Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 365 Yuan Chonghuan, a famous anti-Qing general

After Li Mazi and I returned to the ward, we found Yin Xinyue coming. She glared at me and said, "She ran out early in the morning and made me worry for a long time. She didn't answer her cell phone calls!"

"Li Mazi insisted on dragging me to eat beef noodles." I lied casually.

"Brother, don't put the shit basin on my head, it's just you who wants to make money!" Li Mazi shouted.

"Why do you want money?" Yin Xinyue asked doubtfully.

Li Mazi then told her about the cannon, and Yin Xinyue pinched me and said that it was really an occupational disease to be obsessed with other people's vaginal possessions before I recovered from my illness.

I sat down and checked the rich woman's husband's information on my mobile phone, and it was quickly displayed. The other party's name is Shen Yanchen, and he is the president of a multinational oil company. He has a lot of long titles behind him. There was a link next to it, it was his younger brother Shen Hongbin. I clicked on it and was a little surprised.

I thought this Shen Hongbin was just a guy who lived and drank, but I didn't expect that he actually had a master's degree from Oxford University and established a charity medical organization.

However, our first impression of him was really bad. Li Mazi immediately scolded him: "He uses his brother's money to do charity, but this person is really trying to support himself! At first glance, he is a sanctimonious little brat."

Yin Xinyue said: "You can't just beat him to death with a stick. Sometimes, you really can't judge a person's quality by his first impression. I used to meet an actress on the set who had a bad reputation in the entertainment industry. I heard that she She slept with the director, acted like a celebrity, and bullied the makeup artist, but after getting along with her for a while, I found that she was a very good character and amiable. It turned out that those negative news were written by a certain big shot that she offended and asked the trolls to write..."

"Who is it? Is she beautiful?" I asked casually, and Yin Xinyue snorted and immediately ignored me.

Li Mazi didn't sleep all night and couldn't bear it anymore, so I asked him to lie on my hospital bed for a while.

Yin Xinyue and I went out, and the cars were still parked at the hospital. This rich woman was really able to endure it. We left the hospital and visited the flower and bird market. Recently, Yin Xinyue wanted to get a pet. I am not very interested in cats and dogs, but I am not disgusted either.

After lunch we returned to the hospital and heard a commotion in the emergency room, so we went in to take a look.

As I was about to approach the oil tycoon's ward, I heard a ping-pong-pong-pong-pong sound, like someone was throwing something. A man shouted in the ward: "The traitor has wronged me, the traitor has wronged me."

"Husband, husband, what's wrong with you?" The rich woman stood in front of the ward, covering her face with a handkerchief and crying. A lot of expensive medical equipment was thrown at the door, and there were several bodyguards standing behind her, all of them helpless.

I quickly called Li Mazi and asked him to come over.

The tycoon in the ward was tired from throwing things, so he sat at the door and sighed: "Oh, my career will always be in vain, half of my fame is in my dreams. After death, I will not worry about having no brave generals, my loyal soul will still guard Liaodong!"

I remember that this was a quatrain written by a famous general in history before he died. After pondering for a moment, I immediately understood the origin of this ghostly object.

Not long after, Li Mazi hurried over, looked around in the corridor, and saw the rich woman there. He quickly took out a small comb from his pocket, tidied up his messy hair, and straightened his clothes, so that he looked presentable. Come over.

"What's going on?" he asked me in a low voice.

I told him the general situation and my guess. Li Mazi winked at me, and then confidently walked towards the rich woman: "Female donor, we meet again."

"Ah, Master, you're finally here." The rich woman said impatiently, as if she had seen a savior: "My husband looked like this just after he woke up. Come and see if he has been flushed with something." ?”

Li Mazi calculated with his fingers in a serious manner, and suddenly his brows furrowed. The rich woman's face suddenly turned pale: "Master, have you calculated anything bad?"

"The one possessing your husband is no ordinary ghost. It is Yuan Chonghuan, the governor of Jiliao in the late Ming Dynasty."

"How dare you call this general by his first name!" The tycoon sitting on the ground suddenly yelled.

Seeing that Li Mazi had hit the mark, the rich woman admired him so much that she asked piously: "Master, is there any way to resolve this problem?"

"There is a way..." Li Mazi raised his head arrogantly, then waved to me: "Disciple, come here!"

I couldn't dismantle him in person, so I had to bite the bullet and pretend to be his disciple: "Master, do you have any orders?"

Li Mazi introduced Yin Xinyue and I to the rich woman. The rich woman just nodded perfunctorily and didn't take us seriously at all.

Li Mazi said: "Go and prepare a few things for me."

"Prepare for what?" I asked.

He scolded with a straight face: "You have been following me for so long, and you still want to ask me what you have prepared? Just a few things!"

Mazi Li could win an Academy Award for his acting skills.

I observed the tycoon's appearance, and I probably had an idea, but Li Mazi usually prepared these things, so I was suddenly at a loss when I was asked to look for him.

So I said, "Master, is it black beans, realgar wine, royal salt, and hemp rope?"

"Boys can be taught!" Li Mazi nodded: "It's not too late, let's get ready!"

I pretended to be embarrassed: "But it's only half a minute, where can I go to find it?"

The rich woman said at this time: "It's not a big problem. I'll ask my people to go to the market to buy it right away."

As he spoke, he ordered his bodyguard to seize the time to purchase things.

And Li Mazi asked me quietly: "Brother from the Zhang family, can you deal with Yuan Chonghuan with these methods?"

"That should be okay." I said.

"Can you give me an accurate message? If I can't step down later, it will be a small matter for me to lose face. If the cooked duck flies away, won't our work be in vain?" Li Mazi asked anxiously.

Yuan Chonghuan was born as a Jinshi, had no power to tie a chicken, and had never killed anyone on the battlefield, but he was a rare Confucian general in history.

At that time, the Manchu and Qing Dynasty repeatedly attacked the Liaodong border of the Ming Dynasty. Although the Ming Dynasty sent countless elite soldiers and generals and built various city defense lines, they could not completely keep out the brave and bloodthirsty Qing soldiers! At this time, Yuan Chonghuan stood up and presented his plan of "pacifying Liao in five years" to Emperor Chongzhen.

Emperor Chongzhen was very happy and immediately appointed Yuan Chonghuan as the Governor of Jiliao, commanding hundreds of thousands of elite troops of the Ming Dynasty. Yuan Chonghuan was also quite capable. After taking office, he fought several tough battles, and the atmosphere of the army also took on a new look. The Qing Dynasty regarded Yuan Chonghuan as a serious problem! At that time, a divorce plan was used to make the Ming Dynasty think that Yuan Chonghuan was a traitor who collaborated with the enemy and treason, so Yuan Chonghuan was escorted back to the capital by Emperor Chongzhen and executed in Lingchi. People who did not know the truth really thought that Yuan Chonghuan was a traitor, and thousands of people rushed to eat him. of meat.

It is said that the situation at that time was unprecedentedly cruel. All the flesh on Yuan Chonghuan's body was eaten clean, leaving only a skeleton. One can imagine the intensity of his resentment.

Ordinary methods were really unable to suppress him, so I told Li Mazi that I would go back to the store first and let him hold on to the situation first.

After returning to the antique shop, I first took the Peach Soul Flower, some charms, and my Sirius Whip before rushing back to the hospital.

As soon as he entered the ward, he heard Yuan Chonghuan cursing there. Li Mazi asked someone to tie him to the hospital bed with a hemp rope that had been wiped with imperial salt. He grabbed a handful of black beans and sprinkled it on him. The black beans sprinkled on Yuan Chonghuan immediately turned brown, as if they had been fried, leaving shallow burn marks on his skin.

Every time he sprinkled a handful of black beans, Yuan Chonghuan would curse, but he was a literati after all, and he was nothing more than a "bold man" or a "rebellious minister and traitor", which was not very unpleasant.

The rich woman looked on in shock, worried about her husband, and admired Li Mazi's ability.

Li Mazi muttered something while sprinkling black beans, pretending to be serious, looking out of the ward from time to time, and he was relieved when he saw me coming.

I guess if I arrive a little later, he will be at the end of his rope.

As I expected, Yuan Chonghuan's Yin spirit was too strong and couldn't be restrained by ordinary means. I immediately handed the Peach Soul Flower to Li Mazi: "Master, take the magic weapon!"


Li Mazi was overjoyed and tapped Yuan Chonghuan's forehead with a peach soul flower. Yuan Chonghuan immediately started twitching like an electric shock. Several bodyguards could not hold him down, and finally he fainted with a roll of his eyes.

The rich woman breathed a long sigh of relief, walked over and asked, "Master, is my husband okay?"

"I have suppressed this evil spirit..."

Li Mazi glanced at me, and I shook my head secretly, telling him not to talk too much, because I didn't know what to say. Li Mazi quickly changed his words: "But whether we can bring your husband's soul back will have to be observed for a while."

The rich woman's face that had just softened became tense again: "Isn't there a way to solve it all at once? My husband owns more than thirty oil companies and can earn tens of millions a day. The company cannot do without him for half a day. He has this disease. The company's stock price plummeted by three points. I know you masters like to hide your secrets, so if you have any special skills to squeeze the bottom of the market, just use it, and the reward will definitely satisfy you."

Li Mazi shook his head: "It's not that I'm hiding it and refusing to do my best. In fact, this disaster was destined by your husband!"

When the rich woman heard this, she was immediately shocked: "Master, what kind of destiny is this?"

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