Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 373: Weapon Refiner

The rich woman burst into laughter and said, "I thought you guys were just swindlers, but I didn't expect you to be quite capable. I've always loved talents, why don't you cooperate with me?"

I sneered: "Is this your cooperative attitude?"

"The person is in my hands now, you have no choice! You must get me the company's equity transfer contract, or bring my husband back, or else you will wait to collect the body of your friend."

I asked to hear Li Mazi's voice, and the rich woman asked me to wait for a moment. Then, Li Mazi's cry for help came over the phone. He only shouted a few times before he was gagged.

The rich woman said: "Don't worry! I will have people to serve him with delicious food and drinks. You can have a good rest in the villa tonight. There will be a strong helper to assist you tomorrow night."

"Why are you doing this?" I asked in confusion.

"Why would a woman be forced to this point? Of course it's for my children. If I don't do this, I won't get a penny of inheritance." The rich woman said through gritted teeth.

I heard something in her words, but she hung up the phone without giving me a chance to ask questions.

I scolded all the eighteen generations of the rich woman's ancestors, and the little Taoist boy said: "Brother Chuyi asked me to tell you that you are being watched now. You must be careful. I will come again at ten o'clock."

He handed me a charm folded into a triangle and told me to take it with me.

After saying that, the little Taoist boy walked towards the door and disappeared.

"This woman is so disgusting, she actually used such despicable methods." Yin Xinyue said angrily.

"Don't let Ruxue and Xiaomeng know about this. Let's find a way to rescue Li Mazi." I sighed.

"I know, do you have any plans?" Yin Xinyue asked.

I shook my head, stood up and took a look outside, and found many people in black suits coming and going there, probably arranged by the rich woman.

We had nothing to do, so we sat on the sofa and watched TV, absentmindedly. As eight o'clock approached, the lights in the room suddenly flickered, and hoarse shouts came from outside: "There's a ghost! Help!"

"What happened?" Yin Xinyue said worriedly.

"It doesn't matter, the man in the T-shirt should have made it." I replied.

At this time, the little Taoist boy came in from the wall and said in a childish voice: "Brother Chu Yi is casting spells over there. He asked you to do whatever you want to deal with it."

I immediately realized that this scene was for Shen Hongbin and also for the rich woman.

I had nothing to use, so I dipped the unusable pig blood given by the rich woman into a rag and drew a big formation on the ground in a serious manner. At this time, there was a knock on the door outside, and I asked Yin Xinyue to come. Open the door.

The moment the door opened, the little Taoist boy disappeared. The bodyguards rushed in with pale faces and begged: "Master, please save us!"

Although they are well-trained, they are still ordinary people, and they will immediately become confused when encountering such a thing.

I told them not to panic, and sat cross-legged on the edge of the formation. Then I muttered a spell, just to fool them.

After pretending for a while, the little Taoist boy's voice rang in his ears: "It's almost done. You can find a way to get out and go west..."

At this time, the lights stopped flickering, I stood up and looked out the window, and said to the bodyguards: "Okay, I have driven away those lonely ghosts."

They thanked me profusely and were about to stand up. I told them not to move yet and asked seriously: "Do you know the origin of the person who cast the spell?"

They shook their heads.

I threatened them and said that the other party had a lot of background, and with my skills, I could barely make a draw. Just now it was just a greeting, wait a minute.

There are more powerful ghosts coming in. If you don't obey my arrangements, you will die!

The bodyguards were so frightened that they nodded their heads and said they could do whatever I asked them to do.

"I have to go out and prepare some materials now, otherwise everyone will have to finish playing later." After that, I walked out the door.

"No, Madam has told me that you are not allowed to leave here even half a step." A bodyguard stopped me weakly.

"Do you want to die?"

Under my intimidation, they hesitated and called the rich woman.

A bodyguard got on the phone and told the rich woman about the situation. I heard the rich woman yelling on the phone: "He's a loser, give him the phone!"

I answered the phone, and the rich woman's tone was very angry: "I'm warning you, don't try to play any tricks, your friend's life is still in my hands."

I retorted: "What tricks can I play? The Hong Kong master who lives across the street wants to kill us. I just fought with him. He is very knowledgeable. Don't say I'm scaring you. If I die, he will come next." I’m causing trouble for you.”

"He dares!" I heard a sound of gnashing of teeth on the phone, and the rich woman finally let go: "What are you going to do?"

"Go back to the store and get some stuff. I promise to be right back."

"Okay, but the woman has to stay!" The rich woman finally chose to compromise.

I returned the phone to the bodyguard, told Yin Xinyue to take care, and then went out alone.

After I left the door, I kept walking west and came to a three-way intersection. Suddenly my jacket bulged up, and the trail boy's plush head came out of my arms. He pointed with his hand and said, "Keep going." This way."

"Why are you on top of me?" I was startled.

"I'm always here!"

Only then did I realize that it was the talisman it had just given me that was causing trouble.

The little Taoist boy is a little ghost raised by a man in a T-shirt. He can only move around him at ordinary times. If he is a little further away, he needs some props to support him, such as the triangular charm.

The little Taoist boy is in my arms, but he can't feel any weight at all, which is very strange.

I thought it would be great if I could have a little ghost someday. It would be convenient for giving directions and conveying messages. It could also relieve my boredom when I am bored.

I came to a park. There was no one here at night. The little path boy guided me all the way and took me to an artificial lake. I saw a man in a T-shirt standing facing the lake, as if he was admiring the sparkling lake water under the moonlight.

I said hello, the man in the T-shirt nodded to me, and the little Taoist boy in his arms disappeared silently.

"Why are you here and why are you helping Shen Hongbin?" I asked.

"It's a long story."

He grabbed a handful of stones and threw one into the middle of the lake, causing a small splash, and then told me the whole story.

Not long ago, there were several bizarre murders in Hong Kong. The man in the T-shirt first thought that something was causing trouble. After many twists and turns, he finally traced the case to an antique dealer. Unfortunately, it was too late. The antique dealer had already resold the evil thing. It was given to the wife of an oil tycoon in mainland China, that is, a rich woman.

The red cannon itself is not a powerful evil object, but some people use it to refine weapons. The dead people in Hong Kong were sacrifices for "refining weapons", so the man in the T-shirt will never let such a harmful thing go. To cause harm to the world.

So he traced it here, and for the sake of convenience, he took Shen Hongbin's order.

The so-called "refining", I once saw in the notes left by my grandfather, is to use some evil magic to force the femininity and the collector to establish some kind of master-servant relationship, but this magic has been lost for a long time.

Yin objects usually have certain limitations when it comes to harming people. For example, some Yin objects particularly hate heartless people, and some Yin objects just like to come out in the middle of the night to scare people, but once they are controlled by others, they will turn into crazy murderers, like This red cannon is the same.

I didn't expect that today, there are still people who can 'refiner weapons', I can't help but feel shocked.

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