Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 367 Golden Armored Warrior

There are not many people coming to my hospital. I don’t know what medical trouble is? I humbly asked the nurse for advice.

The nurse told me that the so-called medical troubles are people who are paid to come to the hospital to cause trouble on behalf of the patient's family members. This man was a medical troublemaker. He came back to the hospital almost every week to cause trouble. The most exaggerated time was when he carried the body to the entrance of the hospital. A group of people pretended to be filial sons and grandsons and knelt there and cried all day long.

For fear of causing bad repercussions, hospitals often choose to spend money to avoid disasters, so they have made these people become more and more lawless, and now they actually rush in and beat up the chief surgeon in broad daylight.

The patient just said: "It's wrong for them to cause trouble, but your hospital has treated people to death, so of course you have to bear the responsibility."

The nurse said dumbfounded: "According to what you say, as long as we are sent to the hospital, we have to ensure that we come out alive? Then the world is not full of thousand-year-old monsters!"

"A good person died on the operating table, and you just shied away from the accident. How can you make his family feel better?"

"Surgical accidents are normal. If the responsibility really lies with the hospital, it can be solved by legal means. What is the difference between making trouble like this and extortion? It is our duty to cure people. If we kill people, we will lose money. We should just close the hospital. , everyone is suffering from illness!" the nurse said angrily.

Many patients and doctors also joined in the quarrel. Both sides had their own difficulties. As a result, the murder scene almost turned into a debate competition.

I smiled bitterly and quickly pulled Yin Xinyue away.

The thick smell of blood gave me a headache. I went to the window to take a breath, and Yin Xinyue asked me: "Brother Zhang, was this man killed by a cannon?"

"It's almost like..." I said.

"But why do I feel like I was hacked to death with a knife?"

Yin Xinyue expressed my worries in one sentence. I am afraid that this red cannon can transform into a weapon spirit. If this is true, the danger can be imagined.

I suddenly had an idea and said, "By the way, look for the surveillance camera!"

"Will the hospital's monitoring room let us in?" Yin Xinyue said with a sad face.

"Li Mazi, call the rich woman. The hospital is her private property now and ask her to authorize us to investigate everywhere!" I ordered.

Li Mazi nodded repeatedly and made a call. The rich woman said readily that as long as her husband could be cured, the hospital would be demolished.

Then a director gave us three passes, which allowed us to investigate at will in the hospital. This director was the director who contradicted the rich woman last night. He was demoted three levels overnight. His face looked very haggard.

We entered the surveillance room. There was a security guard on duty there. I said I wanted to see the surveillance on the third floor half an hour ago.

The security guard took the video to half an hour ago. In the video, the medical leader entered the clinic first, and five minutes later a doctor rushed out with his face covered and angrily.

I stared at the screen intently. After about half a minute, a line of blood spattered on the glass window of the door.

At this time, the screen seemed to be disturbed and began to shake, with many snowflakes appearing.

A shadow flashed away, and then the scene returned to calm.

I asked the security guard to rewind the video and pause it where the shadow appeared just now, but the screen flashed too fast and failed every time.

We watched it over and over again. The three of us almost put our faces to the screen. We watched it about ten times and finally succeeded in freezing it at that moment.

"That's it! Oh my god!" Yin Xinyue shouted excitedly.

A golden-armored warrior appeared on the screen. It had no face and a hollow helmet. It held a bloody sword in its hand and came out of the door like a phantom.

"What on earth is this? Who are you?" The security guard was stunned and looked at the passes hanging on our chests.

"We're here to catch ghosts." I replied casually.

At this time, the screen shook and the fluorescent lights above my head started to flash. I asked the security guard to look at all the surveillance cameras! He called up the surveillance screen of the entire hospital, and saw that the screen in the lobby on the first floor seemed to be subject to strong electromagnetic interference, with snowflakes all the time.

In the flickering screen, a group of arrogant people were rushing into the hospital. Several nurses tried to stop them, but they were roughly pushed away.

It must be the medical troublemaker's accomplice who died just now and came to the hospital to blackmail him.

"Oops, it's going on a killing spree again!"

After saying that, I rushed out of the monitoring room, and Li Mazi and Yin Xinyue followed me.

We arrived at the first floor, which was already a mess. The group of doctors were noisy with the nurses and doctors. They didn't notice that the fluorescent lights above their heads were flashing abnormally. A cold wind blew up the dust and confetti on the ground, and surrounded them. It suddenly became extremely dark.

"Run! Get out of there right away!" I shouted to the group.

"Who the hell are you?" A man wearing a big gold chain glared at me.

"If you want to live, leave quickly and don't stay here!"

I was almost going crazy with anxiety, but the other party refused to believe it. The man slowly rolled up his sleeves and sneered at the doctors and nurses: "Here are the helpers, right? Let me tell you, you can't even bring the Emperor here today." Yes, look at the big blue dragon tattooed on my arm."

However, when he was about to roll up his sleeves, he suddenly stopped talking because his left hand couldn't touch anything.

The man looked down in shock. His right shoulder was empty. His entire right hand had been chopped off, and the fracture was very neat. I heard that if the knife is sharp enough and the speed is fast enough, after a person's hands and feet are cut off, they won't feel pain within a few seconds.

"Yeah!" a nurse screamed and fainted.

Then everyone fled the scene one after another, and the entire hall became empty instantly.

"My hand, why is my hand gone? Boy, did you do it?" The man roared and wanted to come over and beat me. His eyes suddenly looked directly behind me.

"Brother Zhang, be careful behind you!" Yin Xinyue shouted.

I turned around in horror and saw a translucent warrior in golden armor suspended in mid-air, holding a machete in his hand. There was no face under the helmet.

When the golden armored warrior raised his sword, I subconsciously blocked it with both hands.

However, the knife passed through my body, and I felt a chill.

The man screamed and stopped talking. He stared, and a line of blood appeared in the middle of his body, which became wider and wider. Finally, his body actually split into two parts, and his hot internal organs and intestines flowed all over the floor.

"Oh my god, Brother Feng was killed!"

"Fuck, what is this?"

The remaining people were so scared that their legs were shaking. The golden armored warrior fell to the ground and turned into a physical entity. It was covered in golden light and was almost as tall as one and a half people. The red tassel on the helmet almost reached the ceiling. It raised its machete and struck the second man.

The man was so frightened that he collapsed on the ground, with a pool of yellow urine flowing out between his legs. He had completely lost the ability to move.

At the critical moment, I took out the Sirius whip from my arms and swung it towards the golden armored warrior. The whip hit the machete, and the sharp blade lost its accuracy and hit the marble floor, creating a series of sparks.

"Li Mazi, get the talisman quickly! Li Mazi..." I looked back and saw that Li Mazi had disappeared, and I was so angry that I cursed.

"Zhang...Brother Zhang, do you really plan to save them?" Yin Xinyue asked me with a trembling voice.

"There's nothing you can do about it, scum is human too!"

As long as I am a human being, I cannot sit idly by and ignore it. This is the bottom line of my life.

I wrapped the Sirius whip around the machete and pulled back, but it felt like the whip was wrapped around a big mountain, and it couldn't be pulled back no matter how hard I pulled it. At this time, the golden-armored warrior slowly turned his face, a strong feeling The fear came over me!

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