Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 366 The punishment of amputating hands and feet

Li Mazi made up nonsense, saying that the rich woman's husband was Yuan Chonghuan in his previous life, and he was persecuted to death by villains. So I hate the villain very much. I didn't expect that after reincarnation, I would still kill the villain, and I was ready to kill him in anger!

I was afraid that Li Mazi talked too much and couldn't keep up, so I quickly coughed lightly, and then he gradually brought the topic to vaginal objects. There is no way to resolve it, but you must find something closely related to Yuan Chonghuan.

"If I guess correctly, that cannon was used by Governor Yuan during his lifetime. Can I ask, where did you get that cannon?" Li Mazi asked.

The rich woman said that she knew a Taoist priest who was very effective in fortune-telling. She always turned to the Taoist priest for advice on all matters big and small, and her husband's illness was no exception.

After her husband got a brain tumor, the rich woman went to seek divination for her husband. As a result, the Taoist priest made a calculation and said that he might not be able to survive the disaster. The rich woman was frightened and begged him to save her husband's life no matter what.

The Taoist priest pondered for a long time and said that there was no way out. She needed something to help her husband save the day, preferably an ancient firearm. Because the operation requires surgery to see blood, it is a metal calamity, and fire can overcome metal.

The rich woman immediately asked people to search everywhere. As luck would have it, an antique dealer soon said that he had a red cannon from the Ming Dynasty and asked for 10 million. The rich woman bought it without even thinking about it.

As I listened, I felt like the rich woman had been tricked by someone, and she took a piece of vagina back home in a daze.

It has to be said that placing vaginal objects in the operating room to turn evil into good luck is a brainless thing. People who know a little bit about this business will shake their heads when they hear it.

Because no matter how tough a person's destiny is, his breath will be greatly weakened when his stomach is disemboweled, and it is easy to attract unclean things! If you put a fetus next to him, he will be possessed at worst, and will be killed at worst.

The tycoon was able to save his life in this way. It must be said that the doctor was very skilled and he himself was very lucky.

Li Mazi nodded and said: "To be honest, we are actually merchants of femininity. We have dealt with dozens of femininity items, large and small, but according to the rules of our industry, the things must belong to us after the transaction is completed."

The rich woman asked doubtfully: "Dude, you mean that cannon? It's easy to say, as long as you save my husband, I will give you the cannon, and I will also give you an additional 10 million as a reward."

"Ten million..." Li Mazi took a breath, coughed dryly, and suppressed his excitement. Don't talk about him, even I feel a little unsteady when I hear this number.

Li Mazi pretended to be aloof and laughed: "Money is not important. Let's take us to see the cannon first!"

"Okay, I'll take you there right now." The rich woman nodded repeatedly.

We followed the rich woman to the garage where the ambulance was parked behind the hospital. After the operation, she asked the bodyguards to move the cannon here.

Anyway, the hospital now belongs to her family.

When they came to the garage, the rich woman asked someone to open the door. The rolling shutter door roared up, but it was empty inside.

The rich woman was surprised and asked her subordinates, has anyone been here before? The men shook their heads repeatedly and said that the keys were always with them and they had not opened the garage since last night.

I walked into the garage cautiously and suddenly saw some dark red liquid on the wall. I dipped a little of it with my hand and sniffed it under my nose. The liquid actually gave off a rotten smell.

"It's ghost blood!" I said.

"What..." Li Mazi remembered that the rich woman was here and had to maintain the master's airs, so he quickly said seriously: "Apprentice, tell me, where does this ghost blood come from?"

I observed the ghost blood on my hand. This ghost blood belongs to yin. Now when it is stimulated by the yang energy of a living person, it suddenly evaporates like water drops under the scorching sun.

"Ghost blood is of course the blood shed by ghosts, and the cannon is the most powerful and yang thing, and it is extremely evil! The hospital is originally a place where yin energy gathers, and there are naturally many demons and ghosts. The arrival of the cannon awakened them all. "I explained: "It's like there are many people sleeping in a small dark room, and suddenly someone shines a searchlight around. Of course the people inside are unhappy, so they try to turn off the light. Then the two sides start talking. The fight started, and in the end all these ghosts were killed by the cannon. The cannon was aroused to kill, and of course one or two ghosts were not satisfied, so they ran out on their own..."

The rich woman was shocked: "Little master, this cannon weighs 800 kilograms, how could it escape by itself, and the garage door is still locked."

This explanation involved supernatural beings. I asked her: "Are there any words engraved on the cannon?"

The rich woman recalled: "There... seems to be something written about General Yaowu."

"That's right. The red cannon was originally imported from Portugal. During the Ming Dynasty, it was an extremely powerful weapon. It could often wipe out hundreds or thousands of enemy troops. Therefore, it was regarded as a weapon by the Ming soldiers. The gods come to worship! Once an object is regarded as a god and enjoys the incense for a long time, it will gradually have its own consciousness. After a long time of baptism, it is no longer a cannon, but a weapon spirit, which can be understood as half A monster."

The rich woman was surprised and confirmed with Li Mazi: "Master, is what your apprentice said true?"

"Yeah, he said exactly what I thought." Li Mazi nodded.

At this time, there was a scream from the hospital. Li Mazi and I exchanged glances and prepared to go take a look, but the rich woman wanted to follow again.

It was okay for the rich woman to follow, but the problem was that so did her dozen or so bodyguards, a dense group of people, which made us nervous, and it was very hard to keep up the air.

I whispered to Li Mazi and asked him to think of a way to get the rich woman away.

Li Mazi suddenly shouted "No", and the rich woman asked what happened? Li Mazi said that there was something going on with the rich woman's husband and asked her to go back and guard her. The rich woman panicked and went back.

Before leaving, she asked us if we wanted to keep some bodyguards as helpers, but Li Mazi politely declined.

As soon as the rich woman left, Li Mazi immediately regained his playful and smiling face, patted me on the shoulder and said, "How about it, little brother from the Zhang family, do you want to thank me? Without my sharp tongue, how could I have gotten this job?" This is a 10 million business deal!”

"You have such a smooth tongue? I was worried about you when you were bragging to the rich woman. I'm really afraid that you'll blow your bullshit so much that you won't be able to step down." I didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"How is that possible? I, Li Mazi, have been in the world for so many years and I haven't seen anyone before. I still have a good eye for what people are doing."

We rushed to the scene of the accident, which was a consulting room on the third floor of the hospital. There were many people gathered outside the door. I squeezed into the crowd and took a look, and suddenly felt a chill in my back!

The room was in chaos. A man fell in a pool of blood, his hands and feet were chopped off, and his head was nowhere to be found.

There was a long trail of blood on the ground. The deceased must have struggled to crawl a distance after being attacked, and was finally killed. What a tragedy!

I asked the patient next to me what was going on. The patient explained that an old lady in this man's family was killed by the hospital. He spent all his savings and even sold the house. However, the hospital was unwilling to take any responsibility, so he led someone to sign in blood at the door of the hospital every day. Banner, blocking the surgeon, wanted to recover the medical expenses.

Today, when the man heard that the chief surgeon was consulting inside, he came up to ask for an explanation. The two of them had a few arguments. Maybe he was too excited, so he slapped the doctor. The doctor said angrily to go find the security guard, and the man walked over to where he was sitting and said he was waiting for him.

As soon as the doctor left, he heard a scream in the room. When the nurse opened the door and took a look, she found that the man was dead.

"Today's hospitals are so awesome! They put people to death without telling anyone, and they also kill the family members who came to ask for explanations. Is this a hospital or a slaughterhouse?" the patient mocked.

A nurse next to him couldn't listen anymore and interrupted him: "What do you know? You are just talking nonsense there. This man is not a patient's family at all. He is a medical troublemaker!"

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