Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 368: Jealous of evil as much as hatred

The golden-armored warrior flicked his hand and threw me out together with the Sirius Whip.

He gave me a sinister look, and finally turned around and walked towards the hospital corridor. Only then did I realize that my back was soaked with cold sweat.

While I held it for a short while, the medical men had already escaped. The golden-armored warrior did not give up the chase, but walked forward along the corridor.

I picked up the Sirius Whip and called Li Mazi, but found him behind a table. He was holding his head and shivering.

I pulled him out angrily, and Li Mazi kept saying: "Brother from the Zhang family, little brother from the Zhang family! I think let's just forget about it. We can't deal with this thing. It's only 10 million. We'll take more orders in the future." Business can be just as profitable.”

"Look at your potential!" I cursed.

Li Mazi kept hugging the legs of the table and refused to move. He said with a sad face: "This is so fucking scary. One knife can cut a person in half. Even gods can't stop it. I won't do this job anymore, I won't do it anymore!" "

Yin Xinyue said: "I discovered that it has a weakness. It only kills evil people, not good people."

I nodded. The Golden Armored Warrior had two chances to kill me just now, but it didn't do it. It seemed like it was a very principled creature.

After Li Mazi heard Yin Xinyue's words, he was no longer afraid, but still a little worried. He asked Yin Xinyue: "Brother and sister, do you think I am a good person?"

"Of course you are a good person."

Li Mazi then calmed down and said with a smile: "Brother from the Zhang family, I have figured it out. Wealth comes from danger. What we do is inherently dangerous, and we have to fight through mountains of fire and danger!"

I was speechless and looked at him with contempt.

The situation was critical now, and there was no time to find anyone. I looked around and saw a stainless steel trolley thrown on the ground. It had scalpels, forceps, hemostats, etc. on it. It might have just been pushed out from the operating room.

The scalpel is something that has seen blood and killed people. Although the killing is indirect, it can also be regarded as a murder weapon and may come in handy.

I asked Li Mazi to pick up the tray, and then we went up to the second floor.

The lights in the corridor flickered on and off as if they were broken, and every door was closed tightly. Doctors, nurses, and patients were all hiding inside, not daring to make a sound. It was as if the building had become empty in an instant.

There was a corpse kneeling in front of a door. The whole door was painted red with blood. It could be seen from the death shape that someone had stabbed him to death from behind.

This doctor might want to go in and hide, but the people inside refused to open the door. As a result, he was instantly killed by the golden-armored warrior!

Nowadays, these medical troublemakers are the disaster stars. No one dares to take them in, so they can only hide in the building.

It was ironic to think that I was so domineering just a moment ago and turned into a street rat in the blink of an eye. I thought to myself that I couldn't make a living, so I had to do this kind of thing that benefits myself at the expense of others.

I went up and knocked on the door, and the people inside shouted, "Don't come in, we don't want to die."

"Are there any paper clips, white paper, or lighter?" I asked.


"Really? Then I'll knock on the door." I threatened.

The people inside were afraid that I would actually knock on the door, so they quickly said, "Wait a minute."

After a while, the things I wanted were put in a cardboard box and handed out through the crack of the door. Then the door slammed shut again. It was really a cold world.

"Brother Zhang, what do you want these things for?" Yin Xinyue asked.

"Remember the paper crane that the man in the T-shirt made that tracks vaginal objects?" I laughed.


"I'll show you my skills today," I said.

Of course I didn’t know how to do the trick of the T-shirt man, so I could only imitate it badly. I used a lighter to roast the corpse’s chin, and the stubble on it was roasted until it became too hot to hold. , only a small drop of oily substance gathered on the tip of the corpse's chin.

It's difficult to bake corpse oil out of a freshly dead body, but this is enough.

I asked Yin Xinyue to take a piece of white paper and fold it into a boat. After folding it, I took it and dipped it in the corpse oil, then placed it in the pool of blood on the ground. The boat started to move slowly in an instant!

Taking advantage of this, I closed the corpse's eyes. Take out the paper clips, smear each paper clip on the eyelids of the corpse, dip it in a little oil secreted by the skin, then string it into a chain and pin it to the waistband.

"Brother Zhang, the boat has stopped moving." Yin Xinyue said suddenly.

I looked down and saw that the end of the boat stained with corpse oil was slightly tilted up, as if to indicate the direction to us, so I said to them: "The cannon is in that direction, chase!"

We went up the stairs and searched one floor after another. When we climbed to the fifth floor, I smelled a strong smell of blood.

The scene was truly horrific. There were three corpses on the ground, one of which had been chopped in half. There was a distance of about ten meters between the upper body and the lower body, and there was blood and purple intestines all over the ground in the middle.

The other one was split in half, with his hands and feet chopped off. A section of his intestines hung on a fluorescent lamp, and blood and the contents of his intestines flowed all over the floor.

The first two were made by doctors, but the third one was a doctor. Judging from his appearance, he was running frantically for his life. As a result, half of his head was cut off, and the brain inside was clearly visible.

"Little... little brother, why does it even kill doctors? Didn't it say it only kills bad guys?" Li Mazi's tongue was tied.

I noticed that the doctor's chest was bulging. I took it out and saw that it was a thick stack of euros. They were all brand new, and they were worth more than 100,000 yuan when converted into RMB. The doctor had so much money with him, and it was still in foreign currency. He could tell at a glance that it was a red envelope he had just received.

"Should I be killed even if I receive a red envelope?" Yin Xinyue said in surprise.

"While it's wrong to accept red envelopes, this has gone too far and we have to find a way to stop it."

Li Mazi took the stack of euros from my hand and prepared to stuff them into his arms. I glared at him and asked him if he was going to die. Then I put it back and made an excuse: "I have never seen what a euro looks like in my life."

"But this red envelope is too generous, isn't it?" Yin Xinyue said: "My aunt only gave one thousand yuan for a uterine fibroid surgery, but giving more than one hundred thousand is too exaggerated..."

I took off the doctor's badge and saw that it was a brain doctor. I immediately understood: "The rich woman gave it to me last night!"

There were at least five or six doctors in the operation last night. If everyone stuffed a red envelope, it meant that they would all become the prey of the warrior in golden armor.

To be jealous and hateful to this extent is no longer justice, but perversion!

At this time, a cry for help suddenly came from upstairs. We ran up and saw that a warrior in golden armor was chasing a doctor. He knocked on the door frantically while running, but no one was willing to open the door for him.

At this time he saw us, ran over and grabbed my arm and said: "Master, master, please help me quickly."

I asked Li Mazi to throw the scalpel and hemostatic forceps in the iron tray towards the golden armored warrior. After Li Mazi did so, the golden armored warrior flashed and disappeared.

"So easy to use?" Li Mazi was surprised.

"You can only drag it for a while and pick it up for me. I don't need the hemostatic forceps or tweezers. I just want the scalpel, which will be useful later." I said anxiously.

These blood-stained surgical supplies cannot restrain the Golden Armored Warrior, they just make him feel disgusted.

Just like if you see a piece of dog poop while walking on the road, you will avoid it, but if you are in a hurry, you won't care if you step on it.

I glanced at the doctor's badge, and sure enough, he was from the Department of Brain Medicine. I asked him what happened?

The doctor said that people in their department were having a meeting, and suddenly there was a commotion outside. Someone looked over and fell backwards, his head missing, and the whole department suddenly exploded.

Then the man in gold armor rushed in and killed three people in a row. He and another man escaped, but that man was hacked to death on the way...

"Are all the people who were killed who participated in the brain tumor surgery last night?" I asked.

"How do you know?" The doctor was a little strange.

I asked him to take out the red envelope he had received, and the doctor took out the stack of euros from his arms with a look of shame on his face. Sure enough, it was a red envelope given by a rich woman.

I asked him if he wanted to live, and the doctor nodded desperately.

"Give me the money!" I stretched out my hand.

"What." The doctor was shocked: "You want to rob?"

"Do you fucking want to live?"

The doctor reluctantly handed the money to me. I turned around and stuffed all the money into the charity project donation box hanging on the wall. The doctor looked at me in confusion.

The golden armored warrior can probably sense evil thoughts in people, so if I handle the money for the doctor, he will be relatively safe.

At this time, the paper clip made a clattering noise, as if I sensed something, and I quickly said: "It's coming, hurry up and set up the formation!"

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