Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 362: Resurrection of a dead body

I clearly saw a look of horror on Zhao Kuo's face.

A black light suddenly shot through the sky, and at the same time, the knife in Grandpa's hand disappeared.

Just when Zhao Kuo was panicking, the black light had already cut into his neck.


The head of the girl in white flew out, and blood spurted out several meters high.

After losing her head, the ancient bronze sword in the hand of the girl in white immediately fell to the ground with a clang.

A black energy rose from the ancient bronze sword, seeming to want to escape.

Grandpa would not give him this chance, but he saw that he took out a small ceramic jar from somewhere and opened it against the black energy.

The black energy seemed to have met its nemesis, running around in mid-air, but it could not escape from Grandpa's hand no matter what.

Grandpa's eyes widened, and the black air was sucked into the small ceramic jar.

At the same time, all the skeleton soldiers in the valley were like clay figures who had lost their souls. They all fell apart and their bones and armors were scattered on the ground.

Blah blah blah!

I was thinking about picking up some negative things from these skeletons to earn some mental damage, but those withered bones melted on the ground like ice cubes, and then slowly disappeared.

Zen Master Baimei put his hands together and recited Amitabha.

I don’t know if it is useful for Zen Master Baimei to recite Amitabha, but everyone feels somewhat comforted.

Perhaps this Buddhist scripture was originally used to save Zhao Kuo.

At this time, Yin Xinyue, who was hiding on the hillside, finally came down. She said sadly: "It's a pity that the girl died."

Only then did I remember that the girl in white had been beheaded by grandpa as Zhao Kuo's scapegoat.

Grandpa walked over with his hands behind his back, and said with a slight smile: "It doesn't matter, this girl has not yet reached the end of her life, I still have something to do."

After saying that, he ordered me to pick up the head of the girl in white.

Although the girl in white had moved her head, she was still breathing for some reason. I was shocked on the spot. Grandpa knelt down and stuffed a charm into the mouth of the girl in white, and then said to us: "When we go back, find a coffin made of willow. It must be an old willow that has grown by the river for more than thirty years, and then put the girl's coffin Sew the head to the body, put it in a coffin, raise seven or forty-nine leeches in the coffin, bury it in the soil, and she will wake up after digging up the coffin in three days.”

When I was wondering whether this method was reliable, I suddenly heard Zen Master Baimei say: "Brother Yaoyang, are you leaving before we even have a few words?"

I looked up and found that grandpa had walked more than ten meters, leaving only our back.

I quickly shouted: "Grandpa, you haven't seen your grandson-in-law yet!"

"Already seen it..."

I wanted to say something more, but Grandpa walked faster and faster.

I followed closely for a few steps, but my grandfather's shadow became increasingly hazy, and finally disappeared into the dark night.

I looked into the distance with some sadness, my whole body was shaking, and I didn't know what to say.

That night, Company Commander Chen let us stay in the guard tower.

We were in Captain Chen's room, talking about the ancient bronze sword.

"I didn't expect that an ordinary ancient sword could cause such a big disaster." I said.

"The sword is dead, but people are alive. It is not the sword that causes disasters, but people's heart of hatred." The man in the T-shirt said.

Company Commander Chen doesn't know much about our industry, but he has witnessed the resurrected skeletons with his own eyes.

"If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed that there were gods, ghosts, and the like in this world." Captain Chen said with sweat on his face.

"Amitabha." Zen Master Baimei clasped his hands together: "Donor Chen, it is best to forget this matter."

"Why?" Company Commander Chen was a little surprised.

"Because the country will not accept such feudal superstition." Zen Master Baimei said.

"But those thousands of skeletons are still in the valley. The evidence is conclusive and cannot be denied!" Captain Chen said stubbornly.

Zen Master Baimei shook his head: "You are still too young. If Donor Chen doesn't believe it, you can send someone to search in the valley tomorrow. But I estimate that you will not be able to find even half a bone."

Zen Master Baimei’s words were straightforward. Company Commander Chen was a little unhappy at first, but when he thought about Zen Master Baimei’s relationship with the leaders above, he

I didn't dare to say anything more.

At dawn the next day, Company Commander Chen, who did not believe in evil, took two trucks of soldiers and went into the mountain to dig up skeletons.

The result was exactly as what Zen Master Baimei said. After digging for three days in a row, not even a single bone was found.

Those 450,000 troops that were like a black tide disappeared silently, and no one knew where they went.

Because the ancient bronze sword was a national cultural relic, I finally handed it over to the Wuhan Museum. The curator regarded it as a treasure and displayed it in the largest glass cabinet.

Although my heart is very painful, there is nothing I can do about it. I am just an ordinary antique dealer. I dare to buy and sell antiques, but I dare not sell national treasures.

This result was expected when I first saw the ancient bronze sword.

Because it is unprofitable and extremely risky, I dare not take this sword.

But I didn't expect that due to a strange combination of circumstances, I was still involved in this incident.

The girl in white woke up a week later, and even the wound on her neck miraculously healed. She had no memory of what happened before. He just vaguely said that he had a long dream, dreaming that he transformed into a military general and was pierced by thousands of arrows from the enemy.

We all guessed that what she dreamed about was Zhao Kuo's memories.

The real name of the girl in white is Zhao Lin. There is no evidence to prove whether her ancestor was from Zhao during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. But we have enough reasons to believe that she is a descendant of Zhao Kuo.

Everyone has hate, the difference is how you deal with it.

The more you care about it, the more the fire of hatred will burn, and in the end it will even cause you to set yourself on fire.

Brothers will be here after all the calamity, and we will forget our grudges with a smile when we meet!

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