Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 364 Red Cannon

Finally, the cannon was carried into the operating room, and the crowd of onlookers dispersed. Yin Xinyue asked me if I was cold, please go back quickly! So we went back to the ward.

After eleven o'clock, I urged Yin Xinyue to go back. She was not happy at first, but she was finally coaxed away by me.

I lay on the bed and tossed and turned, thinking about the cannon. It was not that I was greedy for money, but I had been dealing with vaginal objects for so long, and by chance I saw such a heavyweight vaginal object, which made me feel itchy.

Finally, I called Li Mazi, and he answered after six rings. He complained loudly on the phone: "Brother Zhang, do you have to call so late? If there is anything important, can we talk about it tomorrow? I I also have my private life, okay?”

I pretended to be weak and said, "Li Mazi, I'm hospitalized."

"What the hell, what's wrong?" Li Mazi was shocked.

"Come quickly, I'm at the Third Hospital. If I'm late, I might not be able to see you."

"'re not joking, are you? I'll come right away, I'll come right away!"

After saying that, Li Mazi hung up the phone. Although Li Mazi had a lot of problems, he was loyal and affectionate.

Half an hour later, Li Mazi rushed into the ward and saw me lying on the bed wearing a hospital gown. His expression suddenly changed: "Brother Zhang, you were fine the past two days, but you fell down. What the hell are you doing?" What disease do you have, is it an incurable disease?"

I was dying and replied: "It's not a big problem, but the doctor said that an organ must be removed."

"What? All the organs are gone, and you still say it's not a big problem." Li Mazi's voice immediately burst into tears: "We have been through big winds and waves, how come we are easily knocked down by the disease? Little brother from the Zhang family , you must not fall down, otherwise sister-in-law Xinyue will be widowed. We have some money now. If you are missing any organs, I will find a way to get them for you, even if you kidnap someone..."

At this time, Li Mazi suddenly saw the patient card on the bedside, with the words "Appendicitis Surgery" clearly written on it, and immediately punched me in the stomach.

"You brat, how dare you lie to me!"

"Why did I lie to you? Doesn't the appendix count as an organ?" I couldn't help but laugh, laughing with tears, because Li Mazi's punch hit my wound exactly and it hurt me to death.

Li Mazi was so angry that he was about to leave. I stopped him and told him there was big news.

Li Mazi impatiently moved a chair and sat next to me. He said that if he cheated on him again, he would break off the relationship. I told him exactly what happened in the hospital just now. Li Mazi was stunned for a while, and finally asked Said: "Do you think that rich woman's husband's surgery will be successful?"

"I'm not a doctor," I said.

I suddenly understood what Li Mazi meant. If something unexpected happens during the operation that cannot be solved, we can naturally solve the problem and get the cannon by the way.

I laughed and said that Li Mazi is really a ghost. In fact, I asked him to come here because I wanted him to inquire about the news. After all, I am a patient now and it is difficult to move around.

Li Mazi agreed immediately and ran to the emergency room.

After he left, I took out my mobile phone and logged on to the hospital's official website, and found that the hospital was owned by a new company. It was a well-known multinational oil company with branches in Saudi Arabia and Iraq. This is how I got rich after a long time. .

Li Mazi didn't come back for a long time, so I lay on the bed and gradually fell asleep.

Li Mazi shook me awake at dawn. I opened my eyes and saw him with dark circles under his eyes and an excited look on his face.

"There's a show! There's a show!" Li Mazi said excitedly.

"Why is it so magical?" I asked.

It turned out that Li Mazi was waiting outside the operating room last night. When the rich woman came out, he introduced himself to her and said that he was a well-known expert in femininity in the industry.

He pretended to be mysterious and said that when he passed the hospital, he sensed a strong aura and suspected that there was something negative nearby, so he chased him to the operating room. He counted it with his fingers and determined that it was a cannon from the Ming and Qing Dynasties.

The rich woman seemed to be quite satisfied with this, and immediately started chatting with Li Mazi, asking Li Mazi whether his husband could survive this or not.

Li Mazi said that this cannon is a very strong and yang thing, and if its destiny is slightly lighter, it will be killed. Logically speaking, it is no problem for her husband's destiny to be so heavy.

But Zhuge Liang used the seven-star lantern to extend his life, and he didn't expect Wei Yan to break into the tent and stamp out the seven-star lantern! Li Mazi analyzed the horoscope of the rich woman's husband on the spot and determined that he was destined to be a villain, so he must be extra vigilant, especially at this juncture.

The rich woman repeatedly said yes, treating Li Mazi as a living god, and even left her contact information.

"Now just wait until something unexpected happens to her husband, so that we can show up..." Li Mazi smiled obscenely.

"Why do I feel that your thoughts are getting more and more dirty?" I said.

"Isn't our business equivalent to running a coffin shop? We usually help out everywhere, but if no one uses vaginal objects indiscriminately and no one encounters strange things, we will have no business."

I think what he said makes sense.

It was getting brighter, and I glanced downstairs. The cars were still parked there.

"Why does the operation take so long?" Li Mazi asked doubtfully.

"Brain surgery involves operating a knife inside the brain, what do you think? An operation can last ten hours!" I said.

In the morning, the nurse came to change the medicine. I put on my clothes and went out to eat something with Li Mazi. When I came back, I heard the commotion in the emergency room. When I went in, I saw that the doctor was pushing a patient to the intensive care unit. The rich woman followed closely behind, her eyes as bright as a panda, and a group of bodyguards and secretaries followed behind her.

Judging from her expression, her husband's life should have been saved.

Having said that, her husband is the backbone of the family. Once he lets go, the rich woman will lose everything, so she is so dedicated.

I looked towards the corridor leading to the operating room. Li Mazi asked me what I was looking at. I said, "It's so empty."

"Isn't this nonsense? After the operation is completed, of course there will be no one left." Li Mazi said with a smile.

That's not what I was referring to. Not only was there no one in the entire corridor, there wasn't even a ghost, not even a little bit of Yin Qi.

It seems that this cannon is really powerful!

At this time, a sports car drove up outside, and a young man with oily hair and pink face jumped out of the car. He took off his sunglasses while walking. When he saw us standing there, he asked unceremoniously: "Hey, did you have a brain tumor just now?" Is the patient dead?"

I hate such rude people the most, so I replied bluntly, "I don't know."

Young Master Kuo asked another doctor. When he heard that the tycoon's operation was successful, he immediately curled his lips and showed an expression of extreme disgust.

At this time, the rich woman came out. Li Mazi was afraid of being seen, so he picked up a newspaper from somewhere and covered his face, leaving only his eyes exposed.

When the rich woman saw Kuo Shao, she walked over, raised her hand and slapped him in the face.

"You bastard, your brother has been lying in the operating room for ten hours. You didn't even ask, and you went to the bar to have a good time. Why are you here now? Do you want to see if he is dead?" The rich woman cursed.

Young Master Kuo touched his red face and sneered: "No one dares to hit me in the face. I respect you as my sister-in-law, so I will give in to you everywhere, but don't forget, you are not from our Shen family. Wan One day my brother is gone, think about your own fate!"

After saying these cruel words, Mr. Kuo turned around and left. The rich woman snorted and returned to the ward.

"Ouch! The feud between rich families is like watching a TV series. It's so exciting." Li Mazi said with emotion.

Only then did I notice that what he was holding was a Maternity Nursing Weekly. He also noticed it and looked embarrassed. I smiled and asked Li Mazi, "Does it look good?"

"It's beautiful! You should hurry up and learn. You might be able to use it in two days..." After that, he pushed the newspaper to me, but I shook it off with a smile.

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