Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 360 Blood Sacrifice

After Zen Master Baimei hung up the phone, I dared to ask: "Zen Master Baimei, why do you let the dark clouds cover the moon?"

"This is the first plan. In fact, I don't know whether this trick will work."

Zen Master Baimei sighed and said: "Everyone knows that in ancient China, the sun was yang and the moon was yin, and the full moon of Ghost Festival is the most yin moon of the year. On this day, the moonlight will make many sleeping people The lonely ghost wakes up."

I understand what Zen Master Baimei said. After his guidance, I suddenly realized: "Ah! Are you saying that Zhao Kuo will use the moonlight to resurrect his undead army?"

"Amitabha, that's exactly it." Zen Master Baimei said: "The resentment of Zhao Kuo and the 450,000 Zhao troops has been simmering for more than two thousand years. Once they come out of the ground, they will surely destroy all living beings."

"So you want to cover the moonlight with dark clouds to prevent the resurrection of those innocent souls?"

Zen Master Baimei nodded.

"What if this trick fails?" I asked with some concern.

"I hope the Buddha is merciful. At this point, we can only resort to tactics."

Not long after, the roar of planes was heard in the sky. Several planes flew past in formation, and then fired a bright rocket into the sky.

The five of us arrived at the destination designated by Zen Master Baimei, which was in a huge valley.

After getting off the car, I watched those rockets streak across the sky like meteors and then explode in the air.

After the rocket exploded, the moon in the night sky suddenly became hazy, and the dark clouds gradually gathered. I knew that this was not an ordinary weapon, but was specially used to spread clouds.

After a while, I felt that even the air was a little cold. Yin Xinyue leaned in my arms involuntarily, and I felt a faint smell of blood filling the ravine.

"This... is really high-tech." I was amazed.

In less than twenty minutes, the dark clouds had gathered and there was a drizzle of rain falling overhead.

What was originally a cloudless night turned into a rainy day in the blink of an eye.

I now know why the weather forecast has never been able to accurately report the weather. With the interference of this mysterious weapon, who can know where the weather will go?

The storm was blowing, and heavy rain was coming.

I took out my phone and looked at the time, eleven fifty-five.

"That's right, there's still five minutes left." I joked.

Zen Master Baimei nodded, took us up a hill, and said, "Let's wait here! He should be here soon."

"Okay." I cheered up.

Yin Xinyue kept her charming big eyes open, and suddenly pointed to a place in the valley and screamed: "Look, she is coming."

"Who?" I followed Yin Xinyue's gaze and saw the girl in white walking into the valley step by step, dragging an ancient bronze sword.

The ancient sword was dragged to the ground by her. As she moved forward, it kept hitting the uneven ground, making a clanging sound...

I couldn't help but frown when I saw this picture.

What a waste of natural resources. The ancient sword in the hands of the girl in white has a history of more than two thousand years, and its value will never be less than ten million.

It's really heartbreaking for her to sweep the floor with a sword so unscrupulously.

As an antique dealer, the sound of the sword dragging the floor was like the scream of a beautiful woman before she died, which made me uneasy.

I have been calculating in my mind, how much money will the sparks splash into this time? How much does it cost to hit a rock this time?

However, the girl in white didn't seem to care about the value of the sword.

For some reason, her sword started to bleed little by little when it hit the ground.

what's the situation?

Only then did I realize that the girl in white had already cut her wrist and let the blood seep into the soil along the bronze sword.

"She...what is she doing?" Yin Xinyue was a little surprised.

"Could it be that she wants to use her own blood to awaken the undead?" I think this is the only explanation.

"No, we must stop him!" the man in the T-shirt said.

Before she finished speaking, the girl in white turned her head 180 degrees and looked towards us.

I swear I will never forget the expression of the girl in white...

Her pale lips split abnormally, revealing the extremely dark teeth inside, an expression that was almost mocking.

Her pupils all turned white, reflecting a fierce light!

She smiled at us and said in a sharp voice: "Do you think... you can stop me like this?"

When I heard this sentence, my whole body trembled.

The man in the T-shirt shouted loudly, already drew his sword and jumped down.

However it seems too late.

The girl in white suddenly pointed her sword at the sky. In a lightning-fast moment, her sword actually released a stream of green Yin Qi that shot straight into the sky!

The yin energy poured straight into the sky, opening up a huge gap in the dark clouds in the sky.

As the dark clouds were shattered, a strange blue moon quietly appeared behind the dark clouds.

This is the solstice moon that Zhao Kuo dreamed of!

The blue moonlight shone unobstructedly in the valley. I looked at the time, and it happened to be exactly twelve o'clock at midnight!

The black hair of the girl in white suddenly turned extremely pale, and continued to grow crazily under the ghostly moonlight, growing more than ten meters in the blink of an eye!

In the chaos, I clearly heard Zhao Kuo's roar: "Hahahahaha! Resurrection! My soldiers, you have been spurned for two thousand years. Now is the time for you to take up arms and take revenge."

Following the crazy shouting of the girl in white, I heard the rustling and loosening of the soil under the valley.

The sound was small at first, but soon it became an omnipresent and earth-shaking sound.

In a daze, the whole valley started to shake with the earthquake!

Yin Xinyue asked: "Master Baimei, could this be the place where Bai Qi killed 400,000 Zhao soldiers?"

Zen Master Baimei recited a Buddha's name: "It is exactly this place."

Before he finished speaking, a black figure emerged from the ground.

Through the cold moonlight, I could clearly see that it was a completely black skeleton. The skin and flesh on the skeleton's body had long since rotted away, leaving only some armor that was not completely rotten.

The skeleton climbed up from the ground, followed closely by dozens of skeleton soldiers with varying degrees of decay crawling out of the ground.

Some of them still had a few dirty pieces of meat hanging on their bodies. It seemed that because of the strong Yin Qi here, their bodies had not completely rotted.

In short, when hundreds of skeleton soldiers surrounded the girl in white, I only smelled an unbearable stench.

At this time, the man in the T-shirt had already charged into the group of skeletons with the Eight-sided Han Sword.

He seemed to be able to ignore the unpleasant smell. Before the skeleton soldiers were fully formed, he drew a flash of light with his sword blade and smashed the enemies in front of him one by one.

In just ten seconds, the man in the T-shirt had already reached the girl in white.

"Stop it!" The man in the T-shirt said coldly: "You can't succeed. Stop it now. I can still find a way to save you."

"Hmph! I let you go just now, why are you seeking death?" Seeing the eight-sided Han sword of the man in the T-shirt strike in front of him, the girl in white who was possessed by Zhao Kuo had no choice but to raise her sword to resist.

When Zhao Kuo sheathed his sword, the dark clouds in the sky suddenly gathered together again, and the rustling sounds coming from the soil no longer sounded.

Apparently the T-shirt man’s approach works!

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