Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 370 Hundred Ghosts Fighting Cannon

The golden armored warrior kicked the conference table, and the heavy oak round table rolled on the ground and hit me directly.

I just ducked to the side.

The golden armored warrior appeared in front of me in the next second, raising his machete. At that moment, I closed my eyes and wanted to wait for death.

At this time, Yin Xinyue grabbed the flowerpot on the window sill and smashed it against it. The golden-armored warrior was annoyed by the smash, and turned his face to look at Yin Xinyue.

I took the opportunity to take several steps back. The golden armored warrior noticed my movement, held the handle of the knife tightly with both hands, and stabbed me with the sharp end of the long pole.

What it holds in its hand is an authentic Ming Dynasty imperial saber with a very long handle and a spear-type thing at the end, which can be used to stab the opponent with a backhand in a horse fight.

I rolled on the spot to avoid this fatal blow, but the floor under my feet was shattered by the stabbing! The golden-armored warrior kicked me up with an angry kick and hit me against the wall. The blood surged in my chest and I almost spit out a mouthful of blood.

When I looked at Li Mazi, he was squatting by the wall, holding his head like an ostrich, and kept chanting: "You can't see me, you can't see me!"

My contempt for him is beyond description.

Yin Xinyue moved the flower pot again to smash it. While the golden armored warrior was distracted, I took out the Sirius whip, swung it from behind, and immediately wrapped it firmly around its neck, then pulled back hard and stretched the whip. Gotta be tight.

I shouted to Li Mazi to come over and help. He said "Oh" and ran over. The two of us grabbed the whip and pulled it back like a tug of war.

Unexpectedly, the golden armored warrior was not as heavy as expected, and its armor should also be formed from an illusion.

We worked together to pull it backwards, and it gradually lost its balance and fell on its back with a crash.

"Run!" I shouted to Yin Xinyue.

I quickly pushed open the back door of the conference room, and the three of them ran out. The golden-armored warrior in the conference room was slowly getting up.

"Damn it, why did this thing suddenly start attacking us?" Li Mazi asked.

"I don't know, maybe someone is controlling me..." I said.

When I ran to the end of the corridor, I heard a squeaking sound. When I looked back, I saw that the prototype of the red cannon had appeared, and it was spinning its wheels and rushing behind.

Its barrel was dripping with blood, and there must be a head stuffed inside. It was dangerous to stay in a straight line with it, so we rushed to the stairs.

Li Mazi was about to run down, but I stopped him and told him to run to the rooftop.

This thing is not afraid of sunlight, and it will not help if it is introduced outside. Instead, it will harm more innocent people. Simply lead it to the rooftop, and then find a way to make it fall down.

The cannon is made of pig iron. If it falls from a height of sixteen stories, it will definitely shatter into pieces.

I have given up my life, and I don’t want this evil thing anymore, I just want to be able to get rid of it!

It was really hard work to climb up to the sixteenth floor in one breath, but the cannon kept chasing us, and we couldn't stop to take a breath. As we were approaching the rooftop, I suddenly found that the door to the rooftop was locked. Suddenly discouraged.

" seems to be coming." Li Mazi said, and the sound of cannons coming upstairs was indeed heard below.

If a cannon hits the stairs and you can't hide even if you want to, I suggest you go to the sixteenth floor to take shelter for a while.

The sixteenth floor is used for offices and meetings. It is currently idle with no lights on.

As soon as we stepped into the corridor, the sound of armor scraping came from the stairs. Li Mazi said with emotion: "I used to think that in this business, I would only collect a few haunted bowls and shoes. If I had known, I would be chased by evil things." If I don’t want to be cut off, I might as well listen to my siblings’ opinions and enter the entertainment industry.”

"You still have the nerve to say that when it's time to step forward, you can run faster than a rabbit!"

I held Yin Xinyue's hand. When I thought about the scene where she sacrificed her life to save me, I was very moved. Looking at Li Mazi who is greedy for life and afraid of death, this is the contrast of human nature!

The sound got closer and closer, and Li Mazi said nervously: "The cannon is coming. Brother Zhang, do you have any plans?"

"Yes, it comes from one end, and we run to the other end." I said.

It's not that I'm a coward. I don't have anything to deal with it right now, so I can't be asked to fight it hand-to-hand.

"Brother Zhang!" Yin Xinyue kept patting me: "Something flew in."

I looked out the window and saw a paper crane flying in slowly.

I was overjoyed. The man in the t-shirt must be nearby, but the paper crane actually had something in its mouth. When it flew closer, I saw clearly that it turned out to be a condom!

The condom was bulging with red liquid, and the paper crane flew steadily into the window and landed in front of us.

I opened the condom and smelled it, and Yin Xinyue asked me what it was. I said, "Eel's blood... No, the smell is stronger than eel's blood. This is the blood of the black-bellied snake, which is the best thing for summoning Yin."

"Why did the man in the T-shirt give us this? A Taoist priest still carries condoms with him. It's really unseemly." Li Mazi said.

"He wants us to use the innocent souls here to deal with the cannon!" I said.

Time is running out now, and there is no time to set up any formations, so I wrote four words on the ground with the blood of a belly snake - 'Hundred ghosts are here'!

Grandpa said that language itself is a kind of curse, so when Cangjie finished creating characters, millet rain fell from the sky, and ghosts started crying at night, because once humans learn words, they master the power of curses!

As soon as we finished writing these four words, a gust of wind whistled in the corridor, making us unable to open our eyes, and the surroundings suddenly became dim.

Soon, the golden-armored warrior appeared directly in front with a big sword. His front foot hit the four characters on the ground and suddenly stopped.

A dozen pale and rotten hands stretched out from the ground, grabbing its legs. A person slowly climbed up, and his whole body was gradually revealed. He was a man wearing a hospital gown and covered in blood.

The golden-armored warrior raised his fist and smashed the wronged soul's head, several times, until the head was twisted and deformed. Ghost blood spattered all over the wall. The wronged soul fell to the ground and dissipated into a ball of black smoke.

Other ghosts also grabbed the golden-armored warrior's body and climbed up. The weight of the hundred ghosts actually forced the golden-armored warrior to kneel on one knee. It dropped the sword, grabbed the neck of an innocent ghost with one hand, and knocked their heads against each other. Down, the two innocent souls were separated in an instant.

However, it was hard for two fists to defeat four hands. No matter how brave the golden-armored warrior was, he could not withstand so many innocent souls scratching and biting on his body. Gradually, it was covered by a large group of squirming innocent souls, and the scene was extremely horrifying.

Yin Xinyue said: "I suddenly felt that it was so pitiful."

"Poor people must be hateful. Think about how it hunted us just now." I sneered.

I thought to myself, why did the cannon suddenly want to kill us? If it is said to be controlled by someone, who can control such a powerful femininity?

At this time, a shrill cry of a baby suddenly came from the corridor. Several ghost babies came out of the ground and pounced on the golden armored warrior to gnaw on them. They had sharp teeth and could easily bite the golden armored warrior. His armor was chewed into pieces.

These ghost babies are transformed from stillborn fetuses, and they are extremely dangerous because of the great injustice caused by their failure to be reincarnated.

Among them, I also saw a mother-in-law, a woman and a baby's vengeful souls connected by an umbilical cord. They pounced on the back of the golden-armored warrior and used a pair of sharp claws to peel off its armor piece by piece like fish scales.

These things are extremely powerful. Fortunately, the hospital's Feng Shui arrangement is very good. They are usually in a dormant state and will not come out to cause harm to people.

I told Yin Xinyue and Li Mazi to stop looking and run away while the golden armored warrior was trapped.

As soon as we turned around, we heard a loud bang. I was so frightened that I quickly looked at Yin Xinyue, then at Li Mazi, and finally checked myself. Fortunately, none of the three of us were injured.

It turns out that the Hongyi Cannon couldn't bear the entanglement of the wronged soul, so it changed back to its original shape and fired randomly.

The recoil of this shot caused it to retreat several meters away, leaving two bloody ruts on the ground. As a result, the innocent souls were blown to pieces. The corridor was filled with ghost blood and black smoke after the souls were scattered.

I heard a thud, and the cannon seemed to escape down the stairs.

I just breathed a sigh of relief when I heard the elevator ding. A group of policemen rushed in and pointed their guns at us: "Don't move, put your hands up!"

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