Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 371: The Strange Story of the Golden Armored Demon

Six or seven people died in the hospital all at once, and we were running around the scene. Naturally, the police wanted to take us back for questioning.

We were taken to the police station. Before the chairs were warm, the rich woman asked a lawyer to bail us out.

Fortunately, the hospital surveillance captured the scene. The deaths of those people obviously had nothing to do with us. As for where did the golden armor warrior come from? I don't have the time to explain to the police.

After leaving the police station, the lawyer told us what the rich woman said. She said that the tycoon's brother Shen Hongbin had found a Hong Kong master from nowhere to deal with us and told us to be careful.

We said yes, and laughed out loud as soon as we turned around. Hong Kong masters? Shen Hongbin really knows how to find people.

I guessed that the Hong Kong expert was actually the T-shirt man, so the T-shirt man met us.

But since it is not convenient for him to show up now, there must be his reasons, and we are not going to tell the rich woman...

We took a taxi back to the store, I changed clothes, Yin Xinyue ordered some takeout at noon, and the three of us had a simple lunch.

After dinner, Li Mazi was catching up on her sleep on the sofa. Yin Xinyue wanted to go to a nearby Starbucks with me to sit for a while. I said she had something else to do and let her go by herself.

I looked through the books left behind by my grandfather, and sure enough it mentioned the so-called "Yaowu Generals". At that time, Yuan Chonghuan bought eight generals to guard Liaodong, which were eight red cannons.

Only this one is the most special, because Yuan Chonghuan once sacrificed the cannon with his own blood.

On one occasion, Yuan Chonghuan was besieged by the Qing army for three months and was cut off from the outside world. The city ran out of ammunition and food and was about to fall.

Yuan Chonghuan even turned his head pale with worry.

At noon that day, Yuan Chonghuan came back from the front line and fell asleep on the table. He suddenly dreamed of a golden-armored warrior kneeling in front of him and saying loudly: "The last general is willing to lead a team of elite soldiers to break out of the siege and kill Nurhaci!"

Yuan Chonghuan immediately agreed, but he didn't know how many soldiers were needed, and there were not many soldiers available in the city.

The golden-armored warrior replied calmly, eight people are enough.

When Yuan Chonghuan woke up, he realized that it was just a dream and couldn't help but sigh.

At this time, there was a commotion outside, and his subordinates came in to report that eight golden-armored warriors had entered the Qing army camp.

Yuan Chonghuan climbed up to the city gate and saw that the eight men riding skeleton horses were fighting their way through the enemy troops. There were cries of ghosts and howls of wolves wherever they went. A large flag was planted behind the leader of the general, and the words majestic were written "General Yaowu".

Yuan Chonghuan immediately woke up and found that the eight red cannons on the tower were missing.

That night, the Manchu Emperor Nurhachi was inexplicably killed by a cannon. Seeing that the emperor was killed, the Qing army was so frightened that they immediately retreated. Yuan Chonghuan opened the armory and found that the eight missing cannons were back, but they were covered with scars.

From then on, he paid special attention to these eight cannons and even asked his generals to worship them every day with incense and fruits.

Later, Yuan Chonghuan was framed by a traitor and executed in Lingchi. No bones were left, but his blood remained on this cannon.

Until the Qing army entered the pass, this "General Yaowu" was secretly buried together with his clothes by Yuan Chonghuan's soldiers as Yuan Chonghuan's tomb.

Just after reading this story, Li Mazi's cell phone rang. He jumped up from the sofa and said to me, "It's the rich woman calling."

"What are you doing for?" I asked.

"She said that her husband was picked up from the hospital by Shen Hongbin and asked us to go there quickly. She would send a car to pick us up later," Li Mazi said.

"Tell her to come over in half an hour and I'll prepare something!" I said with a frown.

After Li Mazi hung up the phone, I made a list to Li Mazi and asked him if he could get the things on it.

The items on the list include: macaque blood, iron chains, seven-month-old stillborn babies, iron sand, pig blood, and TNT explosives.

Li Mazi frowned and smiled bitterly: "Brother Zhang, half of the items on your list are illegal. Where do you want me to do it?"

"Didn't you fall in love with a rich woman?" I laughed.

"That's right, I forgot about this..." Li Mazi quickly touched his head.

If it weren't for this, I wouldn't dare to ask for these things.

Being besieged by hundreds of ghosts in the hospital, Hongyi Cannon must be seriously injured now. It may take a day or two to show up. I plan to solve it all at once.

I called Yin Xinyue back, and a moment later the rich woman's car drove up, one of several black Rolls-Royces. She waved us in from the car.

The rich woman asked Li Mazi to sit next to her, but Yin Xinyue and I did not get this treatment. While wiping her tears with a handkerchief, she told Mazi Li that Shen Hongbin took the Hong Kong master to the hospital at noon. The master used some evil method to confuse the bodyguards who were guarding him, and then they took her husband away. .

I believe that the man in the t-shirt will not help others do evil. Perhaps he wants to gain Shen Hongbin’s trust by doing this!

The car did not drive to the hospital, but to a villa area, where Shen Hongbin lived. The rich woman said that Shen Hongbin must have kidnapped her husband here.

Sure enough, Shen Hongbin's sports car was parked in front of a villa.

The rich woman knocked on the door. After the servant opened the door, she couldn't help but rush in with her bodyguards, calling Shen Hongbin's name and telling him to get out!

Soon, Shen Hongbin appeared on the stairs, glanced at us, and sneered: "Sister-in-law, what kind of song are you singing? Isn't it a bit too much to unite outsiders to deal with me?"

"You bastard, you think I don't know what you are planning. You want to trick my husband into transferring the company's equity to you while he is unconscious!" the rich woman yelled.

"You're late, my brother has already signed the contract..." Shen Hongbin said with a proud smile.

The rich woman ran to the second floor like she was struck by lightning, and we followed her.

In a luxurious bedroom, the tycoon was sitting on a recliner in his pajamas. The DVD of the TV series "Yuan Chonghuan" was playing on the TV. He was watching it with gusto and did not notice anyone intruding.

I have finally learned a trick. I will do the same thing again when I meet the ghost of a historical figure in the future!

"Husband, husband, how could you do this to me! We are orphans, can you bear to see us living on the streets in the future?" The rich woman cried as she spoke, crying so heartbroken.

The tycoon looked at her with disgust: "Someone, someone, take this crazy woman away."

He is still Yuan Chonghuan now, and of course he is not recognized by his relatives.

Shen Hongbin made a gesture, and the bodyguards guarding the door immediately came in to drag the rich woman away. The few men brought by the rich woman were not vegetarians either. The two groups confronted each other at the door, and the situation was tense for a while.

In the end, the tycoon threw a vase and told them to get out. The rich woman reluctantly said a few harsh words and took the people away.

After getting in the car, the rich woman made several calls to people in the company. After the phone calls, her expression improved a bit and she said to us: "That little bastard lied to me. The equity has not been transferred yet. We still have a chance now!"

Li Mazi asked confused: "Mrs. Shen, didn't you say before that we just need to wake up your husband?"

"I can give you more money, Master. You must help me this time, otherwise we, orphans and widowers, will be helpless in the future." The rich woman said pitifully.

"How old is Mr. Ling?" I asked.

"The eldest, twelve, is in junior high school, and the youngest, nine, is in elementary school. They are still so young now, and they have been pampered since childhood. If I don't fight for more property for them now, how will they live in the future? Master, what do you think? no?"

Li Mazi nodded and said, "Yes, yes, pity the hearts of parents in the world."

Why did this sound so awkward to me? She kept saying "orphans and widows", as if the tycoon was dead.

Suddenly, it all dawned on me!

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