worry made the atmosphere extremely strange and made me stunned.

I laughed and said, "Of course we are not afraid. Are you afraid that we won't be able to come back after we go up the mountain? Don't worry, we are in this business, so we will naturally have a way to get in and out at the same time."

The company commander was doubtful and muttered: "No one from Longquan Villa dared to go up the mountain before..."

I knew that the company commander was suspicious, so he quickly explained: "Those are all incompetent people, so naturally they don't dare to take risks. The three of us are masters of Longquan Villa, so we can naturally come and go as we please."

The company commander nodded, "Okay, then I'll let you in. But we have agreed beforehand that no matter what happens in your mountains, we will not care about it. Also, according to the past rules, even if the problem is solved, credit will be given It can only be attributed to the military, and you can only be counted as the enthusiastic people who came to help."

"We all know this," I said.

Seeing that everything was clear, the company commander stretched out his hand to me and introduced himself: "My name is Chen Zhihui."

"It turns out to be Company Commander Chen." I made up a name at random and introduced myself: "My name is Zhang Xiaojiu. Nice to meet you."

Company Commander Chen led us to the barbed wire fence and reminded us enthusiastically again: "Don't blame me for not making it clear in advance. Your action this time is a personal act. Even if you all die on the mountain, we will not send people to search and rescue you."

"Understood." I nodded.

After making simple preparations, we set off.

I asked Company Commander Chen to borrow a camouflage jacket so that I would not be scratched by the weeds and thorns on the mountain.

This mountain road is extremely difficult to walk. It seems that the girl in white chose the steepest climbing path.

Fortunately, we were fully equipped and armed with climbing ropes and climbing axes, and climbed to the top of the mountain little by little.

There are densely packed pine trees on the top of the mountain. The three of us shuttled through the pine forest and arrived at the top of the mountain in a short time.

The top of the mountain was weathered and only a smooth rock remained, surrounded by towering ancient trees.

When we walked out of the woods, we only saw the bright moonlight shining on the bare rocks, and a dazzling white figure standing opposite.

Her long, disheveled hair swayed back and forth as the mountain wind roared, and she slowly drew out the ancient bronze sword in her hand, pointing at the full moon in the sky.

I got an idea and asked Yin Xinyue: "Xinyue... what day is today?"

"Isn't it August 17? What's so special about it?" Yin Xinyue said blankly.

"No, I'm asking about the lunar calendar." After asking this question, my voice became a little nervous.

"The moon is so round!" Yin Xinyue also noticed the moonlight in the sky, suddenly covered her mouth and said, "Oh, today seems to be July 15th."

"Yes, July 15th is the Ghost Festival." The man in the T-shirt said in an unhurried tone. There was no emotion in his tone, and the cold, mechanical, and numb tone made both Yin Xinyue and I feel a chill.

The girl in white stood in front of us, pointing her sword at the sky, motionless.

Yin Xinyue, who was always warm-hearted, was the first to speak: "Girl, what's wrong with you? If you have any difficulty, please tell us and maybe we can help you."

"Girl. Hahahaha! You actually think I'm a girl." She spoke in a neither male nor female voice, as if she was possessed. Give the listener a chilling feeling.

Yin Xinyue still wanted to speak, but the man in the T-shirt had stopped her.

"Who are you?" the man in the T-shirt asked.

"My surname is Zhao, you should call me General Zhao." The tone of the girl in white was extremely strange.

"I know your surname is Zhao." The man in the T-shirt said coldly: "Why are you still lingering? You ran out of the ancient bronze sword."

"For revenge!... Tell me where Qin is!"

"Qin State? It has been destroyed for two thousand years. I'm afraid you have to go underground to find it." I suddenly burst out laughing.

"What? Impossible."

The girl in white was disappointed for a moment, and there was an extremely evil look in her eyes. She looked up to the sky and yelled sternly: "I just slept for a while, how could it be that two thousand years have passed! You lied to me! Didn't you?"

"Do I need to lie to you again?"

The man in the T-shirt seemed to have grasped the opponent's weakness from the very beginning, so even the tone of his words seemed irrefutable: "After Qin destroyed the six kingdoms, it unified the world and called it the Qin Dynasty. The Qin Dynasty was overthrown fourteen years after its founding, and finally Liu Bang became emperor for the Han Dynasty."

"Then what dynasty is it now?"

Seeing that the man in the T-shirt was deep in thought, I rushed to answer: "There are no dynasties now, but the entire land of China has been unified."

The possessed girl in white was silent for a long time. After a long time, she asked the man in the T-shirt seriously: "Did you just say that Qin destroyed the six kingdoms?"

"Yes!" I replied without hesitation.

"So then the whole world belonged to Qin?"

"Yeah, what's wrong?" I didn't think there was anything wrong with this answer.

"So, you are all descendants of the Qin Kingdom!" After saying this, the girl in white eyes widened, and all the anger in her body seemed to be condensed into her eyes.

At this moment, I wouldn't be surprised even if there were flames shooting out of her pupils.

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