Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 372 The true face of the rich woman

The car drove around the villa area and stopped behind a banana tree.

The rich woman said something to her subordinates, who immediately brought an old man in a suit and leather shoes.

"Mrs. Shen, I am the person in charge of this villa. I heard that you want to rent a villa? Do you plan to rent it long-term or short-term?" the old man asked with a smile on his face.

The rich woman took Li Mazi's hand and said very politely: "Master, let me rent you a villa."

"How embarrassing, how embarrassing!" Li Mazi refused again and again, laughing so hard that he could hardly close his mouth.

"You have to stay and help me keep an eye on that little brat. Isn't it more convenient to live here every day?"

The rich woman asked Li Mazi if he had any Feng Shui requirements. Li Mazi thought for a while and said, it would be best if the house should be big, with a broad view, and a swimming pool or something.

I laughed secretly, Li Mazi really knows how to make demands.

The old man took us to see several villas, and finally Li Mazi fell in love with one, which was directly opposite Shen Hongbin's house. The rent for this villa is 5,000 yuan a day. The rich woman rented it for a month first and said that if she likes it, she can give us a set after the deal is completed.

Li Mazi burst into laughter and kept saying, "How embarrassing is this?" Suddenly he remembered what I told him, and immediately took out the list and asked the rich woman to help him get the items on it.

The rich woman agreed immediately, and then said she would leave beforehand, and someone would send the things shortly.

After the rich woman left, Li Mazi leaned on the sofa and said, "Oh, I have never lived in a villa in my life. If that doesn't work, I have to call Ruxue and Xiaomeng over to enjoy it together..."

"Do you really think you are here to enjoy yourself? By the way, I have something to tell you." I suddenly sat down seriously.

"What's wrong?" Li Mazi asked in surprise.

"We may have thought wrong about this from the beginning. The real bad guy is not Shen Hongbin, but the rich woman!" I said.

"What!?" Li Mazi was shocked: "This doesn't make sense. Why did she want to harm her husband?"

"It's just for money." I sneered again and again.

Those brain surgeons in the hospital received huge red envelopes and were then killed by the golden armored warriors. This fact itself is very strange.

That was not a red envelope at all, but hush money. The rich woman must have told them what tricks they did during the operation to turn the tycoon into a vegetative state, and then killed him and silenced him after the operation was completed.

This shows that she must have some way to control the red cannon.

Another example is that when I found out that the doctor had accepted the red envelope, the warrior in golden armor went against his own principles and came to hunt me down, which can also prove this point.

But the clues I have now are too few, it's just a guess.

Li Mazi said: "In this case, why does she ask us to come forward? Just to put on a show for outsiders to prove that she loves her husband?"

"Did she invite us? You didn't take the initiative to post it yourself. Of course, I can't blame you for this. I'm also involved. Since this muddy water is flowing now, I might as well just deal with it to the end." I sighed.

"You can say that Shen Hongbin is a good person?" Yin Xinyue was dumbfounded.

"Both sides may not be good, but this rich woman is more sinister, so we have to be more careful." I said.

I was restless all afternoon, holding open the window from time to time to see if the man in the T-shirt came out from the other side. Li Mazi was at ease. He filled the swimming pool with water and swam around in it. This old boy could actually do breaststroke. He asked Me, who is better, him or Sun Yang? I would say that he is at best an emoticon of the prehistoric power.

Yin Xinyue turned on her computer and watched Korean dramas.

In the evening, someone delivered a large cardboard box. I carried the box to the living room and opened it.

There were two large plastic bottles containing salad oil, containing macaque blood and pig blood. I opened them and smelled them, and asked Li Mazi to smell them too. He immediately frowned and said, "Why does this blood smell so weird?"

"The rich woman mixed urine in it, so the blood cannot be used at all."

The iron sand I wanted was also mixed with steel sand. It was stillborn less than seven months old, and a few silver needles were inserted in inconspicuous places. The tnt explosive was a prop bought from someone who knows where. It was completely fake.

I really want to use these things to deal with cannons, and I don’t even know how I died.

"It seems that my guess is correct. This rich woman doesn't want us to get the cannon. She just treats us as clowns and wants us to be killed by the cannon."

"Damn it, people are really evil!" Li Mazi said.

I asked Li Mazi to go over the items on the list again, and he said worriedly: "The other items are easy to talk about. Doing tnt is illegal. You don't want me to be arrested, do you?"

I had to do the next best thing and ask him to go to the chemical store to buy some sulfuric acid or the like.

After Li Mazi left, Yin Xinyue ordered a pizza. After dinner, we visited upstairs and downstairs. Yin Xinyue thought this house was good and wanted to buy one to live in in the future.

I don't think I can get this villa without 10 million yuan. Although I made a lot of money this year, the expenses are also quite high. I told her that she couldn't afford to buy a villa, and since she was running around every day, she didn't have time to live in a villa.

Yin Xinyue smiled and said, "When we have children, I will buy one."

"How much money does your family have?" I stretched out my hand and scratched her nose.

Yin Xinyue said mischievously: "I won't tell you."

The golden sunset fell on the oak floor, and the curtains undulated in the evening breeze. The atmosphere was so beautiful that we couldn't help but get entangled. Just as the fire was burning, I suddenly found someone peeping outside the window.

I saw Shen Hongbin standing on the balcony opposite, holding a glass of champagne in his hand, looking at us with a sly smile. When I saw him, he waved.

I cursed a gangster and immediately closed the curtains.

After being interrupted, she was no longer interested in continuing. At this time, Yin Xinyue shouted: "Brother Zhang, there is something behind you!"

I turned around and saw that the little boy with braided braids next to the man in the T-shirt was standing there, looking at us without saying a word.

I was about to speak when he put his finger on his mouth and shushed, turned around and ran away. We followed him, and the little Taoist boy went downstairs, squatted in front of the big cardboard box, and pointed towards the cardboard box.

I opened the carton and rummaged through it, and found that there was a listening device stuffed inside the foam used for filling.

Yin Xinyue and I looked at each other in surprise. I angrily tore the bug into pieces: "Oops, our conversation just now was overheard. Li Mazi may be in danger."

After that, I called Li Mazi, but no one answered.

A few minutes later, his number was dialed back, but it was the rich woman's voice. At this moment, the rich woman's voice was extremely cold: "Haha, boy, you are quite alert. You guessed it right, your friend is in my hands."

"What do you want to do?" I asked.

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