Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 363 The God-level Rich Man

The following business is the largest I have done in all these years.

The femininity I have encountered is also the most powerful, so I think it is necessary to mention it here.

When I woke up this morning, before I even opened the store door, I felt a pain in my stomach like a knife, and I couldn't stop sweating. But I was so frightened that I quickly called Yin Xinyue and asked her to come over immediately.

I wanted to find some safflower oil in the medicine box to rub my stomach, but accidentally fell to the ground and couldn't get up, moaning.

When Yin Xinyue arrived and saw my appearance, she was so frightened that she cried and immediately called 120.

After being sent to the hospital for investigation, it turned out to be appendicitis. A minimally invasive surgery was performed to remove the appendix. The hospital said it was best to stay in hospital for a few days for observation in case of wound infection. Yin Xinyue immediately went to pay the surgery and hospitalization fees.

After struggling until seven o'clock in the evening, it was finally okay. Yin Xinyue tugged on my ear and said, "I usually don't pay attention to my food. I order takeout every day! Now that it's like this, it really scares me to death."

"As for your appendix, you will have to cut it out all your life, sooner or later, but today it's all thanks to you." I smiled.

"Be polite to me!"

In order for me to have a good rest, Yin Xinyue specially opened a single ward. I turned on the TV and watched it for a while. When I felt bored, I turned it off and asked Yin Xinyue to help me go downstairs and buy some online novels to read.

"You are sick, and you still act like a child! Have a good rest, I will stay with you tonight." Yin Xinyue said.

"It's okay, I can get out of bed and walk now..." I said vaguely.

Yin Xinyue pouted and said, "No, you have to listen to the doctor and stay in bed for at least three days."

I sighed secretly, three days was too damn hard. I haven't been sick much in the past two years, let alone been hospitalized.

Yin Xinyue had been playing with her mobile phone with her head down. I asked her what she was playing. She said she bought some life insurance for me online so that she could feel more at ease in the future. I was moved in my heart and thought that I must be twice as kind to Yin Xinyue from now on.

Seeing that it was almost ten o'clock in the evening, I immediately urged her to go back. The hospital is not a good place to stay.

Yin Xinyue refused, so I asked her if she had brought a mirror. She took out a small makeup mirror from her bag and gave it to me.

I mysteriously said to Yin Xinyue: "Let me do a small experiment for you. Then you will know how dangerous the hospital is. Is there a compass on your phone?"


"Open!" I said in a commanding tone.

I wiped the mirror clean, moved it carefully according to the direction of the compass, and pointed it at the door of death in the Eight Door Dunjia. I asked Yin Xinyue to look into the mirror. She screamed, covered her mouth with her hands and said, "Oh my God, There are actually people in this room."

"What does it look like?" I asked with a smile.

"I'm wearing a hospital gown just like you, with blood all over my body, and my face is as white as paper, with no blood at all." After saying that, Yin Xinyue thought it was unlucky and hurriedly let out a sigh.

"You know how awesome it is! Go home quickly. These are the lonely ghosts who died in the hospital. They are reluctant to reincarnate because they miss the human world. I am not afraid of my yang energy." I explained.

"You have a strong yang energy, can't you protect me by the way?" As she said that, Yin Xinyue reached out and hugged me.

While we were talking, there was a noise coming from downstairs. Since there was nothing to do, I suggested that Yin Xinyue go down and have a look at the excitement.

It was originally a minimally invasive surgery, so the wound didn't matter, so we went downstairs.

The inpatient department and the emergency room are located floor to floor, with a huge courtyard in the middle. Several locust trees were planted in the courtyard. At first, I thought the hospital had no common sense. Why would they plant such extremely shady trees? After taking another look at the feng shui of the hospital, I immediately understood.

I saw that the entire yard was surrounded by surrounding buildings, with only one path leading outside. From a distance, it looked like an open sack.

This belongs to the "King Kong Ring Evil Bureau" in Feng Shui, which very cleverly draws out bad things and protects the safety of people here.

I've heard people say that large hospitals are very particular about Feng Shui, and professional Feng Shui masters will be invited to consult during construction. It seems that this statement is true.

At this moment, there are seven or eight cars parked outside the emergency room, blocking the entrance. I guess there is some kind of doctor-patient dispute, and family members have come to make trouble.

I saw a bejeweled rich woman crying loudly to several doctors. Standing next to her were several tall bodyguards in black suits and sunglasses. The woman was pleading with the doctor desperately, but the doctor looked helpless.

I'm not someone who likes to join in the fun, just take a look, and I'm about to tell Yin Xinyue, let's go back! But suddenly I heard the sound of rustling leaves, and many yellow dead leaves fell from above my head. At the same time, a very powerful aura spread in the hospital.

I looked up in surprise and saw that the locust trees were dying at a speed visible to the naked eye. Several bodyguards carried out a behemoth from the back of a pickup truck. The aura emanated from that behemoth.

I'm pretty sure it's a vaginal thing, and it's very strong!

Most yin objects are yin, but there are exceptions to everything. The huge object in front of you is a yin object that is extremely strong and yang. Because the yang energy is too strong, it can kill the yin locust tree in an instant.

I couldn't help but walk towards the crowd to see what was going on.

The thing looked quite heavy. It was wrapped in a layer of waterproof camouflage canvas and tied with ropes, lest anyone know what it was. I looked carefully and saw that there were two movable wheels on the bottom of this thing, and a huge round long tube protruding from it. Judging from the outline, it should be a cannon.

If this vagina is really a cannon, I just want to say it's amazing!

In China's Song Dynasty, cannons appeared specifically for war. During the Ming Dynasty, cannons were further strengthened and became artifacts for protecting cities and killing enemies.

The Ming Dynasty relied on cannons to resist foreigners for hundreds of years. In the era of cold weapons, the value of cannons was almost equal to today's missiles!

Just imagine, no matter how powerful a knife is, how many people can it kill? The cannons, on the other hand, were blasting in sheets, and they were simply weapons stained with countless blood. If they were displayed at home, it would be a problem to ensure their own safety, let alone to control the house and eliminate disasters.

Because this kind of thing is too powerful, ordinary people can't control it at all. If you leave it casually at home for a year or a half, a woman will be killed. Men with insufficient yang energy can't bear it.

In the whole of China, I only know that a thunderous cannon from the Song Dynasty is buried under the villa of Hong Kong's richest man Li Ka-shing.

Not to mention that I haven't seen it before, even my grandfather has never been exposed to such femininity in his life.

The eight bodyguards carried the behemoth on their shoulders, and they all bared their teeth, and finally moved the behemoth in front of the rich woman.

The rich woman covered her face with a handkerchief and begged the doctor repeatedly: "Dean, please do it! That's all I ask. If anything happens to my husband, we, mother and son, will be ruined for the rest of our lives..."

The dean said in embarrassment: "Ms. Lu, I can understand your mood. I have arranged for the top brain surgeon in the hospital to operate on your husband. We will do our best to save his life. , the operation is about to start, please don’t make it difficult for us, okay?”

"Why is it so difficult? Masters have said that my husband is destined to be the best in life. This thing can help him avoid danger. I just want to transport this thing to my husband to increase his chance of success in the operation. Could it be that Isn’t it okay? Isn’t it your doctor’s bounden duty to treat illnesses and save lives?”

The dean smiled bitterly and glanced at the giant thing: "The operating rooms are all sterile. I don't know what era this thing is from. What if it brings any bacteria? What do you want me to tell you?"

Yin Xinyue curiously asked a little nurse next to her, what is all this going on? The little nurse said that the rich woman's husband was found to have a brain tumor in the hospital some time ago. The brain tumor is right next to the blood vessel and is very dangerous. Today was the day of surgery, and she suddenly brought a cannon to place in the operating room, saying it was to help her husband tide over the difficulties...

At the end of the sentence, the little nurse said with disdain: "It's amazing how many stinkers there are. The hospital is not run by her family."

Unexpectedly, the little nurse's words soon came true. When the rich woman saw that the director refused to give in, she immediately snapped her fingers at a fat secretary behind her. The fat secretary nodded and bowed and asked her what her orders were. The rich woman said calmly: "Buy this hospital for me, right away. !”

Then she pointed at the dean and yelled through gritted teeth: "Huh, you can't even satisfy me with these requirements. Just wait to be fired!"

Everyone present was astonished and opened their mouths from ear to ear. The dean's eyes widened and he was completely confused.

This is definitely not an ordinary nouveau riche, but a god-level rich man!

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