Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 369 Kuixing Seven Evil Formation

"Set up the formation, what formation?" Li Mazi asked in confusion.

I retreated to the corner of the corridor, which was relatively open, and then placed the scalpels in the iron plate on the ground in the shape of a Big Dipper. Each knife was sealed with a Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva talisman, and then I untied the paper clips. Open it and scatter it all around.

Yin Xinyue shouted: "Brother Zhang, it's coming!"

The sound of rattling armor came from the stairs, and the golden-armored warrior appeared there, holding a bloody sword in his hand and looking at us sinisterly.

Although I knew it wouldn't kill us, I was still terrified when I faced that faceless face again!

I asked Yin Xinyue to hold the Peach Soul Flower and stand at the position of the Big Dipper, acting as the eye of the formation, and not to move a step.

I held the Sirius Whip, and Li Mazi and I held the doctor on the left and right, both for protection and as bait.

Everyone is ready!

The golden-armored warrior suddenly ran toward us, raising his sword high, and the scalpels and paper clips on the ground began to shake. Suddenly it seemed to hit an invisible wall, took a few steps back, and shook its head, as if it had been knocked unconscious.

I'm secretly glad that this 'Kuixing Seven Evil Formation' seems to be working.

The golden-armored warrior bumped into him again, and several Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva talismans were torn apart, but this time he still blocked it.

Yin Xinyue screamed. I looked at her hand and saw that the hand holding the Peach Soul Flower was cracked and bleeding.

When the formation was activated, the formation eyes could not move, so I could only say distressedly: "Hold on!"

"I'm fine." Yin Xinyue bit her lip and said.

The golden-armored warrior was bounced several meters away, and sparks were generated when his feet rubbed against the ground. He looked very annoyed and let out a weird roar from inside his hollow helmet.

The doctor said with a sad face: "Brother, I gave you the money, why is it still coming for me?"

"Have you ever done anything bad?" I asked.

"No, I'm a responsible person..." After thinking about it, he added, "It doesn't count receiving red envelopes. Everyone accepts them. We also receive red envelopes to give our families peace of mind and a promise."

"Did you receive the red envelope and also receive the values?" My eyes widened.

Yin Xinyue suddenly pointed at the golden-armored warrior and said, "Brother Zhang, look at its body."

The body of the golden-armored warrior began to flicker, and it seemed that this appearance could not last long...

The Hongyi Cannon only kills evil people, which is undoubtedly its biggest weakness.

Generally speaking, ghost creatures must continuously torture and kill people to gain strength. The more people they kill, the stronger they become. But the very principled red cannon only kills those who deserve to be killed, so the golden-armored warrior weapon spirit it transformed into cannot last long.

The golden-armored warrior was half-kneeling on the ground, and the flickering light became more and more intense. I seemed to see the outline of a cannon.

The picture was like a picture of a golden-armored warrior, and a picture of a red barbarian cannon rapidly alternating.

Finally, it transformed back into its original form, a huge pig-iron cannon weighing 800 kilograms, pointing its black muzzle at us.

"Don't be afraid, femininity has to follow physics. It can't turn into a cannon out of thin air..." I just finished speaking, and suddenly realized something was wrong. I saw the muzzle of the cannon was bleeding continuously, and I quickly shouted: "Get down quickly." Down!"

As soon as we lay down, a bloody cannonball whizzed past our heads. At the same time, the "Kui Xing Seven Evil Formation" was forcibly broken, and the seven Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva Talismans were torn apart at the same time, and the surgery was suppressed below. The knife flew up and stuck on the wall and ceiling.

The power of this cannon is simply unbelievable!

Li Mazi held his head and poked his butt, and asked me stammeringly: "Brother Zhang, didn't you fucking say there are no cannonballs?"

The shell hit the wall behind him, and a large piece of the wall was dented. Blood and brains were smeared all over the wall, and some skull fragments with hair scattered everywhere.

I said with lingering fear: "The shell is the head of the medical leader."

"What are you talking about, using your head as a cannon?" Li Mazi was shocked.

"It's gone." Yin Xinyue said.

The cannon disappeared at the top of the stairs, making a thumping sound, as if it was going downstairs. This cannon has become a spirit!

I suddenly realized that there were three corpses downstairs, and they were "loading".

The "Kuixing Seven Evil Formation" has been broken. I only have Peach Soul Flower and Sirius Whip in hand, neither of which can deal with it. I don't have the confidence to face this monster head-on, so I can only tell everyone to run away.

Li Mazi asked me if he could take the elevator down. I shook my head and said no. If the warrior in golden armor slashed at the cable, everyone would have to finish the game.

We went upstairs and escaped into an empty conference room. I briefly bandaged Yin Xinyue with a handkerchief, and then took a look outside. It was noon when the sun was shining brightly. If it were any other negative thing, this I definitely don’t dare to go out for activities during the time.

But the red cannon is different. Its attributes are extremely strong and yang. It should be at its strongest right now!

The doctor was very curious about our profession and kept asking questions. I was thinking about countermeasures and was annoyed by him, so I asked him to cool down.

Then I asked Li Mazi, could I ask the rich woman to send someone to deliver something? For example, newborn baby's hair, shroud, used aunt's towel, locust tree roots, crow's blood. Anyway, the darker the thing, the better.

Li Mazi was about to make a call when he heard Yin Xinyue shout: "Don't go there!"

I looked up and saw that the doctor stretched his head out of the door desperately and looked out. He immediately scolded him, but the doctor chuckled and said, "It's okay, that thing seems to have really left..."

Before he could finish his sentence, he groaned "Uh-huh" in his throat. He looked down at his stomach and saw the tip of a large knife sticking straight out from there.

With a crash, the golden-armored warrior kicked open the door. When he withdrew his sword, the entire door fell down on the doctor. The golden-armored warrior stepped heavily on the door. The doctor below screamed for help. His head was squeezed continuously. Soon, no sound could be made. Finally, with a puff, his whole body was crushed into flesh. The brains and blood exploded all over the floor, and a green eyeball rolled to my feet and hit my shoes.

The golden-armored warrior turned towards me, and I suddenly felt a strong sense of foreboding, so I quickly called Yin Xinyue and Li Mazi to come to my side.

It swung the machete in its hand and swept over a row of chairs next to the conference table. We quickly lowered our heads, and the chairs flew over our heads and smashed against the wall.

Immediately afterwards, the blade flashing with cold light attacked us like a demon!

I broke out in a cold sweat, this... this seemed a little wrong.

The ‘evil one’ is already dead, so why does it still attack us? Does it regard us as the accomplices of evil people?

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