Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 359: One hour left before death

The man in the T-shirt had beads of sweat on his forehead and his breathing was a little heavy, but he still said calmly: "Tai Chi Swordsmanship."

"Tai Chi? Never heard of it." Zhao Kuo shook his head.

"It's normal that I've never heard of it. This is a sword technique that was created a thousand years after your death." I smiled.

"That's it!" Zhao Kuo nodded: "You go, I can't break this sword technique, I will spare your life."

Spare our lives if we can't crack the sword technique? Is this all Zhao Kuo is capable of?

When I was about to ask, Zhao Kuo had already explained: "I can't destroy the bodies of my descendants, so I can't break them out, so I'll let you go."

When I heard this sentence, I thought about it, and then I understood why the man in the T-shirt reminded me that the girl in white was named Zhao.

It turns out that the man in the T-shirt was reminding me that she is a descendant of Zhao Kuo.

Zhao Kuo, the Battle of Changping, and the descendants of the Zhao family, this should be something that can be easily connected. But I didn't understand it until now. It was really a bit of an afterthought.

Thinking that Zhao Kuo is the ancestor of the girl in white, I suddenly had an idea and persuaded: "General Zhao, you are not willing to hurt the body of the descendants, which proves that you still have good intentions. When will retribution be repaid? What's more, everything that happened back then has long been forgotten. Right and wrong, Bai Qi died a long time ago, and the Qin Kingdom was destroyed a long time ago, why do you bother to cling to those fighting and killing..."

"Hmph!" Zhao Kuo sneered: "You were not among the 400,000 people buried alive back then. Of course you can stand and talk without pain. If Bai Qi hadn't promised to let go of the 400,000 people under me, how could I have led everyone to surrender? "

"But Bai Qi betrayed his trust. In the end, he not only shot me to death with random arrows, but also killed all 400,000 people under my command. If this revenge is not avenged, my surname will not be Zhao."

Zhao Kuo's voice was powerful, but it made me understand something that was not recorded in history books.

Historically, the official history only said that Zhao Kuo was shot to death by random arrows when he broke out of the siege, but it did not say that Zhao Kuo was shot to death after surrendering.

The history books did not even mention Zhao Kuo's surrender.

In this way, Zhao Kuo's experience seems to be more tragic than what is described in history books.

"Back then, King Zhao appointed me as a general, gave me a long sword, and ordered me to lead an army to attack Qin. I accepted the king's order and had to go out. In the end, the whole army was destroyed, and there was nothing to say."

I wanted to say something else, but Zhao Kuo continued to talk: "But this villain Bai Qi is so treacherous that he made my 450,000 troops do evil and not be able to return to their homeland! As a general, I was buried deep in the earth. If you see the light of day today, you should avenge the death of thousands of my soldiers!"

At this point, Zhao Kuo changed the topic: "...But you are right, when will retribution be repaid? I don't need to kill all the Qin people in the world, I only need to kill 450,000 to take revenge."

Hearing this, I laughed: "General Zhao, are you joking? Even if you find 450,000 people to queue up for you to kill, I'm afraid it will take several months to kill them all."

Before I could finish speaking, Zhao Kuo suddenly laughed arrogantly: "Don't forget, there are still 450,000 souls of Zhao Jun here. Today happens to be the Zhongyuan Ghost Festival, a full moon night, it's time Let the heroes of our Zhao Kingdom see the light of day again!"

At this moment, I felt a chill on my back, and cold sweat penetrated my clothes directly.

Damn it, no wonder the man in the T-shirt would rather take over this deadly business for free. It turns out that this sword actually involves 450,000 innocent souls.

Damn it! But there are only three of us.

Is this going to be a real-life version of Lord of the Rings?

Yin Xinyue and I both turned pale and looked at the man in the T-shirt in unison, hoping that he would have a better solution.

The man in the T-shirt asked me what time it was. I looked at my phone and it was exactly eleven o'clock.

"There's still one hour." The man in the T-shirt shook his head and said to me, "Let's go."

"Leave?" I was a little stunned: "This guy wants to summon an army of 450,000 dead souls. If this succeeds, will the world end?"

"So we have to stay away from Shanxi, the further away the better."

I wanted to say something else, but the man in the T-shirt suddenly winked at me. I knew that the man in the T-shirt must have some plan, so I took Yin Xinyue and followed him obediently.

Zhao Kuo kept his word and let us go down the mountain without taking action.

We arrived at the foot of the mountain not long after walking, but we seemed to have overlooked that this mountain had long been monitored by the army. As soon as we reached the foot of the mountain, we heard the sound of bullets being loaded.

Four searchlights illuminated the three of us in unison, and a group of soldiers also pointed their dark guns at us.

In desperation, we had to surrender.

"Who are you and how did you come out of the mountains?" a soldier asked fiercely.

"We are the people sent by Company Commander Chen to investigate the mountain." I explained quickly.

"No way! No one can come down from the mountain."

"We are not ordinary people."

"Oh? Aren't you human?"

This sentence made me laugh and cry, and the man in the T-shirt whispered in my ear: "Save some time...there will be important things later!"

Having said that, these soldiers obviously regarded us as evil spirits and monsters, and some were even ready to shoot.

When I was thinking about how to explain, I suddenly heard the roar of a car in the distance. Opening his eyes, he saw a Warrior off-road vehicle driving far outside the barbed wire fence.

The soldier guarding the gate recognized the license plate and hurriedly stepped forward to salute. Company Commander Chen stepped down from the driver's seat and saw his soldiers holding guns one by one. He was furious and cursed: "What the hell are you doing? Put down the gun."

Those soldiers were indeed well-trained and put down their weapons.

Company Commander Chen ordered the iron door to be opened. At this time, a smiling old monk stepped out of the passenger seat. It was Zen Master Bai Mei!

I quickly stepped forward to say hello: "Zen Master Baimei, why are you here?"

Zen Master Baimei shook his head: "Amitabha, this matter is of great importance. I have to come and take a look. This is not the place to talk. Get in the car first and talk while walking."

We got in the car immediately. The interior of this off-road vehicle was relatively spacious and did not feel crowded.

After the car started, Zen Master Baimei said: "Originally, I was in a foreign country to save a troublesome evil thing! But I received a message from a friend from the first grade, saying that I must arrive at Changping Village within three days, so I had to return home. .”

I asked in surprise: "Do you already know about Zhao Kuo?"

"I knew it three years ago." Zen Master Baimei clasped his hands: "Well, when this Ten Thousand Soul Sword was dug out three years ago, I knew that such a day would come."

"Ten Thousand Soul Sword?" When I heard this name, I trembled involuntarily.

"Yes, the Ten Thousand Soul Sword was originally a bloody weapon. After the Battle of Changping, it absorbed the yin energy of 450,000 innocent souls. Once such a yin and evil thing is unearthed, the consequences will be disastrous."

"What should I do?" I asked anxiously.

Zen Master Baimei didn't answer me, but asked the man in the T-shirt: "By the way, friend Chu Dao, have you met Zhao Kuo just now? Did he reveal his last wish in his words? If he didn't have a last wish, it would be impossible for him to survive in the world. The one who endured thousands of years of torture in the Soul Sword."

"Last wish?" The man in the T-shirt thought for a moment: "He actually made a last wish, which was to kill 450,000 people before he would stop."

"This..." Zen Master Baimei fell into deep thought: "If I have the ability to spread the beans into an army, it would be nothing to conjure 450,000 people to kill him."

Hearing this sentence, I was surprised and delighted: "So, Zen Master Baimei, do you have this ability?"

"It's a pity... Amitabha." Zen Master Baimei clasped his hands together: "I don't have that ability..."

Go ahead, you didn’t say shit!

Zen Master Baimei smiled slightly and said, "But I have a way to prevent those 450,000 innocent souls from being resurrected."

I didn’t understand what Zen Master Baimei meant, so I had to look innocently at the man in the T-shirt for help.

The man in the T-shirt nodded slightly. He rolled down the window, looked at the sky and said, "I'm afraid not. The moon is too bright today and there are no clouds in the sky at all."

"What time is it?" Zen Master Baimei actually asked the same question as the man in the T-shirt.

I looked at my phone: "Twenty past eleven."

"Maybe we can make it." After saying that, Zen Master Baimei took out a mobile phone and made a call on the speaker phone.

After the phone rang once, it was answered: "Zen Master Baimei, are you okay so late?"

"Something's wrong." Zen Master Baimei said solemnly: "Mr. Wang, you are now trying every means to get in touch with the Air Force. Within half an hour, I want the sky above Changping Village to be filled with dark clouds."

"This...Master, are you kidding me? Where do you want me to find the Air Force at this point?"

Zen Master Baimei said categorically: "Time is urgent. If we are a step late, I am afraid that the entire Changping Village will not exist tomorrow."

"What?" The man didn't expect it to be so serious, but judging from his tone, he obviously believed in what Zen Master Baimei said.

The other party just hesitated for a moment and then said: "Okay, why do you want artificial rainfall?"

"No, I don't want rain." Zen Master Baimei said thoughtfully: "What I want is dark clouds that can cover the moonlight..."

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