Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 358: Changping Suspense

Seeing the reaction of the girl in white, I realized that I had said the wrong thing after all.

I wanted to say something to make up for it, but obviously 'she' didn't want to give me a chance.

Just as I was formulating my words, she had already raised her ancient bronze sword high and aimed at the three of us.

The man in the T-shirt showed no sign of weakness, and immediately held down the Eight-sided Han Sword, and said coldly to the girl in white: "General Zhao, more than two thousand years have passed, why do you bother yourself?"

"You Qin people have betrayed your trust, how can you stop the people of the world from talking about it?" The girl in white said with a ferocious smile.

The man in the T-shirt took advantage of the girl in white to talk and asked me softly: "What time is it?"

I took out my phone and looked at it: "Ten o'clock."

"How much exactly?"

"Ten forty."

"There are still eighty minutes." The man in the T-shirt said.

"What do you mean?" I looked a little confused.

"Hold him, don't let him leave this mountain!" After the man in the T-shirt said these words, the girl in white roared angrily, picked up the ancient bronze sword with both hands, and struck towards her.

The man in the T-shirt pulled out the Eight-sided Han Sword and blocked the girl in white like lightning. There was only a crisp sound, and the man in the T-shirt and the girl in white each took a step back.

The girl in white let out a sigh and said in a neither male nor female voice: "Who are you? You have such ability, please name me. I, Zhao Kuo, will not kill the nameless ghost with my sword!"

When I heard this name, I suddenly realized that the person who had taken over the body of the girl in white was actually Zhao Kuo, a famous general of the Zhao State during the Warring States Period. No wonder he became so resentful that he forcibly became a weapon spirit.

Speaking of Zhao Kuo, we have to mention the Battle of Changping.

The Battle of Changping was the most brutal battle in Chinese history, even worse than the Battle of Verdun in Europe.

The Battle of Verdun took place during World War I and lasted for nearly a year, with more than 250,000 deaths.

The Battle of Changping took place during the Warring States Period. From the time Zhao Kuo became the commander-in-chief of the Zhao army, in less than three months, Zhao's 450,000-strong army was completely wiped out.

This number is indeed staggering, but not all of these 450,000 people died under the sword. The cold weapon era did not have such a fast killing efficiency.

According to historical records, only 50,000 Zhao died in the battle, and the other 400,000 were killed by Bai Qi after they surrendered.

This battle left such a mark in history that later generations named Bai Qi: the God of Killing! The failed Zhao Kuo became a poor scapegoat. People blamed Zhao Kuo's blind command for the demise of Zhao State. Zhao Kuo himself has been ridiculed for thousands of years. There is an armchair idiom specifically describing him...

The reason why I didn't dare to collect this ancient bronze sword at that time was because this sword was not trivial. It should be a matching sword used by ancient princes.

But judging from the appearance of the sword, this sword has not decayed after two thousand years. It has obviously gathered soaring resentment and formed a rare thing among yin objects: a weapon spirit!

But I really didn't expect that this sword turned out to be Zhao Kuo's sword.

This one bears the innocent souls of 450,000 Zhao Jun who died tragically! I think this may be the reason why the T-shirt man would rather not get paid but still insist on taking action.

If this sword is still causing trouble, I'm afraid it won't be a matter of killing one person or two.

After thinking about this, I quickly took over the conversation and said to the girl in white: "General Zhao, every injustice has its owner and its debtor has its owner. Your real enemy is Bai Qi, not the innocent people of the world."

"Haha, they are all from Qin anyway." The girl in white sneered: "If Bai Qi hadn't promised me that he would let 400,000 Zhao troops return to his homeland, how could I have surrendered to him? If there was a bloody battle to the end, he might not have won."

"You... weren't you shot to death by random arrows?" I don't know that such a thing has happened in history, because according to the history I have learned, Zhao Kuo was shot to death by random arrows when he broke through.

"Yes!" said the girl in white: "But that was after I surrendered. The Qin people were cunning and deceived us into surrendering, and then they immediately attacked us."

"You dirty and shameless descendants of the Qin Kingdom, I, Zhao Kuo, have finally come out this time and I will kill you all. Haha, you should die!"

I know that persuasion is completely ineffective. Zhao Kuo has lived in the ancient bronze sword for thousands of years, and he probably only has resentment left in the end.

Seeing Zhao Kuo raising his sword to kill again, I quickly drew out the Sirius Whip. I hold the handle of the whip tightly in my right hand and the tail of the whip in my left hand, intending to use the Beidou Sirius technique my grandfather taught me to deal with Zhao Kuo.

However, Zhao Kuo came too fast. Before I could throw out my whip, the ancient bronze sword in Zhao Kuo's hand had already struck me.

I didn't have time to dodge, and seeing Zhao Kuo's sword getting closer and closer, I could only close my eyes and wait for death.


The moment I closed my eyes, the man in the T-shirt had already rushed to my side, wielding the Eight-sided Han Sword to block Zhao Kuo's fatal blow again.

Only then did Zhao Kuo understand that if he wants to kill us, he must first pass the level of the T-shirt man. He stopped talking nonsense at the moment, raised his sword and fought bloody battle with the man in the T-shirt.

At first, the man in the T-shirt was able to fight Zhao Kuo head-on with swords. However, after a few rounds of jingling fighting, the man in the T-shirt became a little exhausted. His breathing became heavier and heavier, but the girl in white who was possessed by Zhao Kuo seemed to be fine at all. She swung her sword to attack faster and faster, with a ferocious and twisted expression.

A little girl who looks skinny and skinny can only fight with a man in a T-shirt. This is definitely not a normal human being!

I held the Sirius Whip tightly in my hand, trying to find a chance to help the man in the T-shirt. However, the fight between the two was so inextricable that I couldn't find any chance to take action.

After a few more minutes, it was clear that the man in the T-shirt couldn't resist anymore, and he immediately changed his sword technique to a four-liang movement of a thousand pounds.

Zhao Kuo continued to attack with slashing and slashing attacks, but the T-shirt man used various superb techniques to neutralize Zhao Kuo's powerful power.

After a few rounds, the man in the T-shirt became more comfortable. Not only did Zhao Kuo not take any advantage, but he almost cut himself several times.

Zhao Kuo groaned, frowned and asked the man in the T-shirt, "What kind of swordsmanship are you doing?"

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